Qahwaji from London: Lebanon Will Overcome 'Critical Situation'

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji stressed on Tuesday that Lebanon will be able to overcome the “critical situation” as long as its people are backing the military institution.

“We will not go back in time. The army will not allow anyone to use Lebanon as a sanctuary for importing or exporting strife,” Qahwaji said during a meeting with the Lebanese community in the UK.

He pointed out that the army's role is to preserve democracy and freedom in Lebanon in addition to the country's sovereignty and independence.

Qahwaji traveled to London on September 23 on a five-day visit where he is set to hold talks with a number of British officials.

The army commander stated that the challenges confronting the military institution are numerous.

However, Qahwaji said that the army was able to control the Lebanese-Syrian border, prevent the smuggling of arms and accomplished several missions to preserve the security situation in the country.

He is scheduled to meet with David Ashley, head of the British Foreign Office's Levant Regional Team, to discuss military aid to the Lebanese army.

Comments 2
Default-user-icon rami kremesti (Guest) 25 September 2012, 18:06

this guy looks like a child molester man

Thumb benzona 26 September 2012, 02:52

Mmmmmhhhh an Army commander on official duty abroad. mmmmhhhhh Shouldn't be the defense minister Fayez Ghosn? Weird... but nothing suprises me in Lebanon.