Egypt Islamists Call for Protests after Insult Film

Egypt's powerful Muslim Brotherhood on Wednesday called for nationwide protests Friday after a film deemed offensive to Islam sparked a deadly attack in Libya and furious protests in Cairo.
The Brotherhood calls "for peaceful protests on Friday outside all the main mosques in all of Egypt's provinces to denounce offenses to religion and to the Prophet," the Muslim Brotherhood's Secretary General Mahmud Hussein said in a statement.
He also urged all "national forces to join the protests."
The Muslim Brotherhood, from which President Mohammed Morsi emerged, is the largest and most organized political force in the country.
The call for protests comes after a film portraying the life of the Prophet Mohammed, which touches on themes of pedophilia and homosexuality, sparked a deadly attack in Libya that left America's ambassador Chris Stevens and three American officials dead.
The film was produced by Israeli-American Sam Bacile, according to the Wall Street Journal, but Egyptian media say that some Egyptian Copts living in the U.S. were involved in the production.
The Muslim Brotherhood's political arm, the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) strongly condemned the film which it described as "a racist crime and a failed attempt to provoke sectarian strife between the two elements of the nation: Muslims and Christians."
The film, which depicts the Prophet Mohammed as promiscuous and talking about killing children, "goes far beyond all reasonable boundaries of the freedoms of opinion and expression."
"The FJP affirms that both elements of the Egyptian people -- Christians and Muslims -- have been and will always be united in the face of such despicable attempts that seek to foment conflict in this homeland, and to throw it in a deep abyss, a never-ending spiral of violence," the party said.

what are you protesting?the fact he married a 8 year old girl?kidnapped and had slaves?or that he murdered whole villages?
Long Live The Syrian Civil War!

Yet what they've actually done is created international support and greater exposure for the film than it would ever have had before. Well done morons.

'The Brotherhood calls "for peaceful protests on Friday...'
Their definition of peace is very different from the rest of the world.

Mel Brooks couldn't have done a better job. Mocking Islam is the the birthright of every individual
who values freedom,justice, and self determination.
GET OVER YOURSELVES MUZZIES and your fawning, pandering Jew-hating apologists.

...I'd consider anyone who takes a pre-pubescent girl as his wife to be a pedophile, too!

I Agree With Samadhi. Michelle Malkin Quotes This Article. Accused Of 'Twisting' Words. Who? Michelle? Not Likely. If Peaceful Means Invading USA Sovereign Territory I Side With Protecting Michelle. Not Those Who Defend Riots!

Hey, any coverage of 9/11 Koran burnings in the USA and Australia yesterday?

And how 'bout that Billion a year aid package? Obama should give up that "favor $" as it buys him nothing.

I like how the French reporter says it was Isreali-Americans? didn't know there was such a thing! Kind of like how the NYTimes said a White Hispanic, Doesn't anyone consider the fact that this could have been made by the Brotherhood themselves.
Hitlers people did the same with Poland to use as an excuse to invade poland!

It's ALL a brotherhood where women and children are chattel.
Should we meet up anywhere, the TRUTH will be told to their face.
At the moment, our burg is peacefully and fresh airedly Muslim free.

TRUTH is what it is. One cannot follow a "prophet" while, picking and choosing the qualities - bad or good - about them.
Protesters and the murderers/rapists of Ambassador Stevens serve to re-inforce the opinion that violence is the only answer with Muslims.

All this for a YouTube video? Guess they don't get South Park in the middle east.

All this for a YouTube video? Puhleeez. Guess they don't get South Park in the middle east?

'Sam Bacile' is a pseudonym for an Egyptian named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. There IS NO ISRAELI-AMERICAN involved. That said, these protests are just Muslims showing the world they're still stuck in barbarism mode, can't behave civilly, and don't belong in the modern age. The world needs to stop putting up with their 3-yo tantrum crap and insist they grow the hell up. Reasonable human beings do not rape, pillage, and murder because they're offended.

Here's the link to the news item about the 'Sam Bacile' pseudonym:

They will NEVER want piece. How stupid are these terrorists? To them, we are less than shit. So why care WHAT WE SAY? If someone yelled at me from across the street, "Hey, nigger lover!" I wouldn't go darting towards him with death in my eyes. I'd look over, see he was just shooting his mouth off, and keep walking. These Islamic pricks are nothing but bullies that aren't happy with their lives, so they have to make everyone else miserable. Kinda like the fat girl at a club. If she ain't happy, NO ONE will be.

They will NEVER want piece. How stupid are these terrorists? To them, we are less than shit. So why care WHAT WE SAY? If someone yelled at me from across the street, "Hey, nigger lover!" I wouldn't go darting towards him with death in my eyes. I'd look over, see he was just shooting his mouth off, and keep walking. These Islamic pricks are nothing but bullies that aren't happy with their lives, so they have to make everyone else miserable. Kinda like the fat girl at a club. If she ain't happy, NO ONE will be.

Pull ambassadors, personnel,funding. They close Hormuz, we Drill! Aw, all those jobs created. If theylike fires we can donnate some incendiary bombs for their celebrations!

Pull ambassadors,personnel,funding. They close Hormuz, we drill! Aw, all those jobs created! AND if theylike fires, we could give incendiary bombs for their celebrations