Aoun Meets Lebanese Sea Border Negotiations Team


President Michel Aoun on Thursday met with the Lebanese delegation that recently held indirect sea border negotiations with Israel.

The National News Agency said the meeting was dedicated to “evaluating the course of the negotiations and the next steps after Israel signed evaluation contracts for gas and oil excavation in the disputed area, especially that this step contradicts with the negotiations course.”

Also during the meeting, the President handed the delegation a report containing “the phases of the negotiations since their inception and a complete strategy for the coming period in a manner that guarantees Lebanon’s higher interest in preserving its right to its resources in the Exclusive Economic Zone,” NNA added.

Comments 5
Missing HellAndWaite 23 September 2021, 15:25

How bold ... NOT!

Hezbollah forbid that he should: a) stop claiming ever increasingly large territory, and instead b) go back to a position from where a definitive border can and will be demarked, so that c) Lebanon can get MOVING on the economic activity necessary to exploit the find (other have made and which Lebanon is likely sitting on whist complaining about others' efforts to enrich their citizens' lives).

Missing HellAndWaite 23 September 2021, 15:25

How bold ... NOT!

Hezbollah forbid that he should: a) stop claiming ever increasingly large territory, and instead b) go back to a position from where a definitive border can and will be demarked, so that c) Lebanon can get MOVING on the economic activity necessary to exploit the find (other have made and which Lebanon is likely sitting on whist complaining about others' efforts to enrich their citizens' lives).

Missing phillipo 23 September 2021, 18:53

Is there any language that President Aoun speaks so that the message of the sane Lebanese "sit down with the Israelis and reach an agreement so that we can benefit from income from the natural gas" will be understood by him?

Missing 1948 24 September 2021, 13:57

Israeli stooges with fake news.

Missing phillipo 25 September 2021, 10:19

Once again you live as the date of your name. Grow up and come join all the world in the 3rd decade of the 21st Century.