Hariri: I Will Bear Responsibility of My Solidarity with Syrian People

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Former Prime Minsiter Saad Hairi stressed on Tuesday that the Syrian revolution will triumph.

He declared: “I will bear the responsibility of my solidarity with the Syrian people.”

He made his statements during a ceremony at BIEL in downtown Beirut marking the seventh anniversary of the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“I am completely responsible for the previous phase in Lebanon. I am responsible for making concessions at one point and refusing to make concessions at another,” said Hariri.

“I am responsible for accepting the premiership and later leaving it,” he continued.

“I am ready to bear the responsibility of preventing strife between the Lebanese, Sunnis and Shiites in particular,” he added.

“I have borne this responsibility in the past and will do so again today,” he declared.

“As part of the March 14 movement, we are responsible for preventing strife and paving the way for freedom and dignity,” he continued.

“Lebanon is headed towards a new political phase due to the Arab Spring and the beginning of the end of the Syrian regime,” noted Hariri, who delivered his speech from his Paris residence.

Addressing the Syrian revolution, he said: “The rise of the democratic system in Syria will fortify Lebanon’s democracy.”

He therefore voiced the Mustaqbal movement’s readiness to cooperate with the Syrian National Council, “which we believe is Syria’s hope of building a new democratic system.”

Addressing Shiite fears that the victory of the Syrian revolt will pave the way for a Sunni campaign against them, he said: “We do not hold our Shiite brothers responsible for the assassination of Rafik Hariri.”

“We have chosen the path of justice, not revenge,” he stressed.

“Weapons do not have a sect or identity, but the reality in Lebanon is that a certain political party possesses arms …sects in Lebanon do not belong to this party or that,” he noted.

“Only the plan to construct the state should unite us and we are all destined to respect the state,” he stressed.

“Israel is our only enemy and let us defend our country together and be victorious for Lebanon,” Hariri remarked.

“The arms should only be directed against Israel,” he stressed.

He therefore renewed his call for Hizbullah to review its position on Special Tribunal for Lebanon “because protecting the accused will not eliminate the indictment.”

The indictment, released in August 2011, accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in Rafik Hariri’s February 2005 assassination.

The party has repeatedly refused to cooperate with the tribunal.

“Hizbullah’s insistence on protecting the accused will only emphasize its involvement in the assassination and the party should not fall victim to such a trap,” declared Hariri.

Addressing the crowd at BIEL, he said: “I am confident that I will be among you in Beirut soon.”

“Justice will prevail and the Arab Spring will blossom,” he stated.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:59

    Hariri: The changes we are witnessing require us to protect Lebanon from the dangers in the region. I am certain that I will soon be among you in Beirut.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:59

    Hariri: Efforts to escape justice will fail. The government must understand this. I call on Hizbullah to review its vision of the STL because protecting the accused will not eliminate the indictment.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:56

    Hariri: For a state to become a real state, it should control the possession of arms in Lebanon. We therefore call on Hizbullah to lay down its arms to avoid violence and guarantee that Lebanon will be a pioneer in the Arab Spring.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:51

    Hariri: Only the state protects us and we are all destined to live under the state.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:50

    Hariri: Weapons do not have a religious identity, but they belong to a specific political party. We know that Shiites support freedom and democracy in Lebanon and Syria. Shiites are a central sect in Lebanon.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:48

    Hariri: We do not hold our Shiite brothers responsible for Hariri’s assassination. We have chosen the path of justice, not revenge.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:45

    Hariri: We extend our hand for cooperation with the Syrian National Council.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:44

    Hariri: The victory of the Syrian people will pave the way for the establishment of democratic ties with Lebanon.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:43

    Hariri: The victory of the Syrian people will mark the real end of the phase of hegemony. The Syrian regime is heading towards its inevitable end.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:42

    Hariri: Lebanon was on the verge of once again being victim to a new phase of hegemony, but it was thwarted by the Arab Spring, especially the Syrian revolt.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:41

    Hariri: I am responsible for backing the Syrian people and their right for a democratic regime, and I am ready to thwart strife among the Lebanese, the Sunnis and Shiites in particular.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:39

    Hariri: Slain PM Hariri’s blood and that of the martyrs was victorious over 30 years of hegemony.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:38

    Hariri: I am completely responsible for the past phase in Lebanon. I am responsible for making concessions at one point and refusing to make concessions at another. I am responsible for accepting the premiership and later leaving it.

