Hariri Says Jalili's Visit 'Unwelcome', Slams 'Suspicious Objectives'

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Former prime minister Saad Hariri said a visit on Monday to Lebanon by Saeed Jalili, head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, was “unwelcome in this critical period during which the Syrian people are suffering the most horrible types of massacres and destruction at the hands of Bashar Assad’s regime and its foreign protectors.”

“This visit also contradicts with the interest of the Lebanese people who cannot dissociate themselves from showing solidarity with their brothers in Syria or from the unified Arab stance demanding the resignation of Bashar Assad and an end to the Iranian regime’s interference in the Arab affairs in general and the Syrian and Lebanese affairs in particular,” Hariri added in a statement.

“This visit’s objectives are very suspicious at this specific timing that comes after (Syrian Foreign Minister) Walid Muallem’s trip to Tehran and the numerous threats launched by Iran’s political and military leaderships, especially what has been recently voiced by the Iranian defense minister,” Hariri went on to say.

Earlier on Monday, Jalili called for intense consultations between Tehran and Beirut to preserve stability and security in the region.

“We should work together through the intense consultations and exchange of viewpoints in the service of the Islamic nation and the interest of the countries and peoples in the region,” Jalili said at the Beirut airport.

The coordination should also lead to “the consolidation of security, calm and stability in the region,” he said ahead of his talks with top Lebanese officials.

Jalili first met with President Michel Suleiman at his summer residence in Beiteddine and then held talks with Speaker Nabih Berri in Ain el-Tineh.

He is expected to meet with Premier Najib Miqati and Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour later in the day. Reports have said that the Iranian official could also hold talks with Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Jalili hailed the “strategic ties” between Iran and Lebanon and said Lebanon is now known at the regional and international level as the “symbol of resistance.”

Hariri said “Iran must know that all these threats and suspicious moves will not help delay the inevitable downfall of its ally Bashar Assad, whose latest indication was the defection of Syrian’s prime minister today.”

Comments 10
Thumb lebanon_first 06 August 2012, 18:48

Dear Mr. Jalil, I prefer to be known at the regional and international level as a symbol of cohabitation, of economic success. Now that Lebanon is free of israelis, I dont really care about being known as a symbol of resistance. bala hal sit

Default-user-icon jim (Guest) 06 August 2012, 18:48

The downfall of hariri regime took place over a year ago and he still think he is still in power in Lebanon despite that he is a ksa boy:) Welcome to Lebanon Jalili

Thumb benzona 06 August 2012, 19:36

The so-called axis of evil has been broken. They'll strengthen their position in Lebanon in thei last desperate move. The next hit will be their nuclear facilities by some Israeli drone.

Thumb shab 06 August 2012, 20:02

Mr filth knows at least to button his shirt. something the filthy militia members can learn from.

Default-user-icon Someone (Guest) 06 August 2012, 20:43

Shab evidently judges politicians by the number of buttons they button...LOL.

Lebanon should welcome Jalili with open arms, and give no attention to the irrelevant protests of loser politicians.

Default-user-icon Michel Assi (Guest) 07 August 2012, 09:21

Guys after reading what you wrote it seems that you are so clean & polite!!!!!

Thumb geha 06 August 2012, 20:12

Iran is in no way related to us, so why should we pay for them?

Thumb jcamerican 06 August 2012, 21:45

Didn't Saudi king invite Iran president for talks? That sounds suspicious.

Default-user-icon Hassan (Guest) 07 August 2012, 12:21

John miller is welcomed

Thumb jcamerican 08 August 2012, 08:29

Iraq war has nothing to do with 9/11. It was a gift to the shiites and payback to the Sunnis. The only country can stop Iran from running over the gulf states was Iraq. Now the americans can keep their shoes over their necks in KSA and others until their blood runs out. When convenient, brings the fear factor about Iran.