Jordan Islamists Urge Boycott of Russia, China Goods over Syria


Jordanian Islamists on Sunday called on Muslims and Arabs to boycott Russian and Chinese products after the two countries vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Syria's regime over bloodshed.

"By vetoing the resolution, Russia and China have shown that they are taking part in the killing of Syrian people," Hammam Saeed, the leader of the powerful Muslim Brotherhood, said on the group's website.

"All Muslims and Arabs should boycott Russian and Chinese products in order to support the Syrian people, who demand freedom and dignity. The vetoes were against all Arabs and Muslims."

Saeed described the crackdown, which rights groups say has killed more than 6,000 people since democracy protests broke out in March last year, as "almost the worst in recent history."

Russia and China on Saturday used their diplomatic muscle for the second time in four months to block a resolution condemning the violence.

The other 13 countries in the 15-member council voted for the resolution, proposed by European and Arab nations to give strong backing to an Arab League plan to end the crackdown.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon Murad (Guest) 05 February 2012, 16:37

Lol, those Jordanian islamists sound a lot like our good friend tonyfarris.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 05 February 2012, 19:31

Unfortunately the world would be more than happy to help the free people from everywhere if they werent bearded and disgusting like these islamists or the Hezb. people that live back in the 10th century have no place in society. As for the ban of chinese goods, well, start walking naked on the streets , because every tissue you are wearing is probably made in CHINA...