Paris meeting to discuss 'settlement' as Qatar talks to Iran, Hezbollah


The agenda of the upcoming Paris meeting on Lebanon has “changed” and it might last for more than one day if the need arises, an informed political source said.

“Collective and bilateral meetings will be held among the delegations of the participating countries with the aim of reconciling stances to be able to devise a politically clear work plan for resolving the Lebanese crisis,” the sources told Annahar newspaper in remarks published Monday.

“The countries that will take part in the Paris meeting know that they cannot devise a comprehensive solution plan for the Lebanese situation without agreeing with Iran, which is something that will happen after the meeting, knowing that there are contacts with Tehran that are being conducted by Qatar in order to reach an agreement over Lebanon,” the daily added.

“Qatar will continue the contacts with Iran and Hezbollah to reach an agreement over the Lebanese files, especially the (new) president, knowing that the Paris meeting will not tackle names” of candidates, the political source said.

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