Reports: Aoun Won't Have Blocking One-Third until Elections

A settlement was reached between President Michel Aoun and PM-designate Najib Miqati over the thorny issue of the so-called “blocking one-third” share in the new government, media reports said on Saturday.
The reports said the alleged settlement reassures Aoun over his concerns on Christian representation should the government assume presidential powers when his tenure ends.
It also guarantees for Miqati “the absence of the blocking one-third until the end of parliament’s term,” the reports added.
Under the reported settlement, two Christian ministers -- Georges Kallas and Najla Riachi -- “would not be part of the President’s share until the date of the parliamentary elections.”
The reports also said that the Free Patriotic Movement has agreed to grant its votes of confidence to the new government following this settlement.

Here is one Aouni minister:
بالفيديو: وزير الاعلام الجديد موالٍ شرس لنظام الأسد.. ونصرالله رجل العام بلا منافس!
قال قرداحي في اطلالات اعلامية انتشرت مقاطع منها اليوم الجمعة بالتزامن مع تشكيل الحكومة: “رجل العام هو الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، بسبب صموده على الحرب الكونية التي حصلت على سوريا ليُثبت انه رجل من طينة اخرى ، ونعم يستحق ان اخسر عملي في mbc واتعرض للشتائم والهجوم لأجله”. اضاف: “على الصعيد الدولي رجل العام هو الرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين وهذا هو الواقع. اما لبنانياً فرجل العام هو الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله ولا منافس له”.بالفيديو-وزير-الاعلام-الجديد-موالٍ-شر/

Here is another Aouni minister:
Walid Fayad
شبهات فساد وفضائح جنسية تطال وزراء في الحكومة الجديدة!
They call him 007 at work
0 value added
0 effective presence
7 sexual harassment complaints against him
He was fired by his previous employer for sexual harassment and sued by another company in Virginia.شبهات-فساد-وفضائح-جنسية-تطال-وزراء-في-ا/

Basically this government is composed of scumbags and won’t save Lebanon .

Totally inaccurate report. Aoun and the FPM did get the one third blocking vote through Najla Riachi . She was on Bassil's team when he was minister of Foreign Affairs. She is also the wife of Ambassador Butrous Assaker.

The reports said the alleged settlement reassures Aoun over his concerns on Christian representation
Load of Aoun BS. What about the representation the Christians of Beirut, Matn, Keserwan, Jbeil, Zgharta, Aley and Tripoli, who are still without representation in parliament? Will Aoun ever sign the decree to hold the by-elections there. Will Aoun keep stalling so to spare Bassil's FPM the embarrassment of a massive defeat especially in the Christian majority regions? Is Bassil's ego worth depriving the those voters of their right to be represented in parliament ? No one has been more selfishly harmful than Michel Aoun when it cames to the Christian presence in Lebanon.

Another Aouni Minister: Hector Hajjar
بالفيديو: وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية «العوني»: اقتدوا بالصين «وما تستعملوا حفاضات»!
اثار وزير الشؤون الاجتماعية حيكتور حجار المحسوب على رئيس الجمهورية والتيار الوطني الحر في حكومة ميقاتي، في اول تصريح له اليوم بعد توزيره موجة سخرية وامتعاض كبير لدى المواطنين اللبنانيين بعد اطلاق امثلة عن امكانية تحدي الاوضاع الاقتصادية والاجتماعية في لبنان مطالبا اللبنانيين بالاقتضاء بالصين وعدم استعمال الحفاضات.بالفيديو-وزير-الشؤون-الاجتماعية-الع/

If you don't know what "blocking one third" means, you don't "need to know" it.