Nasrallah: Iranian General's Remarks Distorted, Iran Itself to Avenge Soleimani


Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah noted Sunday that Lebanese media outlets have “distorted and falsified” remarks about Lebanon by a top Iranian general.

“He did not say that we are a frontline for Iran but rather a frontline for confronting the Israeli occupation,” Nasrallah said in a televised address marking the first anniversary of the assassination of Iranian commander Qasem Soleimani and Iraqi paramilitary leader Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

“Some excel in falsification and the distortion of statements,” Nasrallah lamented.

The remarks by Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, the chief of the Aerospace Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran, have stirred controversy in Lebanon, drawing several responses including from President Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement, who are key allies of Iran-backed Hizbullah.

“All the missile capabilities that Gaza and Lebanon possess were achieved through Iran’s support. They are the frontline for the confrontation,” Hajizadeh said in remarks to al-Manar TV.

Remembering Soleimani, Nasrallah said that “in Lebanon, we are concerned with thanking and appreciating the person who stood by us ever since the Israeli invasion.”

“I ask the Lebanese people who supported Lebanon in liberating its land? Who stood by the Lebanese and protected and defended them? Who supplied them with arms to achieve the 2000 liberation?” he added.

“Since the year 2000, the resistance has been protecting Lebanon against the Israeli enemy through the golden equation,” Nasrallah went on to say.

Stressing that “Iran's support for the resistance in Lebanon is not conditional,” Hizbullah’s leader pointed out that it is aimed at “defending Lebanon's land and sovereignty.”

“We are among the must independent resistance movements in history,” he said.

He added: “If there is a chance to benefit from the oil and gas, this will only happen through the blessings and missiles of the resistance.”

As for the possible retaliation to Soleimani’s 2020 killing in a U.S. drone strike in Iraq, Nasrallah said: “Some suppose that Iran will rely on its so-called proxies and friends in retaliating to Soleimani's assassination but this is not true... Iran is not weak, Iran is strong and it can retaliate at the appropriate time.”

  • 03 January 2021, 18:56

    Nasrallah: I will deliver another speech within days to talk about the domestic Lebanese affairs, the governmental situation, the port's investigation and other issues.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:37

    Nasrallah: Some suppose that Iran will rely on its proxies and friends in retaliating to Soleimani's assassination but this is not true... Iran is not weak, Iran is strong and it can retaliate at the appropriate time.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:31

    Nasrallah: The commander of the Aerospace Force of the Revolutionary Guard Corps of Iran did not say that the resistance is the frontline for defending Tehran.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:29

    Nasrallah: If there is a chance to benefit from the oil and gas, this will only happen through the blessings and missiles of the resistance.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:29

    Nasrallah: We are among the must independent resistance movements in history.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:28

    Nasrallah: Iran's support for the resistance in Lebanon is not conditional and it is aimed at defending Lebanon's land and sovereignty.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:24

    Nasrallah: It is true that we are a frontline and that Gaza is a frontline.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:22

    Nasrallah: Lebanese media outlets have distorted and falsified the remarks of Iranian general Hajizadeh.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:21

    Nasrallah: Since the year 2000, the resistance has been protecting Lebanon against the Israeli enemy through the golden equation.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:20

    Nasrallah: I ask the Lebanese people who supported Lebanon in liberating its land? Who stood by the Lebanese and protected and defended them? Who supplied them with arms to achieve the 2000 liberation?

  • 03 January 2021, 18:19

    Nasrallah: Iran did not abandon Lebanon and Syria despite its war with Iraq.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:18

    Nasrallah: In Lebanon, we are concerned with thanking and appreciating the person who stood by us ever since the Israeli invasion.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:11

    Nasrallah: We should honor these martyrs and offer respect and gratitude to them.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:10

    Nasrallah: We are loyal to our martyrs and greats. There is a duty to be loyal towards these great two leaders.

  • 03 January 2021, 18:09

    Nasrallah: I offer condolences to the family of the martyr Qasem Soleimani, the Iranian leadership and the family of the martyr Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis.

Comments 11
Missing kazan 03 January 2021, 20:51

I believe Israel has no problem with the existence of this organization, it is of no significant threat, if this was not the case , they would have eliminated this organization long ago. In order to keep the nation vigilant, strategists create enemies in fiction. and this nasrala is aware that his "raison d'être" is accepted by Israel.
how to get rid of them ?= Lebanese be united

Missing rami 03 January 2021, 21:30

Bonne année sos, cette phrase est une marque deposée. De toute manière, je l'approuve à 100%

Thumb EagleDawn 03 January 2021, 21:50

ٱللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ
© s.o.s

Thumb warrior 03 January 2021, 21:59

Traitor !

Thumb liberty 03 January 2021, 22:24

This terrorist himself said if Iran is attacked his terrorist organization will attack Israel. Now, he is trying to sugar quote it.

Thumb enterprise 04 January 2021, 00:42

He is hiding in Iran, his native country.

Thumb popeye 04 January 2021, 06:19

Nasrallah: Iranian General's Remarks Distorted

If so, why doesn't the Iranian general himself correct the misconception instead of nassrallah the iranian spokesperson.

Missing devere 04 January 2021, 11:42

this guy thinks he can stay calm and smooth talk his way out of this one..not likely you terrorist. the people see straight through you

Missing hammerhead1 04 January 2021, 12:18

Did the speech of a general in Iran, and the subsequent speech be a smiling terrorist killer to smoothen things over make you realise the reality of our helpless situation?

Missing phillipo 04 January 2021, 18:44

The only question is "Are there enough Persian virgins left for all the terrorists who would lose their lives?" if they thought they could attack Israel and get away with it.

Missing phillipo 04 January 2021, 18:45

How would the plane get to Tel Aviv?