Bassil Says Berri Not an 'Impartial' Mediator, Urges Nasrallah to Intervene


Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil on Sunday said Speaker Nabih Berri has not been an “impartial” mediator in the cabinet formation process, urging Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to step in as a “friend” and “referee.”

“I entrust him with the issue and I entrust him with the rights. He knows that we are being targeted and that everything happening is aimed at harming us and he knows that we have made several concessions in the governmental file,” Bassil said in a televised address.

“I, Jebran Bassil, without putting any burden on you, would accept what you would accept for yourself. These are my last words regarding the government,” the FPM chief added.

He noted that the cabinet formation crisis has unveiled “more dangerous and deeper crises -- the crises of the system, constitution, practices and intentions.”

“We're defending our rights to protect our free existence,” Bassil said, in an apparent reference to the Christian community.

“You want to coerce us to take our vote of confidence in order to implicate us, hold us responsible and draw people’s ire against us,” Bassil went on to say, addressing PM-designate Saad Hariri and his allies.

“You will not take from us through pressure and people's pain and crises, nor through sanctions from the entire world, what you did not manage to take from 2005 until today. You are bothered by partnership and you do not want to respect jurisdiction! You also do not want reforms and you only want to get rid of us! You will not succeed in this!” Bassil added, referring to political rivals such as Hariri, Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid Jumblat.

Commenting on the structure of the so-called 8-8-8 government, the FPM chef said “real parity is 12 ministers named by Christians and 12 named by Muslims, not eight named by Christians and 16 named by Muslims.”

“This is called tripartite power-sharing and it is rejected!” he emphasized, referring to a system in which Christians, Sunnis and Shiites have equal shares in power.

Moreover, Bassil said the FPM wants the 2022 parliamentary elections to be held on time. He however added that his Movement is with organizing early parliamentary elections “if there will be a delay in the government's formation.”

Comments 27
Thumb SheikYerbouti 20 June 2021, 14:24

Bassil is so cute he thinks he can blackmail hassan nasralla.

Thumb thepatriot 20 June 2021, 14:54

Bassil speaks for himself and his thugs! Not for the Christian community!

Thumb gebran_sons 20 June 2021, 21:05

Bassil is the definition of Grand Treason, in addition for being the most disgusting and evil person in Lebanon. Any Lebanese with half a brain knows Lebanon is under Iranian occupation via HizbIran so called Hizbollah. An Iranian militia with brainwashed Lebanese responsible for protecting corruption, assassinating our leaders and opposition, and destroying our economy, democracy, sovereignty and independence. Hope Thawra lawyers are working on Bassil's file so we'll make sure him, Aoun, FPM leaders, and all traitors and corrupts rot in prison.

Thumb ex-fpm 20 June 2021, 15:24

Bassil: You want to coerce us to take our vote of confidence in order to implicate us, hold us responsible and draw people’s ire against us.

If you don't want to give the government a vote of confidence then why do you insist on naming 12 Christian ministers? and who appointed you as a spokesperson for the Christians in Lebanon?

Thumb justin 20 June 2021, 15:42

You probably know this as well: Bassil wants Hariri to fail and he will do that through the ministers he insists on naming. On the other hand, he will keep attacking the government and its failures that he contributed to in order to gain street popularity in preparation for the elections. He is so transparent and we all can see through him. He is really evil and corrupt.

Thumb 20 June 2021, 15:26

Nasrallah is a coward, he’s known for running with the hare and hunting with the hounds. He doesn’t stand by his allies whether it’s in corruption, terrorism etc.

Thumb galaxy 20 June 2021, 15:57

باسيل: هناك شخص يذكّر بأن رئيس الجمهورية ليس عنده لا صوت بمجلس الوزراء ولا كلمة باختيار رئيس الحكومة اي ان رئيس البلاد "صورة على الحيط"

Unfortunately for you Bassil this is the reality of the constitution! The Taef accord put the decision making process in the hands of the government which is shared equally between Moslems and Christians. So, stop your sectarian BS propaganda you pos!

Thumb ashtah 20 June 2021, 16:03

فيديو يستفزّ الناشطين.. باسيل يحتفل بعيد ميلاده

تناقل ناشطون عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي مقطع فيديو يظهر رئيس التيار الوطني الحر النائب جبران باسيل وهو يحتفل بعيد ميلاده في البترون.
وعلّق الكثير من المتابعين على هذا المشهد إذ وصفوه بـ"المستفز" خصوصاً أنه جاء في وقتٍ يعيش فيه اللبنانيون أزمة اقتصادية ومالية خانقة جعلتهم يبحثون عن البنزين والطعام والأدوية لاستكمال حياتهم.فيديو-يستفزّ-الناشطين-باسيل-يحتفل-بعيد-ميلاده

Missing 5-7doud 20 June 2021, 16:37

They didn't use birthday candles because next to Bassil they'd look like cha3nineh candles LOL

Thumb justice 20 June 2021, 16:14

What a 'Man'

Thumb galaxy 24 June 2021, 17:10


Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2021, 16:30

Ladies and Gentlemen: Today you have just listened to the future president of Lebanon. Learn people, learn!"

