NGO: At least 79 Hizbullah Fighters Killed in Qusayr
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
At least 79 Hizbullah members have been killed fighting alongside the Syrian army in the town of Qusayr since last week, a watchdog said on Monday.
"The number of Lebanese Hizbullah fighters killed in recent months in the outskirts of Damascus and Homs has risen to 141," the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said in a statement.
"That includes 79 fighters killed from the period starting at dawn on May 19 to dawn on Sunday yesterday, killed by mines, snipers and fighting in the town of Qusayr and its surroundings," the group added.
On Sunday, a source close to Hizbullah said the group's toll in several months of fighting was 110, most of them killed in Qusayr.
Hizbullah has been sending fighters to fight alongside the Syrian army against rebels for several months.
But the battle to retake rebel stronghold Qusayr in the central province of Homs has been its biggest and bloodiest engagement so far.
On Saturday alone, 22 fighters from the Shiite group were killed in Qusayr, the source close to the group told Agence France Presse.
The same day, Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah vowed his group would win a "victory" in Syria.
"I say to all the honorable people, to the mujahedeen, to the heroes: I have always promised you a victory and now I pledge to you a new one" in Syria, he said at a ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of Israel's military withdrawal from Lebanon.
Nasrallah said Hizbullah would always stand by its ally, President Bashar Assad, and his regime, stressing that its own interests were at stake.
"We will continue along the road... bear the responsibilities and the sacrifices," he said in a video link of a speech delivered live on a huge screen.
"This battle is ours... and I promise you victory."
Nasrallah appealed for Lebanon to be protected from the violence raging across the border.
But on Sunday several rockets slammed into Hizbullah's southern Beirut stronghold, wounding four people.
And fighting between pro-Syrian regime Alawites and pro-uprising Sunnis in the northern port of Tripoli has killed 31 people in the past week.

let them rot in hell, hopefully, their antichrist nasrallah will join them soon.

At an average of 100 persons killed per day for 2 years, the numbers of people killed in this conflict is around 720,000, and not as advised by agencies!
the blood of those killed is on the Syrian regime and hizbushaitan with all the atrocities they have committed so far.
increased evidence of chemical weapons use have been documented too.
whatever happens this regime is doomed.

@dami him and his family are not fighting a war they have nothing to do with, him and his family are not endangering their nation and the future of our kids!

This terrorist thug is taking us all into the unknown. What amazes me is his logic the other day. He said " You are fighting in Syria, we are also fighting in, let's fight it out in Syria, and let's co-exist in Lebanon"....!!! This is called "divine" logic.
Has it occurred to the filthy terrorist what would happen if the Syrians said" Let's fight it out in Lebanon, and let's co-exist in Syria''??????? But he is so into himself and his evil agenda that he does not care about Lebanon.

Old video Hezbollah chief Nasrallah
Nasrallah saying: “Our plan, to which we, as faithful believers, have no alternative, is to establish an Islamic state under the rule of Islam.”
“Lebanon should not be an Islamic republic on its own, but rather, part of the Greater Islamic Republic, governed by the Master of Time [the Mahdi], and his rightful deputy, the Jurisprudent Ruler, Imam Khomeini,” he said.
“Syria is the rear guard of the resistance (Hezbollah’s fight with Israel), its backbone, and the resistance cannot stay with its arms folded when its rear guard is exposed,” he said.
“We are idiots if we do not act,” said Nasrallah who avoids appearing in public for security reasons.
“Hezbollah cannot be in the same trench as the United States, Israel, the takfirist (radical Muslims)... who disembowel, behead and desecrate tombs,” he said of reports that rebels had vandalized the shrine of a venerated Shiite saint.

You cracked me up dude, and could you imagine the amount of wet wipes to go through as well.
Partition is the answer.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Please inform us about the death toll among the ranks of rebels and their nationalities please. Because according to some newspapers, estimates of the death toll have ranged from 5000–7000 from different nationalities i.e. Saudi, Lebanese, Israelis, Europeans, Pakis, Afghanis, Chechens and many more. Diversity brings creativity that’s the primary reasons they are giving tough time to Syrian Arab Army and great warriors of our time Hezbollah.

Wow oh Wow thou great e-warrior of Hizb el Kizb! It seems you work as an immigration officer in Qusayr as your statistics seem impressive!

According to Nusra, anybody who is not with Nusra front is a "Shabeha" even they have killed many FSA so how you people are not supporting Hezbollah to remove this tumor before they threat people in Lebanon.

the only thing that is destroying lebanon is the muslims.
they are the cause of ALL evil on this world.
and they all belive its the religion of love and respect.

Ignorant. Let's not bring up history, but some of the most atrocious killings in Lebanon were among Christians, most of them still in power today. Let bygones be bygones.

كلام صحيح مية بلمية ,,,,أهل الكهوف يريدون لبنان مزرعة بدون حيوانات ,,,,كل الحق على زعماء الدروز و الموارنة,,,عندما كانو حاكمين لبنان قلب واحد تحدٌو عدو أكبر وأقوى ,,,,الدولة العثمانية,,,,بس يومها ما كان عندنا أمثال وليد جنبلاط,,,,,و ميشال عون,,,,طار لبنان,,,يبقالنا وجودكم

Hezb lost 141 in Qusayr only and haven't managed to take it, so by the time they take it (if they do) would cost them 500. How many with Sayyed sacrifice to take Homs for instance if he can't even take a small town of 50,000 people? Syria = Hezbollah's Vietnam. I don't even know why March 14 is asking them to stop being involved in Syria.

