Nasrallah Slams U.S. Embassy as 'Den of Spies': 2 Hizbullah Members Confessed to Spying for CIA
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Hizbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday announced that members of his party had confessed to being CIA agents and accused arch-foe Israel of turning to the U.S. spy agency when it failed to infiltrate his Iran-backed group.
In the first such acknowledgment of infiltration since the group's founding in the 1980's, Nasrallah refused to disclose the identities of the two party members but said a third case was under investigation, slamming the U.S. embassy in Lebanon as a "den of spies."
"When the Israeli enemy failed to infiltrate Hizbullah, it turned to the most powerful intelligence agency," Nasrallah said in a closed-circuit television speech broadcast in Lebanon, referring to the Central Intelligence Agency.
"Our investigation has found that ... intelligence officers (in the CIA) have recruited two of our members separately, whom we shall not name out of respect for the privacy of their families," he added.
"The first confessed he was recruited five months ago ... while the second confessed he had been recruited even before that," he said, adding that the recruiters were CIA agents posing as diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Awkar, east of Beirut.
“The U.S. embassy in Awkar is a center for spying and recruiting Israeli agents,” he charged.
Nasrallah also said the group was investigating whether the third member of the party had been recruited by the CIA, Israel's Mossad or the intelligence service of a European country.
The Shiite leader, whose party is blacklisted as a “terrorist” group by the United States, insisted however that the alleged agents had not been involved in the 2008 assassination of top Hizbullah operative Imad Mughnieh in Damascus.
Hizbullah has openly accused Israel of the bombing that killed Mughnieh and vowed to avenge his death. The Jewish state has denied responsibility.
Nasrallah also denied that the discovered agents had “anything to do with the military front or the rocket systems.”
“None of them had sensitive information that might have harmed the Resistance’s military and security structures and its ability to confront any future war,” he added.
“Contrary to rumors, the discovered spies are not religious scholars and do not occupy leadership positions. None of them is close to the secretary-general,” Nasrallah went on to say.
He also stressed that “none of them has anything to do with the issue of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon,” noting that the names of the alleged agents “were not mentioned by any of the media leaks on the STL.”
“The number of spies is three, and if it was higher we would have also announced it, because we have the courage and the jihadist and Islamic principles to say the truth, even if it was bitter,” Hizbullah number one said, dismissing some media reports which “spoke of 100 cases.”
He described the discovery as “a real security accomplishment for the Resistance.”
Turning to the domestic Lebanese issues, Nasrallah stressed that Premier Najib Miqati’s government was “purely made in Lebanon and foreign pressures were hindering its formation.”
“Those criticizing the formation of the cabinet are acting spitefully, given that the brothers in Syria had an interest in forming a new cabinet since the very beginning and they were not behind any delay or obstruction, and the same can be said about the brothers in Iran,” Nasrallah said, dismissing accusations against the new government.
“Among the wrong bets made by the March 14 camp is the belief that the new majority was incapable of forming a cabinet and that PM Miqati would apologize,” Hizbullah chief noted.
He said that “insistence” on labeling the new cabinet as “Hizbullah’s government” was aimed at “inciting domestic and sectarian tensions.”
Addressing the rival March 14 camp, Nasrallah said: “You are harming Lebanon and its people when you incite the international community and stir political tensions. Inciting the world against Lebanon harms the country and its people, not Hizbullah, because we don’t have any companies abroad, and even in Lebanon we don’t have any investments in any projects and we don’t have any bank accounts.”
He stressed that “the ministerial Policy Statement will be finalized, the cabinet will gain the parliament’s confidence and there won’t be any problems.”
Commenting on the developments in the region, Nasrallah described the Syrian regime as “the only regime of resistance and defiance in the region.”
“Since the very beginning until now the alliances of this regime and its strategy, which harmonizes with the aspirations of people in this (Arab) nation, enabled it of defeating all the anti-Resistance schemes,” Nasrallah said.
“President (Bashar) Assad decreed two general amnesties and launched reforms despite the armed rebellion and still they (the West) were not satisfied. Look at Bahrain, the opposition leaders there received jail terms despite the fact that they were not even carrying a single knife.”
24 June 2011, 21:26
