"Stagiaires.ma" the 41st team to qualify for this year's MIT semi-finalist round

This story is provided by MIT Enterprise Forum - Pan-Arab Region.
Moroccan “Stagiaires.ma” has been selected as one of the semi-finalist teams for this year’s MIT Enterprise Forum Arab Start-Up Competition for the Ideas Track.
Stagiaires.ma is the first website in Morocco for internships and interns that offers a multifunctional platform permitting CEOs and managers to find proper interns in less than 5 days.
Youssef El Hammal came up with the idea when he was managing a multinational company. He used to work with students on specific projects, but it was hard to find employees with specific qualifications. To solve this issue, he launched a website that firstly targeted other colleagues of him. One month later, the website collected more than 300 hundred applications for 9 trainings offers. The first footstep success triggered him to design version for consumers and to look for investors. Stagiaire.ma was born and launched officially in April 2012.
Project briefing
Stagiaires.ma intends to help more than 400,000 Moroccan students finding quality internships, and 1.9 million unemployed young Moroccans to find jobs by linking them to job markets through internship opportunities.
It offers several tools for company managers to help them find quality job candidates. The recruitment process is very simple; a manager can, for example, post a job offer, organize and manage his interviews, evaluate a candidate, and sign an online agreement with him.
The website hosts over 18,000 students, 2,300 managers and over 970 internship offers.
So far, Stagiaires.ma has been recognized in several competitions:
- Laureate of the Réseau Entreprendre Maroc that endowed it with an "honor loan" of 100,000 MAD
- Winner (3rd place) in MHE Jeune Entrepreneur 2013
- Bronze Trophy in Devcom 2012 : innovation of the year
- Start-up of the year in Maroc Web Awards 2013
Find out more about Stagiaires.ma by:
Visiting their website on: stagiaires.ma
Watching a video pitch about the project here
Liking their Facebook page: facebook.com/stagiaires.ma
Following them on Twitter: @StagiairesMA