Too bad young Lebanese are getting killed there for a bad cause, but they had the choice of not going. They were super brain-washed than they are defending the shrine of Sett Zeinab who certainly does not need their protection.

Elaborate, give us an example when Christians commited atrocities other in self defence.

No suh thing as atrocities done in self-defence. Self-defence is noble, atrocities are evil. And many atrocities were comitted by christians, muslims, druze in lebanon. If you want examples of atrocities comitted by christianw in particular, there are many including massacres on women and children, mass rape, slicing of male genitals in christian checkpoints. There were also atrocities comitted by christians against druze and against fellow christians. There were christian victims and muslim victims and druze victims and then there were agressors who were muslims, agressors who were christians and agressors who were druze. And many of the worst crimes during the civil war were done by christian militias and when i say many, i mean many, not all. Dont forget the bunkers found with male genitals in east beirut. It is well known how they ended up there. So dont ask silly questions that only leads to bringing up past wounds in a country that cant afford it.

did you know that iran took weapons from israel to fight saddam? and hence the irony of the middle east, there is no genuine conflict between israel and iran just a competition.

Looking forward to the day they add at least one, preferably two "0"'s after the 79.

What kind of reply is this? Do you think i am 5 years old? First of all, christians, or to be precise, maronites were harassing the Palestinians since they arrived because they were afraid of muslims becoming a majority. Most of the Palestinian christian refugees were naturalized soon after they arrived while the muslims were not. Nobody started all the trouble in lebanon alone as there were tensions long before the refugees even arrived. Druze and maronites as well as maronites and orthodox were at each others throats constantly. You should read some history books on lebanon. Last but not least, maronite war crimes were not only comitted against Palestinians but against lebanese as well, including against fellow maronites. I have even met armenians from lebanon testifiying about what maronites did to them when they refused to join them. It wasen't pretty i assure you. War crimes are war crimes regardless against whom they are comitted or by whom.

I have done my research, have you? It doesn't seem so, or you have, in which case you are lying here. Whatever the case, don't ask questions if you don't want the answer to them and the answer is Yes in many cases, christians (maronites) were the agressors and yes they did comitt attrocities against muslims (lebanese and palestinian), against druze, against armenians, against fellow lebanese maronites and against lebanese orthodox. You can't deny this or expect me to take you seriously when you ask such a stupid question - ie when christians ever comitted atrocities other in selfdefence!! Get real. If you wanna bring up the past, then make sure to talk about your own sides crime. The truth is, no militia that operated in lebanon was clean wo khalas, no need to say more than that unless you want to have such headaches and you want to bring up old wounds that everyone of us has.

What kind of reply is this? Do you think i am 5 years old? First of all, christians, or to be precise, maronites were harassing the Palestinians since they arrived because they were afraid of muslims becoming a majority. Most of the Palestinian christian refugees were naturalized soon after they arrived while the muslims were not. Nobody started all the trouble in lebanon alone as there were tensions long before the refugees even arrived. Druze and maronites as well as maronites and orthodox were at each others throats constantly. You should read some history books on lebanon. Last but not least, maronite war crimes were not only comitted against Palestinians but against lebanese as well, including against fellow maronites. I have even met armenians from lebanon testifiying about what maronites did to them when they refused to join them. It wasen't pretty i assure you. War crimes are war crimes regardless against whom they are comitted or by whom.

I have done my research, have you? It doesn't seem so, or you have, in which case you are lying here. Whatever the case, don't ask questions if you don't want the answer to them and the answer is Yes in many cases, christians (maronites) were the agressors and yes they did comitt attrocities against muslims (lebanese and palestinian), against druze, against armenians, against fellow lebanese maronites and against lebanese orthodox. You can't deny this or expect me to take you seriously when you ask such a stupid question - ie when christians ever comitted atrocities other in selfdefence!! Get real. If you wanna bring up the past, then make sure to talk about your own sides crime. The truth is, no militia that operated in lebanon was clean wo khalas, no need to say more than that unless you want to have such headaches and you want to bring up old wounds that everyone of us has.

You never know.... Be careful, I'd hate to see you return with a dash before your name. lol

The ratio of Hizbullah Killed to Sunni Lunatics Killed is something like 1 to 500. Talking about confidence in numbers.

You are talking out of where the sun dont shine again, I dont know what books you are reading but am sure they are printed in iran or saudi arabia, twat.

Ya ok "phoenician". Thats an expected reply from someone who doesnt know his left from his right. You can't deny facts like this every time you get cornered for a stupid statement you make. It may work online since nobody holds one responsible for online writings, but it doesn't work in real life. Sekin bi la la land 2entah where you can make up history and facts to your liking. Delusional little boy.

who is going to pity them? as they went their knowing the risks to "resist"!

2005 killing of Hariri, 2006 Destruction of Lebanon by Israeli retaliation, 2008 occupation of Beirut, 2013 ???? ... Thank you Nasrallah and followers...

Hizbullah is a cancer and its growing out of control, not a valid resistance anymore. dictators like Bashar always end up loosing as they are against normal civilized human principles and values. the world community won't let him win, Hizbullah has chosen the wrong path and it will go down with Syria.