Nasrallah: The Syrian regime is the only regime of resistance and defiance in the region and since the very beginning until now the alliances of this regime and its strategy, which harmonizes with the aspirations of people in this nation, enabled it of defeating all the anti-Resistance schemes. President Assad decreed two general amnesties and launched reforms despite the armed rebellion and still they (the West) were not satisfied. Look at Bahrain, the opposition leaders there received jail terms despite the fact that they were not even carrying a single knife.
24 June 2011, 21:04
Nasrallah: We are before a real security accomplishment for the Resistance. The U.S. embassy in Awkar is a center for spying and recruiting Israeli agents.
24 June 2011, 21:00
Nasrallah: The number of spies is three, and if it was higher we would have also announced it, because we have the courage and the jihadist and Islamic principles to say the truth, even if it was bitter. Some media outlets spoke of 100 cases. Contrary to rumors, the discovered spies are not religious scholars and do not occupy leadership positions. None of them is close to the secretary-general. None of them has anything to do with the military front or the rocket systems. None of them had sensitive information that might have harmed the Resistance’s military and security structures and its ability to confront any future war. None of them has anything to do with Imad Mughniyeh’s murder. None of them has anything to do with the issue of the STL. These names were not mentioned by any of the leaks on the STL.
24 June 2011, 20:56
Nasrallah: Two Hizbullah members have confessed to working for the CIA and a third is still under interrogation. When the Israeli enemy failed to infiltrate Hizbullah, it turned to the most powerful intelligence agency. Our investigation has found that intelligence officers (in the CIA) have recruited two of our members separately, whom we shall not name out of respect for the privacy of their families.
24 June 2011, 20:51
Nasrallah: Last year, I had said on more than one occasion that we are immune against Israeli infiltration and that we have an anti-espionage unit, and several of the brothers who were accused of espionage last year turned out to be totally innocent. But the new case is different.
24 June 2011, 20:50
Nasrallah on reports about the presence of an Israeli spy cell inside Hizbullah: This topic is very sensitive and we’re very keen on our transparency and worried for the supporters of the Resistance and for all of those who pin their hopes on it in Lebanon and the Arab world, and it is normal for us to respect them and provide them with all the facts, especially amid the numerous rumors.
24 June 2011, 20:48
Nasrallah: I call on everyone to cooperate and close ranks in the service of our country and let us not be dragged into debates they want to exhaust us with. Speaker Berri’s step is appreciated and it had totally facilitated the formation of the caninet.
24 June 2011, 20:46
Nasrallah: The ministerial Policy Statement will be finalized, the cabinet will gain the parliament’s confidence and there won’t be any problems.
24 June 2011, 20:43
Nasrallah to rival camp: You are harming Lebanon and its people when you incite the international community and stir political tensions. Inciting the world against Lebanon harms the country and its people, not Hizbullah, because we don’t have any companies abroad, and even in Lebanon we don’t have any invested in any projects and we don’t have any bank accounts.
24 June 2011, 20:41
Nasrallah: Hizbullah has two ministers in this cabinet and the rest are our friends whom we respect. This is a broad national coalition cabinet and we’re keen to work as one team. Insistence on labeling it as Hizbullah’s government is aimed at inciting domestic and sectarian tensions to give the impression that Shiite Hizbullah is dominating it, and this is an attempt to provoke the other parties, but the other camp has failed in its bid.
24 June 2011, 20:39
Nasrallah: Among the wrong bets made by the March 14 camp is the belief that the new majority was incapable of forming a cabinet and that PM Miqati would apologize. The other issue is March 14’s remarks that are addressed to the international community which believes it is Hizbullah’s government. I want to tell them that we’re not annoyed, we’re proud that this government is being called like that, but the truth is different.
24 June 2011, 20:36
Nasrallah on the new cabinet: I stress that PM Miqati’s government was purely made in Lebanon and foreign pressures were hindering its formation. The delay that happened was caused by domestic and foreign complications, which can be overcome if there is a will. Those criticizing the formation of the cabinet are acting spitefully, given that the brothers in Syria had an interest in forming a new cabinet since the very beginning and they were not behind any delay or obstruction, and the same can be said about the brothers in Iran.
24 June 2011, 20:32
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in a televised speech on the local and regional developments: I’ll speak about a number of topics I deem as important given their impact on our local and regional situations: The new government, the alleged Israeli spy network among Hizbullah’s ranks, Israel’s drill Turning Point 5 and the Arab situations, particularly the Syrian situation.

