RYV Hacks Lebanese Govt. Sites Again, Enables Facebook Users to Post Messages
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThe hacktivist group Raise Your Voice hit again on Thursday, hacking around 10 Lebanese government websites, the second such attack in nine days.
“We are RYV, short for Raise Your Voice, and we are simply a group of people who could not bare (sic) sitting in silence, watching all the crimes and injustice going on in Lebanon. We will not be silenced and brainwashed by your media. We will not stop until the Lebanese people mobilize, demand their rights, and earn them,” said the group’s message posted on the hacked websites.
The same message was posted during the previous attacks. However, the group added something new this time, a plugin that enables facebook users to post their own messages on the hacked websites.
“Write your message to the dear Lebanese government,” read a headline above the facebook messages.
RYV also stressed that it does not "belong to or support any political group."
The group has recently vowed to continue hacking government websites until the Lebanese people earn the rights they are asking for and until living standards are improved.
“We will not stop until this government's self-made problems are solved, like the power shortage, water shortage, rise in gas prices and rise in food product prices,” the group has said.
The activists once again posted a caricature on the home page of the websites depicting a skinny man, representing the people, feeding a fat man described as the government.
The group previously hacked several government sites in early March.
Below is the list of the websites that were hacked on Thursday:

way to go guys
but please if you can help the goverment by hacking our leaders and first level employees bank accounts and reveal it to the public

goog job guys
could you please hack bank accounts of our dear clean leaders and first class employees bidaouleh and make them public

good work.
this shows how much this government of illeterate knows how to install proper protection measures.

Yeah but again, the Lebanese people are so hooked up behind their political leaders that they won't budge or do anything!
Any movement or protest will be twisted to sound political

The Living standards of Lebanon have dramatically decreased under this criminal government controlled by Hizbshitan... Hacking is the only safe way to complain without been searched out and arrested ... i.e. like in Syria... and we know what happens after ... If you want FT, go to those web sites and post your comments like the rest but say your 2 cents and tell the Hizbshitan they are doing a wonderful job running this country. LOL

....Pre 2008 Barral of oil was about $150 and the Tank (20L) would cost about 35000LL
now at only $110 the Tank costs 40000LL !!!!!!!!!

honestly i think this is done by our beloved government like a marketing plan or a silly strategy to promote their websites!! since i personnaly am not familiar with more than one or two of the list mentioned before :p

Perhaps we should introduce an annual "vote of confidence" mechanism similar to a report card for students for all elected members of parliament if during this annual checkup an elected official is not performing his duties to the best of his ability his electorate should be able to put him on notice and then replace/fire that individual

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yes even the cia got hacked but by master hackers :)
the lebanese government websites have no protection at all, and a kid can hack into them easily.
this is the core of my business, so I think i understand a bit about this matter :)