Shiite Duo says not obstructing government's formation

A senior Shiite Duo official has said that Hezbollah and the Amal Movement have been “the bloc that has facilitated the PM-designate’s mission the most.”
“Our matters our clear, there are no complications from our side, and the accusations that we are obstructing are untrue,” the official told al-Joumhouria newspaper in remarks published Thursday.
“As for clinging to the finance portfolio, it is part of national balances, especially that the Shiite community does not have a signature on decrees,” the official said.
“They are accusing us of blackmail, but let them tell us what we have taken. We are keen on adhering to national consensus, especially during this period, and to the Taif Agreement and the constitution, and we support everything that facilitates formation,” the official added.
“Hezbollah’s new leader talked in five consecutive speeches about building the state, and accordingly the Duo will neither obstruct nor impede, but will rather facilitate,” the official went on to say.

PM Salam great honor is for his cabinet NOT to receive Duo vote of confidence and not include partisans. That’s the only way to be consistent with the president’s oath that raised the hopes of all Lebanese and revived the civilized world interest in helping Lebanon. Salam main tasks are to disarm all militant groups, implement serious reforms, institute modern digitized transparent government operation and services, serve the people without the need of Zuama wasta, and bring corrupt political leaders and their cronies to justice. The Duo want others to rebuild their communities while still hiding arms & protecting corrupt system. Any government member representing Duo interests is a poison pill and a stab in the back of all honest Shia suffering from Hizb armed oppression and Berri corruption. Be courageous as all Lebanese including the majority of Shia are behind you to rid Lebanon of militias and corruption so foreign aid to rebuild becomes possible.

Stopping Duo lies! From the dozens political and survey groups in Lebanon filling the talking head shows, would anyone simply survey the percent of Shia that will support Hizb arms if this prevent receiving rebuilding grants from donor nations and delay reforms necessary for recovery? I doubt even HizbIran mercenaries will be in favor! That will show true percent of Shia Duo represents.