what is the difference between this farsi mollah and kabbani the wahaby mollah and any other christian mollah,they are all feeding from the same plate,the simple minded poor people.
plse unite ur family, feed ur children and go on with civic life and keep ur religion at home, astar.

and i thought that you were the one inciting the internatinal community by having your own international agenda, from egypt to bahrain to ivory coast to iran to syria, etc.. i hope that the lebanese in all colors can see what im seeing.. but ofcourse not !!!

This man is very respectable and very honest . He always says what he does , and always does what he says ! like GMA , they both are the " colonne vertébrale " of Lebanon . Time has shown that thanks to their MOU " entente " they rule Lebanon today and for at least 50 years .
Bye Bye ya helween ..

It would be nice if you could introduce an automatic page-refresh feature for live events. I have to keep reloading.

Of course it is the CIA, not the MOSSAD, because that would be a blow to Nasrallah credibility..... Waaahahahaha

Hahahaha! blaming the CIA!! My goood!! his followers must really be extremely dumb to believe such a story! the psycho with the black turban think he is the center of the world! stay in your S... hole ya hassan and give us another long break before your next speech.

towel head should put on a red nose, he d looked at least like he truly is: a big persian clown!
nothg new under the sun of hezbi lies.... same old song...

This man is very respectable and very honest . He always says what he does , and always does what he says for example :
" I would not deny that HA's wish is to establish an Islamic Republic system one day, because we believes that establishing an Islamic government is the only way to bring stability to a society and is the only way to settle social differences, even in a society that is composed of numerous minorities . "
SHN like his Dhimi GMA are both the " colonne vertébrale of The Islamic Republic of Lebanon that will flourish in the Islamic Middle east for at least 1000 years .

Umm excuse me sir, why do you have an ice pack on your head do you have a hangover?

The Syrian regime is the only regime of resistance and defiance in the region and since the very beginning until now the alliances of this regime and its strategy, which harmonizes with the aspirations of people in this nation, enabled it of defeating all the anti-Resistance schemes.

i have a feeling that hassan tv show is beginning to be booooooring

now towel head has a new combat: the us embassy... he is going to brainwash people to persuade them to go and shut the embassy! remember teheran 1979!
just wait and see!

Long live our Sayyedna. Long live General Aoun. Long live our parliament speaker daoulat al ra2iss Nabih Berri.

The US is a friendly nation and a natural allies to the democratic and freedom seeking lebanese.
Hassan wants to turn lebanon against the US. Guess what, if the US penetrates Hezbollah good for them and for us. You are their enemy and in every speech you resonate your Iranian masters' hatred against anybody that does not think your way.

Why do politicians in Lebanon give such conferences ?????
Why do they give conferences any way ????

Mar Maroun and Abou ali: you both seem to be either misinformed or unaware to realize the very fact that CIA and mossad are almost one and the same closely connected agencies and it doesn't matter what this man claims or who were behind the curtain, whats important to say is that there was such an incident and that these agencies directly or indirectly were behind it, and only fools like you would put such words under a microscope and miss the bigger picture.

