Bassil warns against Line 29, says won't name Miqati as PM


Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil has warned against adopting Line 29 as it may result in "a political, media and perhaps military confrontation."

Bassil said that President Michel Aoun and Caretaker Prime minister Najib Miqati have agreed on an approach before negotiating with U.S. envoy Amos Hochstein who is due in Lebanon on Monday.

He added that there is no unified Lebanese stance regarding Hochstein's proposal and that Israel, the U.S. and "those in Lebanon who support Israel" are trying to stop Lebanon from starting extracting its offshore gas.

On another note, Bassil said he won't name Miqati for the PM post as he re-accused him of protecting Central bank Governor Riad Salameh. "On a personal level, I love and respect him," he added.

He named a number of MPs who, according to him, could be appointed to the post, lik Abdel Rahman Al Bizri, Fouad Makhzoumi, Nabil Badr and Rami Fanj. Bassil also mentioned Former President of the U.N. Security Council Nawaf Salam whom he said he does not support politically.

As for the upcoming Cabinet, the FPM chief said he doesn't want to be a minister and that being one in the last government was "a huge political mistake." He also denied having "ever" discussed becoming president with Aoun.

"I only become a candidate for Presidency if I announce it," he said.

Comments 6
Thumb ex-fpm 13 June 2022, 14:43

13 June 2022
the FPM chief said he doesn't want to be a minister and that being one in the last government was "a huge political mistake."

17 March 2019
“Today I will tell you something I say for the first time: I should not have become a minister… I was obliged for the sake of the FPM, the President and the country, but God willing, I will leave at the first chance, for the sake of myself, my interest and my position,” Bassil said at an FPM conference.

Thumb CODE.961 13 June 2022, 14:55

Did Bassil forget his FPM's hysterical "وقع يا نجار" campaign to get then minister Michel Najjar to sign the amended Decree No. 6433? Have Bassil's supporters forgotten the days wasted in a frenzy retweeting the "#وقع_يا_نجار" hashtag? Guess what! Michel Najjar obliged and signed draft Decree 6433 with the amendment covering "Line 29". Caretaker PM Hassan Diab signed it. Even Zeina Akar signed it! All three signed it over a year ago. Michel Aoun has not and will not sign. Bassil doesn't want him to sign either. So the whole "وقع يا نجار" campaign was just another Aounist lie or as most Lebanese call it "business as usual".
Q: How do you know Michel Aoun and Gebran Bassil are lying?
A: Their lips are moving.

Thumb doodle-dude 13 June 2022, 15:12

lol @ 'and "those in Lebanon who support Israel" '

Thumb EagleDawn 13 June 2022, 16:36

Ladies and Gentlemen: Today you have just listened to the future president of Lebanon. Learn people, learn!"

Thumb EagleDawn 13 June 2022, 16:36

"libanaisresilient 4 hours ago
Long live Bassil the future President of Lebanese republic!"

"libanaisresilient 13 hours ago
OMG another big step towards the Presidency! Long live Bassil! You're the Man!"

"libanaisresilient 23 minutes ago
You're the man!!! Keep it up!"

Thumb SheikYerbouti 13 June 2022, 22:10
