Reports: Shea says US keen on border deal as Washington and Paris intervene


U.S. sea border demarcation mediator Amos Hochstein is preparing to return to Lebanon soon, specifically before the end of this month, senior diplomatic sources told al-Manar TV.

“The indications coming from U.S. Ambassador Dorothy Shea point to U.S. desire to reach an agreement over demarcation,” the sources added.

Informed sources meanwhile told al-Binaa newspaper that the Naqoura indirect negotiations between Lebanon and Israel will likely be resumed soon.

“The file has reached its conclusions and several countries have intervened to secure a solution before September, especially the U.S. and France,” the sources added.

Comments 1
Missing phillipo 23 July 2022, 19:09

Informed sources meanwhile told al-Binaa newspaper that the Naqoura indirect negotiations between Lebanon and Israel will likely be resumed soon.
If there was really a government in Lebanon which was interested in reaching an agreement with Israel on the maritime border they wouldn't be waiting for a renewal of indirect negotiations, but would declare that in order to speed up matters Lebanese representatives are ready to sit down face-to-face with the Israelis and the problems would be solved in days.