Hizbullah: Day in which Lebanon’s Resistant Identity is Changed Will Never Come

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Hizbullah official Nabil Qaouq stated on Sunday that those banking on the Syrian crisis to weaken the resistance will be disappointed.

He said: “The day in which Lebanon’s resistant identity is changed will never come.”

He made his remarks during a ceremony marking the sixth anniversary of the end of the July 2006 war.

He added: “Those hoping to weaken the resistance must realize that the resistance equations have demonstrated that they are too powerful to be affected by international resolutions and the statements of American pawns.”

“The resistance is a solid mountain that is too strong to be threatened by intimidation and incitement,” continued Qaouq.

“The military and security wing of the U.S. Embassy is working on threatening civil peace and the security of the resistance,” he added.

“This wing is threatening Syria from Lebanon through its Lebanese pawns,” he stated.

In addition, he noted that an alliance has been made between the March 14 camp and the “so-called Free Syrian Army,” accusing the American administration of funding and arming this side in Syria and Lebanon.

“The presence of Syrian gunmen in Lebanon is aimed at dragging our country towards the Syrian crisis,” Qaouq said.

“The March 14 forces have become involved in the crisis and they are now complete partners in the assault against the country,” added the Hizbullah official.

Meanwhile, Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Nawwaf al-Moussawi stated: “The Syrian crisis can only be resolved through a settlement or open civil war that will involve all areas surrounding it.”

“There will be no victor or vanquished in Syria. A settlement will be reached sooner or later,” he remarked.

Comments 16
Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 26 August 2012, 15:54

Oh, it's coming, don't worry.....Hizb is done in Lebanon, and even they know it, although they have difficulty admitting it...:) Bye bye...forever...

Missing phillipo 26 August 2012, 17:05

The sooner the better.
All of Lebanon will win from the end of Hizballah.
They were supposed to have "promised" to disarm when Israel withdrew from all Lebanese territory. The Israelis kept their side of the agreement, but guess who didn't.

Missing lebaneserevenge@yahoo.com 26 August 2012, 15:57

Who are you resisting? The Lebanese who want you to disarm and disappear or the Israeli's, who have no interest in invading Lebanon, but will and will destroy you, once and for all, if you try anymore 'divine victories"? Which is the one...you are nothing but cowards and bullies who are Puppets of the Iranians, and the entire world is well aware.

Thumb lebnanfirst 26 August 2012, 18:22

The longest journey starts with the first step. This journey has had many steps already and is nearer its end than its starting point. HA belligerence notwithstanding, then end is nearer.
Put another way, that train already left the station and you know it!

Missing samiam 27 August 2012, 12:26

The "resistance" is an excuse for armed gangs to keep their weapons and find new reasons for their existence. Basically, it is no different than the Mafia. Like the Mafia, it had a noble foundation, but morphed when the reason for their being disappeared.

Default-user-icon Lebster (Guest) 26 August 2012, 17:17

Qaouq is right. Syria's fall will not weaken the Hezb, but Iran's fall will kill it.

Missing cedar_revolution 26 August 2012, 18:00

having family military wings and thugs walking and bragging on the streets is called civil peace??oh c,mon man.you must be joking!!
let the national army and security forces be deploy all over the southern area of lebanon.you dont own the country,cochon!tfeh!!!

Thumb beiruti 26 August 2012, 18:48

From under what rock did this guy crawl out from under? As I understand it, those are Hezbollah fighters returning to Lebanon in body bags as casualties of their involvement in the Syrian civil war. Michel Samaha is one of their allies attempting to foment sectarian insurrection in north Lebanon.
M14 can't even hold on to the Lebanese government, and this guy says that it is capable and is in fact over throwing the 40 year old police state regime next door?

And regardless of events in the region, this "resistance" remains unchanged, like a mountain. Well, pal, you are imprisoned in your turban and robes. Your mind is locked down into a fixated mode while the world changes all around. Political movements are made up of people, not mountains; they are led by humans, not by God; they are fallable, they make mistakes (July 2006 Wars.)This means that political movements have beginings, durations, and endings. Hezbollah's end is coming. Its purpose is over.

Thumb Marwan34 26 August 2012, 18:51

these guys don't belong to the Lebanon I see in near future !!!!

Missing gabby1 26 August 2012, 19:45

Hey Qaouq...all we hear about from Nassy is how he is going to liberate Lebanese land. I don't remember you pricks even trying to liberate Shebaa during the 2006 offensive war you started. In fact you lost territory in Gajarr during your "devine victory". Nassy keeps talking about attacking civilian targets in Israel......well, get busy. Liberate the country and start shooting rocets south.....unless you are currently too busy fighting along side the Syrian/ASSad enemy to the east.

Thumb phoenician 26 August 2012, 20:02

Partition is the answer.

Thumb Marwan34 26 August 2012, 20:41

that's right !!! We can't get along with such crazy people !

Thumb benzona 26 August 2012, 21:32

Hezbollah is so over. Earlier, I was watching the news here on my local european channel, they were saying that HA was preparing the after-assad era... and if they don't adapt, they die. So far, they haven't adapted...

So, it's bye bye hezbollah

Thumb andre.jabbour 26 August 2012, 22:04

very good joke.

Default-user-icon Tom Kinney (Guest) 27 August 2012, 07:00

They do not need Syria as long as Iran supports them therefore his words are empty but typical of extremist.

Missing samiam 27 August 2012, 12:27

and Berri and Aoun are real angels..

seriously dude, those cannabis fields of yours are really distorting reality.