Trade Unions Launch General Strike over Crisis, Political Parties Join In


Lebanon sees a nationwide general strike called by the General Labor Union on Thursday, protesting the dire economic and financial conditions and the delayed cabinet formation.

The strike garnered support from Lebanon’s wrangling political parties, including those in power.

The strike aims to protest political leaders’ failure to form a much-needed government to steer the country out of its multiple crises.

General Labor Union head Beshara el-Asmar asked in a statement the “economic bodies, merchants’ organizations, the Association of Banks in Lebanon to back the strike and allow employees and workers to participate in this national day.”

Several political parties, including al-Mustaqbal Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement, said they intend to take part in the movements. Similarly did the Association of Banks in Lebanon.

Comments 2
Thumb galaxy 17 June 2021, 14:32

"Several political parties, including al-Mustaqbal Movement and the Free Patriotic Movement, said they intend to take part in the movements. Similarly did the Association of Banks in Lebanon.'

Only in Lebanon! So they are demonstrating against themselves...?

Thumb CODE.961 17 June 2021, 18:15

You are correct galaxy, the FPM, Future Movement, Amal and Hezbollah using the Trade Unions and the deadbeat Beshara el-Asmar to demonstrate against the FPM, Future Movement, Amal and Hezbollah.