Al-Rahi Slams March 8 and 14, Says Legitimate Armed Forces Lebanon’s Sole Protector
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi slammed both the March 8 and 14 alliances on Sunday for “tarnishing Lebanon’s image” and paralyzing state institutions in addition to shoving the country in Syria's crisis.
In a harshly worded sermon at Our Lady of Lebanon basilica in Harissa, al-Rahi called for “national reconciliation among politicians and mainly the so-called March 8 and 14 alliances that have tarnished Lebanon's image and its coexistence.”
The patriarch also accused the two foes of preventing the parliamentary elections from taking place and paralyzing the formation of a new “strong and capable government” that should be able to confront the economic crisis and the security chaos.
Al-Rahi said the coalitions have also paralyzed constitutional institutions, and pushed the Lebanese people in Syria's war and its repercussions after getting involved in the neighboring country's crisis.
The president threw his support behind President Michel Suleiman, who attended the mass along with first Lady Wafaa.
Premier-designate Tammam Salam and several caretaker cabinet ministers and lawmakers were among those present at the ceremony, which was held to reinaugurate the basilica after the end of renovation work in its ceiling and front windows.
Al-Rahi announced his “full support to Suleiman in any initiative aimed at salvaging” the country.
He also backed the army, saying “the legitimate armed forces are Lebanon's sole protector.”
The patriarch called for ending extremism and said there should be strong efforts to establish democratic states in the region that respect human rights.

Thank you Al Rahi for dropping yet another hammer on the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition.

ur a little thick headed, he always salmmed m8.
not that i support m14, but ur bias astounds me.

I don't understand this traveler.... The only armed people in Lebanon are Hizballa and Palestinians.... Both terrorists. Can't he name them specifically? Its a bit too hypocritical to me... Especially when he travels for 2 months when his presence is most needed in his own country.

I do not know what M8 sympathizers are saying here. Al Rahi always sided with M8 and now he is siding with the President. I like his move. I think M14 should also side with the president to have a centrist majority and let the M8 extremists continue in their loyalty to the Syrian regime and Iranian Mullahs

Truth is that our politicians have failed us, BIG TIME.
It's good that he's calling bullshit on them all.

ya jadbeh hayda batrak el mwarneh ... aymata sme3to darab saroukh? aymata chefet mouwekabeto men el darak wel jeich mech men ertet mhebil mhammlinon sle7!
bas el hay2a enta dareb saroukh ou feyet 3al 3alam mi chen heil w3a abel ma tnazzer...

"Basilica renovations", are we becoming this shallow in our Christianity to celebrate the grandiosity of the temple while our souls are dwelling in a spiritual wilderness?

He was initially a big FPM supporter but he sees now that they are no better than anyone else in the country. Time to call a spade a spade....

What shall we do, then, with 7ssasiyet el bala e7ses, aka ahl al sanni?

Centurion please don't insult dogs in future, dogs are a mans best friend , but these Savage Animals are Hyenas, not only on their appearance but also their BO. You can smell the Sulphur a kilometer away,( that is I'm referring to the fanatical ones) . These scums of the earth should be minced meat for the Wild Pigs. They mock our religious Leaders , but you are right what you have said about these Animals just go online concerning how they are marrying under age Syrian refugee girls just to satisfy their lust ! Lak tfeh alaykoun you old Animals taking advantage of another human beings' demise , 40 year old, 50 year old even 70 year old are marrying ( or better put "Rape") 12,13, & 14 year old in the name of halal ! What Halal these are Pedophiles, full stop not dogs . Wild yes lak tfeh tfeh on a cult such as this !