Berri Meets Asarta: Israel’s Massacre in the South Major Violation of Resolution 1701

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Speaker Nabih Berri described on Tuesday the clashes at Maroun al-Ras as an “Israeli massacre in the South.”

He said after holding talks with United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon Commander General Alberto Asarta: “The massacre is a major violation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701 and a threat to the security and stability of the region.”

The National News Agency reported Berri as saying: “The assault against unarmed demonstrators was unjustified.”

He stressed that UNIFIL should provide the United Nations with the details of the developments seeing as it was an eye witness to the clashes.

The speaker later held talks with caretaker Energy Minister Jebran Bassil on the government formation process.

Asarta earlier held talks with Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji on the latest developments in the South and ways to bolster cooperation between UNIFIL and the army.

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