Authorities Seek to Regulate Chaos of Special Passports

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Speaker Nabih Berri is expected to discuss with the Parliament’s Bureau on Monday complaints that Special Passports are being granted to people not entitled to get them in contravention with the Vienna Convention that regulates diplomatic relations.

Berri brought up the issue with President Michel Suleiman and Premier Najib Miqati after he learned that high-ranking military personnel, judges, advisors of ministers and even some journalists and clergymen were being granted the passports, An Nahar daily said.

Special Passports are restricted to ministers, current and former lawmakers and directors-general.

Both the majority and opposition MPs agreed during the last meeting of the parliamentary foreign affairs committee to strengthen the rules and prevent those not entitled to the passports from receiving them, the newspaper said.

It quoted informed sources as saying that efforts are exerted to adopt a draft-law that would limit the Official or Diplomatic Passport to heads of state and the current speaker and prime minister.

The draft-law would also allow the heads of Christian and Muslim religious sects to receive the Official Passport, while ministers and current and former MPs would be granted the Special Passports.

Discussion is also underway whether to keep the Special Passports with judges, the sources said.

They added that a director-general or a judge or a top military officer would be granted a Mission Passport if the person involved is on an official mission abroad on condition that the Foreign Ministry and the General Security Department take strong measures while granting this type of passports and limit their validity to the date of the mission.

The draft-law would also stress that Diplomatic Passports would remain with the members of the diplomatic corps as stated by the 1961 Vienna Convention, the sources stressed.

According to An Nahar, the Central Bank has copies of around 7,000 Special Passports that are being delivered to the Foreign Ministry based on official recommendations from it.

Comments 6
Default-user-icon bestahi oul enny lebneni (Guest) 19 March 2012, 10:02

chou halbahdaleh ....charcha7tou esem lebnen ....wlok byekfi...aktar men haik in7itat ma ba2a fi...de3anak ya lebnen...mashallah 3a haik siyessiyine w 7ekmin...charcha7at..

Missing aris 19 March 2012, 10:09

Worthless document anyway, stop giving hassouni & familia then we may have some respect for Lebanese passport

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 19 March 2012, 15:16

The Lebanese passport whether normal or special is worthless and its holder has to wait ages at embassies to get a visa; that's if he gets one. In all possibilities he will not. The lebanese had brought unto themselves the tragedy of having their passport, which at some point before the war was gold, deminished to nothing thru their constant squablings and war initiations. The Lebanese are witty but also stupid. Educated but also illitrates. Appear sane but in reality are insane. This country called Lebanon is a shame all the way thru. We lebanese try to hide our nationality when asked simply because we're unfortunately ashamed of saying so because people would think we're criminals. I for one am Canadian and can connive being Lebanese but those who are not stand confused.

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 19 March 2012, 16:50

@ trueself, disrespt. BUT, could you just not talk in circles?

Default-user-icon Snatch (Guest) 19 March 2012, 15:30

Funny that you pay a 20euros fees for a european passport for 10 years while you pay around 200euros for a lebanese passport that expires in 5 years.

Default-user-icon selyshe (Guest) 19 March 2012, 16:05

I wonder if the Hezballah terrorist that was caught in Egypt had one of those, if you recall the Passport was issued legitimately but under a fake name.