  • 14 February 2012, 17:34

    Former PM Saad Hariri during BIEL Rally marking former PM Rafik Hariri’s assassination: Sovereignty, independence, freedom, and justice will be achieved. We only have dignity to achieve, as being demanded by Arab people.

Comments 44
Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 18:00

Alla yirhamek ya Sheikh Rafic and may god protect you Sheikh Saad, M14 and the Lebanon.

Thumb Nade 14 February 2012, 18:27

Mowaten, you must be a mowaten of Iran please don't use lebanon emblem if you are not lebanese. which i think you are not.

Thumb bigsami 14 February 2012, 18:58

Mowaten....you need to catch up with time and realize old ways of ruling through nomadic practices are a thing of history. I'm surprised you have knowledge of using a pc and blog such as this. Never would God (who I beleive you and I worship alike) would support or commend barbaric methods of killing in his name....never!

Missing lebcan 14 February 2012, 19:40

Hmmmmm let see.... NOPE looks to me nade's english tone in his text looks and sounds Lebanese... And ya Saudis are really glued to www.naharnet.com

Missing lebcan 14 February 2012, 19:48

Oh ya forgot to mention ... Come on Assad!!! agree to demarcate the borders with Lebanon so Israel will stop using the excuse that ...NO NO NO this land belong to Syria not Lebanon... Come on you Assad Prick, words are not enough DEMARCATE!! you lying Zionists!!! you butchering Hypocrite!!.

Thumb sophia_angle 14 February 2012, 18:59

nice picture by the way he looks like alcapone :)

Missing lebcan 14 February 2012, 19:35

Hypocrisy 'mowaten' HAAA!!!! look who's talking...30 years the syrian Baath party never fired a single shot to reclaim the Golen, (Assad has layers over layers of Mukhabarat all watching each other and everyone else. They Betrayed even HizbAsslah by giving up the location of its general in Damascus to the Zionist. your leaders in Iran helped the Zionist and USA in Iraq... Hassen said '...we will never turn our weapons inward...HAAA!!!' HizbAsslah is nothing short of a cold blooded murdering machine...Mafia....!!!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 20:03


his responsibility is that he will become no body in political life.

Missing realist 14 February 2012, 22:23

he will probably be the next prime minister of lebanon, i also predict that hariri and nasralah will meet in the future and reconcile. Haje man, we want to live together in one country, quit this empty stuborness, you can't cancel the sunis or any other sect.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 20:04

the filthy zionist media terrorists cannot believe that there are many patriotic lebanese, so now they accuse people of being iranians.

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 21:29

oh but you are:) soooo many iranians flags in dahiye, your party is financed by iran , you obey iran, you train in iran...

Missing ayoor 14 February 2012, 20:28

stop the speeches and give us guns so we can destroy jabal ahbal and familia now

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 14 February 2012, 21:00

The time of the collapse of the Syrian regime is likely to take place sometime in march or April 2012. When this does happen, Lebanon will certainly be liberated from the clutches of the Syrian regime and its puppets in lebanon. These puppets will disappear one after the other and their existence will be uncertain and gone with the wind. lebanon will start building itself on a new basis. My only fear is the structure of Lebanon which is based on corruption! This is something that might be very difficult to resolve or handle. Only this is what lets be hold back; otherwise, the future looks bright and sanguine.

Missing realist 14 February 2012, 22:26

My shee3i friend just got a job offer in saudi arabia. He couldnt find a job in tehran. many she3a lebanese work in saudi. we have to live together in harmony. Khalas, game over for one party hegemony in lebanon

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 22:29

the filthy zionist media war terrorist hallucinate about iran this iran that, and also they hallucinate about getting more weapons from usa to deal with me.

imagine the zionist entity having all weapons they have and still not capable to deal with me and my family.


Missing peace 14 February 2012, 22:41

waw! jabalahbal comedy show is getting better by the hour! frustration makes you hilarious! thx my zionist frustrated friend!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 23:17

the filthy zionist media terrorists are in manical state

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 23:20

when certain member of zionist information war department transfer from manical to depressive state than his boss removes him.

that's why they always appear to being in manical state

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 00:07

yess! sooo good post here! reaaaally hilarious, but you can do better!

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 01:00

the filthy zionist scum have put new sentence in their answering software.

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 01:45

i see you are geting annoyed poor you! didn t mean too cause i love your comedy shows!!!!!!!!!

