Mikati: We are seeking to halt the collapse


Prime Minister-designate and caretaker PM Najib Mikati on Friday said that he is seeking to “halt the collapse” of the country.

“We need to address a lot of social issues and to organize the living matters and salaries so that we launch the rescue process and revive Lebanon,” Mikati said during his sponsorship of the launch of a touristic campaign in Tripoli.

“The problems that we are facing are the result of long accumulations and we have grabbed the burning cinder with our hand for the sake of salvation,” the PM added.

“We assumed responsibility while the country was in a state of total bankruptcy, and what we’re doing today is transforming the country from bankruptcy into insolvency,” Mikati went on to say.

“We understand the current crises and we know what the current inflation has done at all levels, in addition to the political conflicts that are blocking a lot of solutions,” he said.

Comments 1
Missing sanctify 30 July 2022, 09:07

Stop getting you news from TL. It has already collapsed!