Madi Requests Lifting Kabbara's Immunity

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

General Prosecutor Judge Hatem Madi requested on Thursday lifting immunity off al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Mohammed Kabbara a day after President Michel Suleiman decided to file a lawsuit against him.

Madi submitted the request to caretaker Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi, who will in turn refer it to the parliament.

Madi visited the president at Baabda palace, a presidential statement said.

On Wednesday, Suleiman decided to file a lawsuit against the lawmaker for accusing him of “conspiring with foreign countries” against Tripoli.

However, Kabbara snapped back at the president, saying he “should have asked the Public Prosecution to act after thousands of Hizbullah fighters crossed the border under the eyes of his official security agencies to take part in the Syrian war, instead of urging (Hizbullah chief) Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to withdraw from Qusayr.”

“Unless there is cowardliness to face this reality or collusion to which the Lebanese are supposed to turn a blind eye,” Kabbara added.

On Tuesday, al-Mustaqbal MP, who hails from Tripoli, voiced “regret” that Suleiman, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati, Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji and the military institution “seem to be colluded with the Syrian regime.”

A new wave of Syria-linked clashes between Sunni and Alawite residents of Tripoli has killed eight people since the weekend.

The confrontations came after a brief lull, following a flare-up last month in which 31 people died and more than 200 were wounded.

The violence is tied to the conflict in Syria, where a Sunni-led uprising is fighting to overthrow the regime of President Bashar Assad, who belongs to the Alawite offshoot of Shiite Islam.

The fighting in Tripoli, which has flared sporadically since the beginning of the Syria conflict in March 2011, has largely been confined to the Alawite-populated Jabal Mohsen and the Sunni Bab al-Tabbaneh.

Comments 26
Missing 06 June 2013, 13:42

At least, we see action in Tripoli after his statement.

Thumb justice 06 June 2013, 20:31

Did the army chief and other security agencies such as General Security not detect thousands of terrorist thugs from HA crossing the border into Syria to help the regime? If they did "notice", and as we know they have not acted then for sure they are colluding with the syrian regime.

Missing allouchi 06 June 2013, 14:23

In a democracy, immunity is given to MPs for a speak freely without fear of prosecution…the only time it should lifted is for treason and corruption…sorry Mr. President…

Thumb benzona 06 June 2013, 15:30

Agreed. And once elections are held and the dude not re-elected then he spends his money and time in court defending himself.

Missing abraham 06 June 2013, 16:30

allouchi, you call Lebanon a democracy per ce"
In a democratic country there are elections, no matter what.
In a democracy the rule of the law walks
In a democracy there are consequences for your actions
I haven't seen non of the above in our beloved Lebanon

Thumb benzona 06 June 2013, 21:10

Silence dans la cour.

Default-user-icon mustapha o. ghalayini (Guest) 06 June 2013, 14:38

president sleiman lifting immunity from an MP whose city is being bombarded everyday?from an MP who do not have weaponS?
sleiman do not rise a finger against the party of weapons?
YESSSSSSSSSSSS fakhamto is in major default because he is weak,let him go and file a small complaint against the thugs who are killing the state.

Thumb superhabib 06 June 2013, 19:07

His Salafist followers have plenty of weapons, what are you yapping about?

Missing peace 06 June 2013, 23:21

so comic you should be a clown!

Default-user-icon خالد سعد (Guest) 06 June 2013, 14:41

من المخجل ان يتزامن ذلك ،،مع تبجحات وزير خارجية حزب الله ( منصور ) في القاهره وهو يبرر تدخل الحزب في سوريا ،، فهو الوحيد الذي يمتلك حق نقض قرارات الحكومه وسياسة النأي بالنفس التي ادعتها ،،، وهو يقول ان الحزب تدخل فقط ( وكما اشار سماحة السيد ) للحفاظ على المقدسات وحماية اللبنانيين المتواجدين هناك ..!!! لو ان هناك رئاسه فعليه في لبنان لمنعها الخجل من ان تخرج الى الناس او ان تحاول اظهار قوتها المسلوبه على المستضعفين فقط .. وانا مواطن عربي ...ومحايد ... ارى موقفا ضعيفا ومتخاذلا يصح ان يسمى ( تواطؤ ) او هو اكثر من ذلك من الرئاسه والحكومه اللبنانيه ،، تجاه من ارتهن لبنان وسلب ارادته ... ولايمكن ان يقبل بمثل ذلك اي رئيس وطني للبنان

Default-user-icon grumpy (Guest) 06 June 2013, 14:54

Why? why? why?! why Fakhmto ? hope one day we can hear and see what you really stand for and how much of your action is dictated by intimadition and fear from the one who hold the gun.It is time to call things the way you feel and not get into this pointless fight with an MP. Bless you Mr prez

Default-user-icon Furzaino Bijankwil (Guest) 06 June 2013, 14:55

The Sunnis have totally lost it. THEY HAVE GONE BERSERK INTERNATIONALLY. They are getting crazier and crazier and crazier, this in addition to them being filthier than the filthiest filth. And now that the sermeyeh 3ati2a is bi ra2beton on the other side of the border, they are getting louder and louder and louder, this in addition to them being dumber than the dumbest dumb.

Thumb benzona 06 June 2013, 15:29

Madame Madi was my teacher in 10ème at Saint François des Capucins. Unlike this judge, she was a good person.

Thumb lebanon_first 06 June 2013, 16:24

Mr President. This is a mistake. You are not a king beyond criticizm.
The deputies have the right to judge you. They elected you. If you dont like their judgement, just answer why he is wrong.

Missing abraham 06 June 2013, 16:34

Lebanon first
You are right that an MP can criticize a president
at the same time an MP has an obligation of being a true leader of his city and stop the non stop violence that is happaening, not just with words but with actions

Thumb lebanon_first 06 June 2013, 20:38

you think kabbarah is involved with the bab el tebbaneh gunmen?

Thumb superhabib 06 June 2013, 19:08

As defence. The Salafists wanted revenge for Qusayr, but if they can't handle it, don't play with fire.

Missing peace 06 June 2013, 16:44

oufff! where is lebanon going if an MP has his immunity lifted for his speeches! you lift immunity in case of treason, theft but for expressing his views? poor country....

Missing kiserouen 06 June 2013, 19:02

Josh, change your name to ali hussein mahdi zahra.

Missing kiserouen 07 June 2013, 00:24

Shia erhebeh dont talk out of your ass.

Missing -karim_m2 06 June 2013, 21:43

God bless Madi. Arrest the terrorist Kabbara and try him for treason.

Default-user-icon Lacey (Guest) 07 June 2013, 05:13

My brother recommended I would possibly like this blog. He was totally right.
This submit truly made my day. You can not believe just how
a lot time I had spent for this info! Thank you!

Default-user-icon dddd (Guest) 07 June 2013, 09:41

Dont play with our President Mr.Kabbara! He is silent but still the number 1!

Thumb sophia_angle 07 June 2013, 10:28

well he's shaking from terror :S i bet he didn't even bothered..i think the president should change his tactics

Default-user-icon Arrow (Guest) 07 June 2013, 13:32

MP Kabbara stated nothing but what the majority of Lebanese think and are determined to say loud about Sleiman's collusion (even by cowardness) with the Fundamentalist Iranian Terrorist armed Gang occupying Lebanon.

Thumb benzona 07 June 2013, 15:00

T'en connais un rayon là-dessus. Mdr!