U.S. Sanctions Jamil al-Sayyed, Jihad al-Arab, Dany Khoury

The U.S. Treasury on Thursday slapped sanctions on prominent Lebanese tycoons Jihad al-Arab and Dany Khoury and lawmaker Jamil al-Sayyed for allegedly benefitting from corruption and adding to the breakdown of the rule of law in the country.
The three "have each personally profited from the pervasive corruption and cronyism in Lebanon, enriching themselves at the expense of the Lebanese people and state institutions," the U.S. Treasury said.
"While the Lebanese people face daily struggles to access basic public goods, including medicine, electricity, and food, during a historic and devastating economic crisis, members of the Lebanese political class and their cronies operate with impunity to enrich themselves and hide their wealth," the Treasury said in a statement.
The Treasury said al-Arab has used close political connections and kickback payments to win important public contracts worth hundreds of millions of dollars in which he overbilled the government and, in an emergency deal to address Beirut's 2016 garbage crisis, did not resolve the problem.
The Treasury also said he won two government contracts worth $200 million after brokering a political deal in 2014 ahead of elections.
Khoury, it said, used his ties to already-sanctioned Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil to reap lucrative contracts "while failing to meaningfully fulfill the terms of those contracts."
"Khoury and his company have been accused of dumping toxic waste and refuse into the Mediterranean Sea, poisoning fisheries, and polluting Lebanon’s beaches, all while failing to remedy the garbage crisis," it said.
Sayyed, meanwhile, was accused of skirting banking regulations to move $120 million offshore.
"During the 2019 protests, when demonstrators protested outside his home demanding his resignation and calling him corrupt, Sayyed called on officials to shoot and kill the protesters," the Treasury said.
“The Lebanese people deserve an end to the endemic corruption perpetuated by businessmen and politicians who have driven their country into an unprecedented crisis,” said Director of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control Andrea M. Gacki. “Now is the time to implement necessary economic reforms and put an end to the corrupt practices eroding Lebanon’s foundations. Treasury will not hesitate to use its tools to address impunity in Lebanon.”
The sanctions order the seizure of any property the three have under U.S. jurisdiction, whether bank accounts or real estate or other assets.
They also forbid U.S. individuals or businesses -- including financial institutions with a U.S. presence -- from transactions with the three, effectively restricting their access to global financial and trade networks.
The Treasury justified the sanctions by saying that corruption has undermined the rule of law and governance in Lebanon, which is currently mired in a deep political and economic crisis.
Its currency has plummeted in value and people are struggling day to day, their savings locked in banks and inflation soaring. Even the central bank has come under suspicion for corruption that has fed the crisis.
Washington and global organizations like the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are pressing for across-the-board reforms, but political wrangling continues to stall progress.
In June, the World Bank said Lebanon's economic collapse is likely to rank among the world's worst financial crises since the mid-19th century.

Execution by firing squad it the only option for these traitors

شكرا أمريكا
Please add every MP, minister and president since the year 1990 to this list. They’re all first class crooks!

I listened with HORROR an interview on SBI of Jamil Alsayed by Walid Abboud. Walid is generally a good interviewer and a gentleman. However, with this deranged criminal with a distorted ego he failed miserably. Alsayed hijacked the interview as his own political podcast not allowing Walid to say a word or correct his flood of lies, as if it was a political add paid by Sayed. Sayed pretended defending sovereignty, justice, army and separation of power whereas he is top criminal responsible for reign of terror and intimidation and vendettas to serve his Syrian boss. He is corruption personified and the antitheses of democracy, freedom and justice. For any drop of justice he should have remained rotting in jail for his crimes and treason acts.

Sayyed, meanwhile, was accused of skirting banking regulations to move $120 million offshore.
Where did Jamil Sayyed get all this money from?!!!
Hang them all !

“الحزب”: نرفض إقالة قرداحي
وأضاف البيان: “إننا اذ نرفض رفضا قاطعا أي دعوة إلى إقالة الوزير أو دفعه إلى الاستقالة فإننا نعتبر هذه الدعوات اعتداء سافرا على لبنان وكرامته وسيادته. وإن (حزب الله) يندد في شكل خاص بمواقف بعض السياسيين اللبنانيين المأجورين وضعاف النفوس وكذلك ببعض الاعلاميين ووسائل الاعلام اللبنانية التي شاركت في هذه الحملة المدفوعة الثمن ويعتبرها إهانة صريحة لمسيرة الاعلام اللبناني بمجمله، وسقوطا خلقيا كبيرا وإساءةً خالصة إلى لبنان وشعبه وسيادته وكرامته الوطنية”.

بعد إدراج إسمه الى جانب السيد والعرب بلائحة العقوبات الاميركية.. من هو داني خوري؟
بعدما فرضت الخزانة الاميركية عقوبات على النائب جميل السيّد ورجُلَي الأعمال جهاد العرب وداني خوري، بتهم الفساد، إتجهت الانظار الى داني خوري لمعرفة الاسباب وراء شموله بلائحة الفساد، فمن هو وما علاقته بالنائب جبران باسيل؟.
وداني خوري، صاحب شركة "خوري للمقاولات"، هو متعهد سد بسري، وتربطه علاقة قوية بالنائب جبران باسيل. وبحسب ما هو متداول في ارشيف خوري، فقد حصلت شركته على عقد بقيمة 142 مليون دولار لطمر النفايات في مكبّ برج حمّود. كما أنّ خوري هو المتعهّد الرئيسي لمشروع سد "بقعاتة كنعان" حيث بدأت شركته بأعمال الحفر والبناء، بحسب ما يتم تداوله.
وأعلنت الخزانة بأن "رجلي الأعمال جهاد العرب وداني خوري والنائب جميل السيد ساهموا بنشاطهم إلى انهيار الحوكمة الجيدة ودولة القانون واستفادوا من الفساد في لبنان واغتنوا منها على حساب الشعب اللبناني ومؤسسات الدولة".

Jamil Al Sayyed is one of the most sinister people of Lebanon.
I will never forget how he encouraged the politicians to shoot at the protestors who showed up at their buildings in 2018.
This creature is of the worst kind.

Freeze their assets in Europe and US...those are the thieves of Lebanon.