Report: Israeli Commandos Ransacked Hizbullah Depots in Lebanon

Israel has recently carried out sabotage and espionage operations that targeted sensitive Hizbullah posts inside Lebanese territory, a media report said.
Israeli elite commandos managed to “destroy secret facilities inside these posts and to seize important information related to Hizbullah’s arms program, various sites and the means of communication between its combat units,” Kuwaiti newspaper al-Rai has quoted U.S. diplomatic sources as saying.
“Over the past months, Israeli elite forces conducted operations in various areas of Lebanon and entered into Hizbullah posts. These forces left messages to Hizbullah asking it to dismantle what is present in the manufacturing plants,” the sources added.
“At other posts, they left sabotage marks on the contents of the sites, while at other points they managed to obtain very precious information that exposed a lot of capabilities; means of communication and manufacturing; and other intel that is very valuable for the Israeli intelligence,” the sources said.
Hizbullah meanwhile managed to capture a man who was spying for Israel and had met with Israeli officers in various places in the world, al-Rai reported.
The spy informed the Israelis of the locations of important and secret Hizbullah and Iranian sites in Syria, the newspaper added.
The daily also suggested that Hizbullah sent the ‘Hassan’ drone deep into Israel “in response to the intelligence breaches that were made by the Israeli elite units, which infuriated and confused Hizbullah.”
In an annual speech on Wednesday, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah had warned Israel against carrying out any operations inside Lebanese territory.
“Should the enemy dare to carry out a certain operation in search of our missiles, it might face an ‘Ansariyeh 2’ operation,” Nasrallah said, referring to Israel’s 1997 botched landing on Ansariyeh’s shore in which 12 of its troops were killed.

Dude, seriously take a look at your overinflated ego- one that is symptomatic of pathology, to say the least. You are talking to a psychologist who can see right through your hapless defense mechanisms. Go get a job and rid us of your bloviating buffoonery and make yourself useful. I love getting you going- and you can't stop either! How dare anyone ruffle your feathers! Well, you've met your match and then some! Don't attack people without provocation next time. You attacked a totally innocent person who was sharing an opinion and corrected them. Don't do that again- it makes you look weak and stupid. Get lost.