Over 140 Stations Refuse to Receive Gasoline over Security Concerns


More than 140 gas stations have refused to receive gasoline from distributors because their workers are facing “troubles, blackmail and physical assault and are not being able to protect themselves,” the representative of distributors, Fadi Abu Shaqra, said on Tuesday.

In a phone interview with the National News Agency, Abu Shaqra called on security agencies and Internal Security Forces head Maj. Gen. Imad Othman to “protect the stations that are performing their duties.”

Asked about caretaker Energy Minister Raymond Ghajar’s meeting with MPs last week and what the central bank requested from him for the import of fuel to continue, Abu Shaqra said there was a proposal to adopt the LBP 3,900 dollar exchange rate to “ease pressure on the central bank,” reassuring that “there was no talk of lifting subsidization in a complete manner.”

Commenting on the fuel shortage crisis, the representative added: “Distributors and the owners of stations are not the cause of the crisis. The high demand in the market is rather leading to the quick consumption of the quantities that are being injected into the market.”

Distributors and stations are also “facing pressures and problems due to the shortages,” he said.

The fuel shortage crisis has worsened in recent days and many are blaming it on increased smuggling into Syria from the tiny country.

Long lines have formed outside gas stations in cities and towns across Lebanon, choking traffic. Motorists line up for hours to fill up but only receive rationed amounts of fuel. Nerves have frayed in the long waits and in a number of incidents, angry drivers have fired guns in the air to jump the line or demand more fuel.

Lebanon's cash-strapped government, which has dwindling foreign reserves, is struggling to secure fuel and subsidize imports that include most of the country's basic goods and medicine.

Comments 4
Thumb i.report 22 June 2021, 18:52

I wasn’t aware until last year that our gasoline was subsidized. It doesn’t make sense! The State is supposed to make money and impose hefty taxes on fossil fuel. So what if we pay $1.5 per liter. Everything would cost more and salaries would be proportionally higher.
It doesn’t make sense to bleed money on such things. The only reasons this is the case is because warlords have been in charge of this hell hole known as Lebanon till today .

By removing subsidies and imposing higher taxes and VAT , it would be able to genuinely target the poorest families and help them through a State program. Instead of this, people knock on warlords doors and beg for help. That’s exactly why they won’t change.

Thumb warrior 23 June 2021, 03:38

Gasoline was never subsidized! On the contrary it was a money making machine for this corrupt ruling mafia. When the price of oil was below $20 per barrel for a long time, you will still paying over $20 per "tankeh" when you should have been paying not more than $7 per "tankeh". What is referred to nowadays as subsidy is the exchange rate difference.

Thumb i.report 23 June 2021, 22:25

Thanks for clarification. Indeed, so basically it was profitable for the state for a long time until very recently because the LBP is worthless. This can be solved by matching the price with the real value of the $ on the black market though. But importations must still be paid in foreign currency.

Default-user-icon Realist (Guest) 23 June 2021, 16:57

You should take some courses in English. Your English is terrible.