It is hypocritical for the Lebanese (M14, M8, and the Left) to call Israel an enemy without calling the imperialist state of America an enemy. Israel can not launch its aggression against Lebanon and be a threat to the middle east without US economic, military, and Political support.

When you release your rockets on israel . thats the time i will beleive you.
you may talk and talk but no action? i dont beleive you.
as far as i am concerned, You are all talk and no action. Your ennemie is israel
go get them and show us you are not a coward hiding underground at the iranian embassy. barking without biting is harmless. go bite your ennemie israel
like you preach all the time. DO IT DAMN IT AND SHOW US.or get the out of lebanon.

Everything America does is to help Israel, not lebanon. The Lebanese people never chose America to be their enemies because we do not intervene in North America, but the American government has chosen to be the enemy of the Lebanese people because they come to the middle east to support Israel.

That was pathetic hassoun. We were expecting a little less hypocrisy and a little more accountability from a formerly honorable man such as urself.

Who is the World Police Houssouna? Answer: USA.
You go near the US Embassy in Awkar just like Aoun in 1989, When the Syrian jets were allowed to hit Babda and eliminate him, you will end up being taken care of just like your buddy Aoun, Mughnieh and many others...

neutral: so you urges Nasralla to shoot his missiles on Israel.
And then what?
So you think that with his rockets can he bring Israel on her knees? and what will happen to Lebanon then ?
So instead pushing him, let him get rotten with his weapons and from following his masters' voice.
Try thinking about peace with Israel or living along with Israel and not instead of Israel.

Slash, the only stupid people are the LF, supporting a man who was jerkin' off in his prison cell for 13 years and has 2 or 3 MPs now lol, the Phalange-well, they're just irrelevant now, nothing they say or do is important, and of course Al Mustaqbal- the poor kids still living off the embarassment of May 7 and waiting for the next paycheck from the Saudi Hariri. It's funny how many here just repeat the Iran-Syria line, while your last retarded rally in March had a picture of the Saudi king in the background, and not to forget how most M14 speeches come after a meeting with Connely or Feltman. So it's safe to say they're both influenced, STOP BEING HYPOCRITICAL YOU IDIOTS!

Ya 3abkare ya slash, there is no doubt the syrians abused their power in Lebanon and I'm against any power coming in this country and abusing it. Yet you can't blow the fact that the lebanese government (we both know who was ruling at the time) asked the syrians to come in, not the shia. It wasn't an invasion as the Israelis did. You whine and complain about the syrian treatmet in Lebanon who were at the time playing the "carrots and sticks" with Hariri. What do you think the southern Lebanese have to say about their land being invaded and abused by the Israelis with their tanks. You talk about verbal and physical abuse in your villages by a force you asked to come to Lebanon, well at least you had your villages and could speak the same language. HA was formed to liberate our 10452, not to eliminate and invade other Lebanese villages and spread sectarianism. HA defended the churches in the south after the SLA fled in case the palestinians and Amal seeked revenge.

Your rhetoric is weak and will always be. Your political parties will whine, spread hate and do all they can to try weaken Hezbollah and try to flourish in hope of finding strength through Israeli accomplishments so you can be as strong on the political stage as you were a LONG time ago, but truthfully, you won't. Your leadership is too weak and has weakened due to a stupid alliance with Hariri. The man has an IQ of a frying pan and you depended on his money to buy power and media in Lebanon. Big fail and it showed so far. Aoun discovered his path to glory and brought the christian name back way up on the political scene whether you agree with his stances or not.

