Israeli FM warns UN Security Council that if it doesn’t act against Hezbollah, Israel will


Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has sent a letter to the United Nations Security Council regarding the situation on Israel’s shared border with Lebanon in which he decried that Iran has been transferring weapons to Hezbollah in violation of Resolution 1701, Israel’s Channel 12 has reported.

In the letter, Katz alleges that Iran is transferring weapons via land, air and sea, and details the exact components that are being transferred and what they are being used for.

According to Katz, the weapons are moved from Iran to Iraq and from there they are smuggled into Syria. At that point, they are transferred across the border to Lebanon, he says. To back up his claims, Katz provided the U.N. with the “exact dates” of recent transfers.

“The Security Council must also call on the Lebanese government to fully implement its decisions, take responsibility and prevent attacks from its territory against Israel, and ensure that the area up to the Litani River is free of military presence, assets or weapons,” Katz wrote.

“Israel reaffirms its fundamental right to do whatever it needs within international law to protect its citizens from these heinous violations,” he added.

Comments 1
Thumb 25 February 2024, 02:31

أَحِبُّوا بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضاً مَحَبَّةً أَخَوِيَّةً، مُفَضِّلِينَ بَعْضُكُمْ بَعْضاً فِي الْكَرَامَةِ.