Fatfat: Berri is Hizbullah Tool in Constitutional Council Crisis
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Al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Ahmed Fatfat has accused Speaker Nabih Berri of being a Hizbullah tool after two Shiite judges boycotted the meetings of the Constitutional Council.
In an interview with An Nahar daily published Sunday, Fatfat said: “What happened at the Constitutional Council showed that Nabih Berri is an execution tool to what Hizbullah says.”
Three judges, two Shiites and a Druze, boycotted earlier this week the meetings that were aimed at discussing a report drafted by the council's president, Judge Issam Suleiman, on the petitions filed by President Michel Suleiman and the Change and Reform bloc to challenge the 17-month extension of parliament’s term.
Fatfat said that both Berri, a Shiite, and Druze leader Walid Jumblat are capable of influencing the judges.
The lawmaker denied that al-Mustaqbal had been playing any role in the paralysis of the council's work.
“Those paralyzing the Constitutional Council are those who are not attending the meetings,” Fatfat said. “It's obvious that this absence is the result of a political decision.”
The council has set another meeting for next Tuesday but it is not likely to convene over lack of quorum.
The approval or the rejection of the challenges requires the go-ahead of seven out of the council's half-Christian half-Muslim members and a quorum of eight members is needed to vote on challenges.
The lack of quorum would make the 17-month extension law valid after the end of parliament's mandate on June 20.
Asked what measures al-Mustaqbal would take if the council remained crippled, Fatfat said: “We are heading towards a political confrontation that could reach civil disobedience.”
“We will ask the people not to pay their bills and taxes and to confront the state because everything is crippled in it under the force of arms,” he told An Nahar.
The March 14 alliance is studying the measures to confront Hizbullah's weapons, he said.

Does Aoun and the FPM have any credibility anymore?
his allies are the ones blocking the council from issuing a ruling on the electoral law!
by not taking a firm position they are approving what their allies have done. sooooooo hypocrite.
the simple truth is: aoun is an Iranian tool. all he says about others, he does it with no shame whatsoever. pure traitor.

your comment shows the absolute absence of logic: read the article.
berry is executing what hizbushaitan wants: so hizbushaitan (the ally of aoun) is forbidding the council to rule on this.
if there is no stand from aoun then my comment stands.

ft, thanks for making me laugh ;)
you obviously do not know how to read or try to divert the discussion. whatever, again thank you for a nice laugh :)

Actually, you are constant with yourself and mop the floor with yourself each time you comment :)
you show us all what a stupid illiterate you are.
you think you can fool us with your comments but fail t realize how empty they are. :)

I put you a thumb up which is rare. I do agree with Aoun position but it is too late. The sunni do not want an election right now as it is too delicate for them to loose. The hizb/berri neither as they need a vacuum so they can fight in Syria. The Christians are the loosers as democracy in this country has taken a hard hit. Is Aoun realizing that he has bet on the bad horse?

Berri is a tool for the HA, the HA is a tool for Iran and M14 is a tool for the KSA ...
Tell us something we don't know ...

too late. Aoun and co have so much hatred and fear from sunni and wanted to take revenge from the fact that hariri had too much influence in Lebanon. Instead of negotiating more privileges to the christians and a more balanced repartition of power they thought they could reach their goals making an alliance with the devil. The devil is Hizbullah who has completely cannibalized Lebanon turning it into a Hizbustan spreading the wilayet al faquif while using Israel as an excuse.
What can aoun do now that he has been eating in the hand of his master hassan and assad. Nothing at all. All he can do is shut up hoping for the tide to go his way. The more time passes by the more he will be in an uncomfortable position in front of his public as the christians of lebanon cannot accept for too long the diktat of hizbullah and the withering of the lebanese state and its institutions.

guess who said hezbos were terrorists and must be disarmed in the 90s 2000s? thank you.....

FT, Aoun has got it this way. He likes tyrants, despots, and murderers.

Well, mister Aoun was defnitely smiling on the photograph, most honored to meet his Israeli idol.... Sad sad sad.... A traitor he was in the 80s, a defector in the 90s, a finally a big ašš thief in the 2000s.

FT we are tired of your systematic comments about people using x accounts. Maybe you need to change the copy paste sentence you have in the memory of your computer.
As to Aoun position I must admit that it is legitimate and that he is truly seeking the interest of the Christians in this country. Yet he has used the wrong horse. That of the illegitimate weapons, that of the tyrant countries responsible of the misery of Lebanon. One should not forget that in 1975, the Christians in Haret Hreik were attacked by the FPLP of Ahmad Jibril and the Saïka i.e. the Syrians.

FT are you against the international tribunal to judge the murderers of Hariri. Are you not against delivering the 4 hizb saints wanted by this tribunal?

It could be tabkhet ba2hs. Aoun would pretend to support the constituion by filing the petition knowing before hand that his allies will cripple the council and not act on it. Who knows, just a theory.

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