Also, just to help your angry little brain. Don't depend on an angry revolution on your end where you think you will come back violently, if May 7 took 4 hours for HA and Amal. To take all you angry birds over it'd take 2 days MAX. The problem with the lebanese gene is that they always have a superiority complex and they will never accept someone being stronger than them. HA and Amal could rape LF and Phalange 22 new holes. But what's the accomplishment in that? Killing a Lebanese faction that runs its mouth? HA is bigger than that, alot bigger. Poor little you.

lol your funny lebanswer, dont think because you threw 3000 katioucha's in israel and damaged 2 rooftops and killed 10 civilians and one dog that you are so strong. we all know Hezbollah lost the war the israeli's transformed your brothers and sisters and your beloved Dahieh into a parking lot with view to the ocean now :)
- I dont like Israel, but i dont like irrealistic Hezbollah, and maybe you forgot , but in the 70s-80s, we fought against palestinians and syrians together, + American lobbying and western countries were with palestinians in order to finish off their differences with the israeli's they thought they could give them Lebanon. Ashrafieh, Ain el rummaneh , Zahlé , bastions of resistance , were we stood more than 100 days and 8 years of resistance and nobody could enter our neighboorhoods, you're funny to think you, Hezbollah which doesnt even know really warfare, could take lebanon in 2 days. Come try , we are not sunnis , they are weak, come to our neighboorhoods yalla

try to come to our neighboorhood, we will chop you like the porks you dont eat, and we will make you remember whats a real resistance, the one who stood for years and didnt get broken, while Sayyed Hassouni and Hezbollah were weeping after only 10 days of war and Hassouni was saying all sweaty that he never knew this was coming, of course, in his sewers like a disgusting fleeing obeze worm. bravo you were able to stand against 2 F16's and 10 mirkavas and some israeli reserve soldiers, i would be glad to show you that Ashrafieh is not tarik jdide, and Ain el rummaneh , zahlé, and bcharré are not dahieh, Hezbollah was still a foetus when we were protecting Lebanon. so come on since you are so strong we are waiting for you :) it is not the quantity ( like you sheeps ) its the quality that counts ;)

What i was trying to say is the guy hassouna is a coward.and a liar. he does not want israel he wants lebanon. Its all talk. he does not care about palestine
and he knows if he attacks israel it will be his end this time. he wants the palace in baabda thats his goal. and if you see behind him all the mulla pictures and no lebanese flag what does it tell you? the guy is Iranian and not lebanese.
Also. Did you hear any thing from the Iranians lately? No news from them at all.

Poor little you my friend, I feel for you. When you have no say in lebanese politics anymore and live off your pitiful history. If Hezbollah wanted to turn it into a Shi'i country, they would've done that and started a long time ago using the means of arms but again your argument is weak. You say we've brought you back to the dark ages, the past government you controlled couldn't even get us 3G connection you retard and you speak of dark ages. You've ruled the past 4 governments and where has our technology improved you monkey? You speak of the 1000 innocent victims that died in 2006, so tell me who were these victims? Shia from the south, bekaa, and Beirut not M14 supporters; and after all that, HA only became more popular amongst its community so don't be complaining. Traitors to our nation like Saniora, Geagea and Murr wanted to prolong the war on the country and you speak of these victims, you're pathetic to say the least. No matter what you say about your numbers, the FACTS are:

Gemayel let the Palestinians in Lebanon via the Cairo agreement and you let the Syrians in. I know you didn't expect this and that from them BUT it happened thanks to you opening our borders you retarded monkeys. So now that the Syrians are gonne and the Palestinians are locked in their camps. Now you complain about HA's arms, tell me you retard, what has HA's arms done to Becharre, Jbeil or any of the Christian areas? What do you have to complain about? You'll say they've destroyed bridges and our economy in 2006? Well no one suffered more than HA and they still stand strong with or without you. The LF and Phalange have little say in Lebanon and thank god for that, we don't want more Palestinians in Lebanon or Civil Wars. You're weak, have nothing to fight for anymore, just Christian fanatics hating the fact that Shi3as and their Christian arch-enemies run the country and if you oppose their arms directly btekluwa kaffen mitel May 7. You're worthless, I'm out and enjoy our rule :)

