Bou Saab meets Aoun, says September decisive for demarcation


Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab held talks Tuesday in Baabda with President Michel Aoun over a host of issues.

Referring to the sea border negotiations with Israel, Bou Saab said the talks are “going in the right direction.”

“Communication and contacts will intensify in September and we hope we will be able to reach a result,” he said.

“We don’t want to let go of optimism, but we don’t want to say that we’re pessimistic,” Bou Saab added.

He also noted that all Israeli and Lebanese media reports tackling the issue are “inaccurate.”

“The U.S. mediator has told me that there are conflicting reports in the Israeli media,” Bou Saab told reporters.

And noting that “the U.S. side is committed to giving the issue utmost importance,” the Deputy Speaker said Lebanon has “received a message that they will continue the efforts.”

“There are major complications but are being resolved one after another,” he added.

“The month of September will be decisive. If it turns out that the Israelis are intransigent and do not want a solution, Lebanon will have other choices,” Bou Saab warned.

Comments 2
Thumb gebran_sons 06 September 2022, 13:30

Lebanon will be better off with no agreement for now on maritime border demarcation with Israel. If agreement reached, Hizb/Berri/Aoun/Bassil will be stealing and bankrupting Lebanon's future generations as they already did with current generation. Aoun/Bassil have perfected corruption from nepotism to stealing tens of billions for ministries they control, blocking processes to appoint their cronies, and using government resources and assets to enrich themselves and their cronies. As to Hizb/Duo, they are the main reason Lebanon is bankrupt, destitute, isolated, and a beggar nation. No doubt they would sell future revenues from still to be discovered natural resources for more rockets, bulling, and arms/salary for their brainwashed militias just as in Iran. God protect Lebanon from these evils!

Thumb lebanon_first 07 September 2022, 17:22

Sunni and christian and druze and free shia


Amal and hezbollah shia.

Anong the lines of partitions of Walid Fares