Thumb truth 15 February 2012, 11:45

the filthy fake mullah resistance information war department that get paid minimum wage with devaluating iranian currency is again going full swing being hysterical and accusing everybody of hallucinating. Yes the whole world except Iran, Syria and Hezbollahstan is hallucinating. The zionests must have turned on their mind control machine for everybody in the world to think the same except the three filthy stooges.

Thumb ado.australia 15 February 2012, 00:32

Wow... He managed to read that speech fairly well without too many mistakes. His "speech writers" must be very proud. He is now a man of responsibility... Too bad he wasn't that man when he was PM, galavanting around the world, and living most of his time at home in Ryahd.

A man of responsibility would be in Lebanon. (broken leg or not. I can recal a relatiive of Saadadins, who had a broken arm once and continued his responibilities)

Default-user-icon aouni (Guest) 15 February 2012, 03:33

you are a cunt

Missing allouchi 15 February 2012, 22:30

ur mamma

Default-user-icon assassins (Guest) 15 February 2012, 19:01

I can recal a relatiive of Saadadins, who had a broken arm once and continued his responibilities"..... and where is that relative of his now???... oh yes he was blown up with a 1000kg explosive... so yes u r right he must come back to lebanon coz u r not able to carry a 1000kg of explosives to france

Missing startrip 15 February 2012, 02:59

To the vermin:
If you choose the ad hominem approach against Hariri, at least try to be creative and entertaining. Don't be so predictably boring. Your attempt at ludic humor is ludicrous.

To the grown ups:
Hariri's position is correct and admirable.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:40

mfawaz: "our glorious resistance" in my copyright. of course you can use it, but ask me first.

by the way are you the one who were on real news?

secondly i see that zionist information war department is working overtime in order to counter my increased activity.

poor people. now i made them work overtime, and still they are useless

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:21

little saudi boy wants to rule Lebanon again. You only have one hope and you know it: Only if israel takes out HA you will be back in power. I say you already are talking with them big.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 08:36

arzz you really believe in such impossible scenario?

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:44

Nope just stating what saudi boy is probably thinking. His other hope is that the brotherhood takes over in syria. You have to at least give the saudi boy the right to dream on.

Default-user-icon Marco (Guest) 15 February 2012, 09:19

At this point in time the "brotherhood" would be a much better alternative to the butcher of Damascus .Besides I am sick of people speculating about who will replace the Baath party rule insituating that any sunni party has to be salafist .False propaganda emanating from disoriented people hanging on to power that is about to slip from their control..

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 17:15

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate that muslim brotherhood would be better than current regime.

Thumb truth 15 February 2012, 11:39

As if supporting the syrian regime that is murdering its own people in the thousands for the sake of resisting is real is not. You are retarded.

Thumb lebneneh 15 February 2012, 13:07

I respected his father but to follow Saad just because he is the son of Rafik is ludicrous! He has no vision no charisma and very often behaves like a child in a playground! Unfortunately very few figures in the Lebanese political arena are any better than him!

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 17:17

if i got this manical guy right, he wants open war on our glorious resistance.
maybe i got him wrong.

but posting 10 times in a row makes him lunatic, no matter the political side.

naharnet editors do something.

Missing lebcan 15 February 2012, 20:13

jabalamel ... I never agree with you but your Comments this time are right ...Laughed so hard. hahhahahahahaahahahahahaahhahaha
Bipartisan I do agree with you also but not the open war thing man... Relax Dude.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 21:34

the filthy zionist media terrorists cannot agree with each other whether open war is needed or not

Thumb Abubakr 15 February 2012, 18:33

slash , you dont get to have any ministers , its all ours

Thumb Abubakr 15 February 2012, 18:34

you guys just follow and watch the action with some nice popcorn

Thumb Abubakr 15 February 2012, 18:39

Bipartisan ..Saad can not open war, because hes fighting a religious group who have religious reasons for their cause, you will be opening a holy war..and holy wars require people who religious not secular, so i think hariri should step down, and let the real muslims handle them !

Thumb Abubakr 15 February 2012, 18:43

Muslims cant be ruled by secularists hariri is , that why we are where we are ! a religious group came , and yes hezb does have a better cause than hariri, but doesnt give hezb the right to impose its ideologies on us, but they insist on doing so, so let the real men of the ummah, the people who fought the crusades on that same land, handle, these Sassanid waves coming from Persia who still Hallucinates of their non muslims empire in the pre islamic history

Default-user-icon Lamba (Guest) 15 February 2012, 20:55

Surely he will and as he did with his Lebanese fans: by running as far away from them and as fast as possible.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 21:34

the caliphate maniac hallucinate something about sassanids