lebanswer we, have nothing against chiites, we all consider ourselves lebanese( i hope ) but people like you should recognise our resistance as well against the syrian and palestinians if you want us to recognise yours. Ba3den please stop saying may 7th , you only took out sunnis in tarik jdide, and went to chouf, when they cut you to pieces up there and sent bodies to sayyed hassoun where there was written by knives **** hezbollah, he stopped his expansion because the druze in jabal were cutting you to pieces, but the only thing walid jumblat was scared of is the lack of support from the west to provide them with weapons to hold on longer against you thats it.
- Maybe Sayyed Hassoun should try entering Ashrafieh, Ain el Rummaneh, Bcharre , Zahle, i didnt want to say this but we will make you remember how we choped ears and balls of ours ennemies syrians and palestinians , and collected them in jars, dont test us, and we've been ready since may 7th when we saw you were irani traitors

Pacifier you're a joke, you were resisting people you let in your own country and thanks to that, we fell into a shithole. Nobody but the LF and Phalange opened our gates to the syrians an palestinians. Now you resisted the syrians huh? That went very well for you considering they stepped on your necks every time you breathed, and the sabra massacre with the Israeli help BRAVO. You speak of the "TRY US" rhetoric, well 1-2 years ago, Amal's thugs went to ain el rummene and stabbed 2 to death and shot 7 others. 2 weeks ago, they went in and threw a few grenades. If you wanted to do something you would've done it so zip it lil one. As to your Chouf story, there's no doubt the PSP held on very well and fought bravely and killed 22 of Hezbollah's soldiers yet they still lost more and HA made it all the way to Choueifat and made them bow down. Then we all went to Qatar to get things our way politically. Speak all you want, whine like Geagea, just don't get close to our arms. Enough said.

Hizb Alla has nothing close to Alla. It is just a living Welayat Alfakih promotional campaign. That is all.
Everything goes: lies, intimidation, assassination, stealing, cheating, anything but a civilized attitude.
Look what is happening in Walyat Elfakih, read this article:
Damn disgusting. Hassan rathole was demonizing Star academy.
He can only fool his damn brainwashed followers:
Damn disgusting:

pacifier, you sound like a terrorist. Do you really call urself a christian? do christians comitt mass rape as you guys did? do christians chop off ears and balls and put in jars? do christians throw other christians out of helicopters? dont call yourself a christian, your nothing but a heretic satanc terrorist. May God strike you with all the evil you have done against others and the evil you wish against others. May God strike you with the wrath of hezballah.

Lebanswers the palestinians came go lebanonn and syria and jordan ya zaki because we wanted to help them but they turned against all of us and specially christians as for syria ur sayed hassoun is defending the same regime ghat we fought before becahse we thought they would help monorities but it turned wrong dont put the blame just on us please specially ghat the problematic palestinian palestinizn groyp was jech ta7rir el falastini that was financed by syria so this why we asked them to act so check ur facts and i wasnt ok with sabra and chatila and bachur was dead hobeika that came after him was a murderer and about ain el rummaneh we didnt want to ignite a bigger problem trust me we are t scared of u at all ya foss we all took u to hell not long ago just try to mess with us again ta hal marra nik mwtek ya bssein enta wou saydak el sarsour bi mjeeiro we kno

Ah and lebanswers ?syrians stepped on our necks? Ashrafieh, zahle and other christian areas were never entered by palestinians nor syrians ya hmar although the syrians bombedwith mortads rockets helicopters olanes we resksted for more than 8 years andthey couldnt brake us you and hassoun got flushed wou el dahieh kella with only 2f16s they tranasformed ur dahieh into a parking lot with view to the ocean and jr pig was sweating in his sewers

Pacifier... Relax. You want them to entre christain areas? Why? To teach them a lesson? What lesson can you teach that all Lebanese don't already know? No one ever wins a civil war in lebanon full stop. No one Lebanese that is.

A civil war will start on july 4th in lebanon or as soon as they announce the hariri killers. so people get ready for hell. Judgement day is here.