Naharnet: Saudi King Cuts Short Morocco Vacation amid Unusual Military Measures in Kingdom
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz cut short his vacation in Morocco and decided to return to the kingdom on Thursday evening.
The monarch and his entourage have already left Morocco, according to information obtained by Naharnet.
The information come amid media reports that the Saudi military command has ordered measures that resemble a state of alert.
According to the reports, the army has suspended the vacations of soldiers amid unusual military moves in the bases that are close to the border with Jordan, especially the Tabuk military base.
Observers linked the king's sudden return and the military measures to the developments of the military situation in Syria.

Let them bomb Syria. Well, not blindly.... Surgically the HQ command base for the Shabi7a.

Obama declared moments Go that the red line had been crossed in Syria. Could it be that KSA airfields will be busy again. Inchallah.

the decision has been taken to counter iran and the Syrian regime finally.
supplies of weapons started to reach rebels as denoted in their youtube videos showing T72s destroyed by anti tank missiles.
Air raids to disrupt Iranian supply of weapons are being considered as well as attacks on the Syrian army.
please do not take my word on this and read it in all major US newspapers as well as CNN. even Clinton joined McCain in asking for providing support to the FSA.
the tide is changing for the baby killers.

You make a sign of the cross even though when the rebels win Syrian Christians will be exterminated?
Bravo habibi. Day3an saleebek

Yesss the axis of evil turn to get a taste of their own medicine.

هناك اتفاق روسي امريكي علي انهاء حكم الاسد طائفيا وبقاء حزب البعث السوري وممنوع حكم الاسلاميين يا كذا يا اما تقسيم سوريا وشراك اروس في مشاريع الغاز والتعمير المهم سؤال الوفد الروسي وضع المقاتلين غير السوريين جواب الامريكان مش مشكلة نشوف لهم جهاد في اي بلد ممكن ايران لانهم شيعة الاردن سنة الجزائر تخصص فرنسا

Yorgo, rebels have also been caught with nerve agents, even red-handed by Turkish authorities, yet everyone keeps it on the down-low. I think the red-line is arbitrary and only to be used as an excuse when the greater powers have decided on the fate of the Middle East.

anonymetexasusa: the KSA threatened by the notion that Syria has chemical weapons? Highly doubtful. It's perhaps some preparation for some furthering of the story narrated by the USA/Russia.

check all the major news: they all say the rebels do not have access to chemical weapons :)

I wish our NostraDamsels can find the time and let us in on some of their predictions regarding what might be going on in Saudi Arabia. I know NostraGabbyMarch14 has been focusing exclusively on the imminent fall every Wednesday of the "ASSad" regime since 2005, at least since we took notice of his supernatural powers through the pages of Naharnet! But what about the fingerling NostraHarrier? How about the maven Nostras such as NostraAllouchti, NostraGeha, NostraBenzona, NostraPeace, NostraPrimeSuspect... I just noticed another Nostra (and oh how abundant these NostraDamsels are), NostraMinCanada! You know who I'm talking about.

Most importantly....the call to jihad has been made by the ulama2

يارب من اراد الإسلام والمسلمين واهل السنة والجماعه بسوء فاجعل كيدة في نحرة اللهم انا نسألك الصحة في الابدان والامن في الاوطان وانصرنا على من عادانا