Nicolas Nahhas to Saniora: Rafik Hariri's Legacy Belongs to All Lebanese


Economy Minister Nicolas Nahhas on Sunday hit back at the head of the Mustaqbal parliamentary bloc, former premier Fouad Saniora, over the latter’s remarks in which he wondered whether Prime Minister Najib Miqati was designated as a premier to “eradicate” ex-PM Rafik Hariri’s legacy.

“I regret that these remarks were voiced by ex-PM Saniora, who knows PM Miqati quite well,” Nahhas, who is close to Miqati, said.

“The legacy of martyr premier Rafik Hariri belongs to all the Lebanese, not to one group only,” Nahhas stressed.

He noted that the name of the slain premier “should not be used in the political game, especially that PM Miqati had announced, since the first day, that there will be no vengeful acts.”

Commenting on the fact that the new government comprises four ministers who hail from the northern city of Tripoli, Miqati’s hometown, Saniora said earlier on Sunday that Tripoli was not in need of “cosmetics.”

Tripoli "rather needs someone to truly represent its true essence and patriotic and Arab spirit which is committed to Lebanon and the Taef Accord. It (Tripoli) was expecting someone to seek to prevent strife rather than to ignite it, whether intentionally or unintentionally,” Saniora added.

He called on President Michel Suleiman and PM Miqati to shoulder their “historic responsibility” in preventing any vengeful acts against the members of the new opposition or any civil servant affiliated with the March 14 camp.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Dobrenin (Guest) 19 June 2011, 23:13

Of course it does. The Mafioso collaborated with the Syrians and fleeced all of the Lebanese. Therefore, like all Mafiosos, he deserves the punishment that he got.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 20 June 2011, 08:50

I refuse that legacy that was made out of corruption .. Justice for the Lebanese people that were robbed by Rafik hariri & co . Give back the lands of Solidere to its real Lebanese owners .. Start the Audit on the huge debt , etc etc etc ...

Missing peace 20 June 2011, 11:22

how funny the aounists are... forgetting that their leader told that the syrians were the ones who stole lbanon, telling that the syrians put the corruption system in place which also benefited to their new allies...

Hey? if you are so fond of justice, are you going to ask an audit for every politician or just the ones who are not wth the CPL? cause you are allied to a bunch of corrupted politicians that have stolen lebanon too!!! don t forget!

tell me.... please! do you have the courage or you just put your head in the sand?

Thumb lebneneh 20 June 2011, 13:46

March 14 or March 8 are both killing the country with their hate-spreading politics, robbing it of it's resources and driving the population to immigration...and what do we do? we keep on voting for the same people...Good luck with changing the country!

Missing mayya 20 June 2011, 20:50

il n'y a de plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 20 June 2011, 21:04

@MAYYA , A qui s'adresse ta remarque ? a quels sourds !? Merci .

Default-user-icon Hajj Radwan Jr (Guest) 21 June 2011, 00:16

Le Fini my follow Shiite jihadist why did the magnificent resistance MPs vote to allow Rafik to rob the Solidere land and how much did the mafioso pay them? How about Frangieh, Karame, the Amal bloc. I bet the resistance MPs got paid less than them after all the events show that they can be bought off with k3ek lol. Also what happened to the hundreds of millions of dollars the Lebanese Justice system and security apparatus of President Lahoud and Jamil Al Sayyed accused GMA of embellishing when he ran away with his soldiers pay, maybe he was allowed to keep that money a part of the pay off for him to forget about everything he said before and become their tool and slave .