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2021, 16:30

"constantine 12 minutes ago
Allah yi7meek President Bassil"

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2021, 16:31

"libanaisresilient 4 hours ago
Long live Bassil the future President of Lebanese republic!"

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2021, 16:32

"constantine 1 hour ago
Without the FPM at the helm there would be no Lebanon.
Lebanon would be a province of ISIS reporting to Riadh.
The reason why Minister Bassil is being subjected to harsh criticism by thieves and traitors to stop him from taking their riches and beating them in the national treasury."

Thumb EagleDawn 20 June 2021, 16:32

libanaisresilient 13 hours ago
OMG another big step towards the Presidency! Long live Bassil! You're the Man!

Missing 5-7doud 20 June 2021, 16:35

Bassil's yet to understand that the fear mongering and lies that worked in 2005 are no longer working in 2021 not even amongst most FPM supporters.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 16:54

20 May ,2020

Gebran Bassil said on Tuesday that Washington and London should maybe learn from Lebanon how to run the country without a budget. We should maybe teach them how to run the country without a budget because Lebanon gets adapted to every difficult situation,” Bassil told CNN’s Becky Anderson on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum at Davos.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 16:59

"القوات": إن قوة المسيحيين وضمانتهم هي الدولة والدستور والمؤسسات، ولم يتراجع دورهم وحضورهم سوى بعد بروز أمثال النائب باسيل يستقوون بالخارج او السلاح غير الشرعي

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 17:04

"القوات" رداً على باسيل: هل من المسموح لرئيس أكبر كتلة مسيحية ولديه رئاسة الجمهورية ان يستعين بالسيد نصرالله ويجعله حكما في موضوع الحكومة؟

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 17:05

أي مسيحي في لبنان يملك العزة والكرامة والشهامة يقبل بان يكون السيد نصرالله او غيره مؤتمنا على حقوق المسيحيين؟

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 17:08

إن قوة المسيحيين وضمانتهم هي الدولة والدستور والمؤسسات، ولم يتراجع دورهم وحضورهم سوى بعد بروز أمثال النائب باسيل يستقوون بالخارج او السلاح غير الشرعي تحصيلا لحقوق خاصة لا علاقة لها بحقوق المسيحيين، ومن تستقوي به اليوم عليك ان تردّ الخدمة له غداً بالسكوت عن سلاحه دوره، وهكذا دواليك في تآمر ما بعده تآمر على منطق الدولة والمؤسسات.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 17:09

إن أكبر استباحة لحقوق المسيحيين تكمن في جعلهم في ذمة سلاح غير شرعي، وإيصالهم إلى الذل الذي يعيشونه بسبب سياسة المصلحة والسمسرة والفساد، فباتوا من دون كهرباء وبلا بنزين ومازوت ودواء ويعيشون من قلة الموت ويصطفون طوابير وطوابير في السفارات للهجرة من لبنان.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 20 June 2021, 17:10

لا تخرج مناشدة السيد جبران للسيد حسن عن سياق ما دأب عليه الأول من استقواء بالثاني بدءا من تحصيل وزارات وحقائب، وصولا إلى تعطيل الانتخابات الرئاسية لحجزها لفريقه السياسي، وجاء كلامه ليؤكد المؤكد بانه يمتهن الاستقواء بالسلاح من أجل ان ينتزع المواقع والمراكز في مقايضة مكشوفة: نغطي سلاحك، تغطي دورنا وفسادنا ومصالحنا وصفقاتنا.

Thumb barrymore 20 June 2021, 18:54

the FPM chef said “real parity is 12 ministers named by Christians and 12 named by Muslims, not eight named by Christians and 16 named by Muslims.”

So now he wants 50% of the government! And for the last 10 months he has been blatantly denying he wants one third veto power in the government. He truly is a lowlife who uses 'Christian' rights for his own agenda of corruption.

Thumb drone 20 June 2021, 21:27

Gebran Bassil put together this flash press conference directly speaking to his base to circle the wagons after Josep Borrell hinted, in his meeting with Michel Aoun, of new sanctions on Bassil, corrupt Tayyar cadres and Aoun's own advisers.

Thumb warrior 20 June 2021, 21:59

لفتت النجمة اللبنانية إليسا إلى أن “الناس ع أبواب الصيدليات والمحطات و المستشفيات عم تنبش ع لقمة عيشها والصهر عم بحصل حقوق المسيحيين مع الحزب”. وتابعت عبر “تويتر”، “ما في ضمانة لحقوق كل اللبنانيين غير الدولة، استحي بقا… خطاب شعبوي طائفي فاشل”.