LF: Hezbollah must legalize Qard al-Hassan, 'era of chaos' no longer acceptable
The Lebanese Forces said Wednesday that Hezbollah must legitimize all its institutions, including the al-Qard al-Hassan financial institution, amid reports that Hezbollah will reopen its branches after being hit by Israeli airstrikes.
The Israeli army had targeted during more than 13 months of war in Lebanon branches of al-Qard al-Hassan in south and east Lebanon, and in Beirut and it's suburbs.
The Lebanese Forces' media office said that practices and policies that do not respect the state, the laws and the constitution are no longer acceptable, calling on Hezbollah to legalize all its institutions.
"The time has come for the return of the state," the LF said, dubbing Hezbollah's policies "an era of chaos" that is no longer acceptable as "Lebanon enters a new national phase".