U.S. Embassy Denies as 'Empty Accusations' Nasrallah CIA Infiltration Charges

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Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's charges that the Central Intelligence Agency had infiltrated his group in Lebanon were "empty accusations," a U.S. embassy spokesperson said Friday.

"These are the same kinds of empty accusations that we have repeatedly heard from Hizbullah," the spokesperson told Agence France Presse shortly after Nasrallah made the allegations in a televised speech.

"There is no substance to his accusation," he added. "It appears as if Nasrallah was addressing internal problems within Hizbullah with which we have nothing to do.

"Our position towards Hizbullah is well known and has not changed."

Nasrallah on Friday said two members of his party had confessed to being CIA agents and accused arch-foe Israel of turning to the U.S. spy agency after itself failing to infiltrate his Iran-backed party.

Nasrallah also said the group was investigating whether a third member of the party had been recruited by the CIA, Israel's Mossad or the intelligence service of a European country.

It was the first such acknowledgment of infiltration by Hizbullah, which prides itself on the discipline of its members, since its establishment in the 1980s.

Washington blacklists Iranian- and Syrian-backed Hizbullah as a “terrorist” organization.

Hizbullah number one also slammed the U.S. embassy in Lebanon as a “den of spies.”

“The U.S. embassy in Awkar is a center for spying and recruiting Israeli agents,” he charged.

Comments 5
Default-user-icon Robby (Guest) 25 June 2011, 01:12

No, they are not empty accusations because Nasrallah has credibility and you don't, criminals. Go figure out a way to punish the Israeli criminals for all the insults and all the stiffing they gave you, your presidents and their envoys in the region through the years. Everybody, and more so the US, will live happier ever after. But you are a bunch of losers. From superpower to superfailure.

Default-user-icon abulees (Guest) 25 June 2011, 03:18

robby: nassrallah has credibility in the ostrich world. a world where these dumb animals burry their heads when they feel threatened, just like the animals that does not recognise there is a Europe in the world..
So it is fine for a bahraini to be a spy for iran or HA, and its okay for an egyptian to be a spy for the same, but a lebanese spy has to be hanged with or without proof??!! what sense does that make..
i suggest to nasrallah to take care of the pencil sellers and educate them.. i advise him to stop being "harmeen the lebanese from a strong state" after claiming they were mahroomeen throughout history. I advise them to stop being zalmeen, after they claimed to be mazloomeen..and i advise ALL the M8 camp to learn LOGIC, but not from the ostrich world. And for a friendly reminder to all the people that forget: MOST of Lahads army that were foghting alongside Israel were from the same muqayimeen of today.. REMEMBER???

Default-user-icon Robby_The_Moron (Guest) 25 June 2011, 03:55

Robby... are u serious dude? Is that ur only argument? That hassoun has credibility. That sounds pathetic. Let's get back to the good old fashioned system of actually providing evidence along with your statements. I think hassoun just needed a distractor. He's got a lot of problems these days and of course he is too scared to stand up and denounce what his puppet master Bashar is doing to his own muslim brothers and sisters.

P.S. - I think the Americans would actually be proud if they ever had enough intelligence to actually infiltrate hizb.

Default-user-icon Danny B (Guest) 25 June 2011, 10:11

Robby: Let your credible man Nasralla live one month with the support of the Iranian and then we'll see.
Wonder if he is such a big hero why he is still hiding ?

Default-user-icon Umberto (Guest) 25 June 2011, 14:42

So Danny B, you think you are smart, huh! Let Netenyahu and the other Israeli criminals and cowards travel freely without top security when they travel, or lax the security in Israel.(a police state), then we will stop calling them cowards. Deal, imbecile?