Riad al-Asaad: Release of Remainder of Pilgrims Won’t Be Easy as Most Are Hizbullah Officials

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The head of the Free Syrian Army Riad al-Asaad accused Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of obstructing the release of the 11 Lebanese pilgrims “because he failed to perform what was asked of him,” reported Voice of Lebanon radio on Sunday.

He said: “The release of the remainder of the pilgrims will not be as easy as some believe because most of them are Hizbullah officials.”

“Instead of complying with the abductors’ demands, Nasrallah threatened the Syrian people and announced a war against them,” he continued.

“We now see Hizbullah members fighting alongside the Syrian regime against the people,” he added.

Nasrallah was demanded to apologize for a May 25 speech addressed to the kidnappers in which he said that his party would not change its position concerning the conflict in Syria, declaring: "If this kidnapping is aimed at putting pressure on our political position, it's a waste of time."

“The release of the captives requires intense negotiations, which in the end will fall in the Syrian people and revolt’s favor,” Asaad stated in what VDL said was the first indirect acknowledgement by the FSA that it is linked to the pilgrims’ abduction.

Hussein Ali Omar, one of the 11 pilgrims, was released from captivity on Saturday.

The pilgrims were initially kidnapped in Syria’s Aleppo in May as they were making their way back to Lebanon from a pilgrimage in Iran.

Commenting in Hassan al-Meqdad’s kidnapping, Asaad stressed that the FSA has no information on him.

He suspected that the Syrian regime may have been behind the abduction in order to tarnish the image of the FSA and create strife in Lebanon “through Hizbullah’s cooperation.”

He explained that al-Meqdad clan’s military wing’s swift retaliation to the abduction of their family member in Syria is evidence of this claim.

The clan responded by kidnapping several Syrian nationals in Lebanon.

It released a few of them on Saturday as a goodwill gesture to Omar’s release.

Asaad called on the Meqdad clan to exercise restraint, release the remaining captives in its custody, and avoid “falling in the Syrian regime’s schemes.”

“The regime will not rest until strife is created in Lebanon,” stressed the FSA head.

Comments 17
Missing mabboud 26 August 2012, 10:10

This guy is a big clown. If Hezbollah is sending fighters to Syria then we should get some proof... and if that was true, knowing what FSA does to captured fighters, the pilgrims would all be already dead... then again, we were told few days back that 4 died in a bombing and now we have 10 Hez. fighters. C'mon, who's gonna ever take this jerk seriously... FSA are already using the same techniques as the Syrian regime uses and they expect people will trust that they would be able to deliver better justice???

Default-user-icon ray (Guest) 26 August 2012, 16:42

You are the cloun as you still believe the lies that your leaders tell you. the proof you want came from the mouth of your leader nassrallah when he decalred to the world his support to the corrupy regim in Syria.Open you eyes guys & see where the world is & where you are with you 1000 year old look to civilization

Thumb geha 26 August 2012, 11:02

it seems it is time for hizbushaitan to start paying for his alliance with the syrian regime.

Thumb Marwan34 26 August 2012, 20:42

same for you !!

Thumb benzona 26 August 2012, 11:32

Keep them until the revolution is complete, then judge them. Release them if they're clean, keep them if they aren't.

Missing helicopter 26 August 2012, 19:01

There were hundreds kidnapped and jailed for over 35 years rotting in Syrian jails and never heard Hezb demanding their release. But isn't that the story of Lebanon all along... Religion comes ahead of Citizenship (poor Lebanon)

Thumb Marwan34 26 August 2012, 20:43

toi t'es un con

Missing mabboud 26 August 2012, 11:48

If there are so many proofs then post some links, it should be easy to do so. I'll watch the videos; there was a video posted few days back from the abductor of the pilgrims that stated that 4 pilgrims died in bombings... guess it wasn't a goog proof... but I am willing to watch some videos if you post them to see some proof... thanks. BTW, I don't think that the Syrian regime needs a helping hand to kill people and bomb civilians, they know how to do it and seems to need no help... but FSA is learning fast on how to use foreign hand of terrorist fighters to kill, torture and intimidate people and are gradually closing the gap with the Syrian regime criminal expertise. Like I said, show us some proof!!

Default-user-icon false shepherd (Guest) 26 August 2012, 12:30

how can followers trust their leader who always lies and deceives?

Missing mohammad_ca 26 August 2012, 12:54

khayo dobb klakeeshak w fil, jayeekon el dor b3d bashar...

Default-user-icon Love lebanon (Guest) 26 August 2012, 13:16

We should do nothing , not go and pray in Syria , and not kidnap people ,very simple it's only hurting lebanon . NO ONE ELSE . We are destroying our country . GCC people can go anywhere ,greece turkey France etc We are evil race that hurts each other . Why threaten before Eid Holliday makers who come and help our economy ? It's has to be Bashar and hezb thugs because it makes no sense . I am a successful businessman from outside of lebanon and also live in lebanon surrounded by these tribal families that Lebanese aren't scared of , just people who want to spend money and time in Lebanon . It's weird and these people should leave lebanon who are hurting the nation the people the children who cant eat the taxi driver who can't feed his family . Well done loser kidnappers .

Default-user-icon Steve (Guest) 26 August 2012, 20:30

Gotta love the way you people 'dialogue' with each other.

Thumb shab 26 August 2012, 21:43

M8 and M14 are both worthless. So are the war lords of 75-90. We need new faces and secular minds. Religion is poision

Default-user-icon Calvinist (Guest) 26 August 2012, 21:48

Guys, I am just wondering what if a Jew reads all your comments to each other....

Missing people-power 26 August 2012, 22:21

Yes littlejohn, it's obvious how unbiased you are, and that you "hate" the Syrian regime equally. Go sell your propaganda somewhere else.

Missing cedars 27 August 2012, 03:39

New Law: Guns/Riffles are not allowed to be carried. Build more Jails.

Resisting a foreign entity harming our land (i.e. Israel or Syrian) will trigger opening depot of medium to heavy arms to be deployed for the agreed resistance groups in connection with the state and under the latter authority.

Missing lebaneza 27 August 2012, 04:36

lovetobang is the most logical person who spoke pure feelings felt by me too! Come on the more shit we have the longer our migration will be :)