Nasrallah: No Cabinet without Hizbullah, EU Made Itself Responsible for Any Israeli Attack on Lebanon
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربيةThe European Union's decision to blacklist Hizbullah's armed wing means it would share responsibility for any Israeli attack against Lebanon or the party, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said on Wednesday.
"These (European) states have made themselves fully responsible for any Israeli attack on Lebanon or Lebanon's resistance (Hizbullah) or any target of the resistance," Nasrallah said in a televised speech during an iftar banquet organized by the Women's Committee of the Islamic Resistance Support Association.
The statement is Nasrallah's first since an EU decision on Monday to blacklist Hizbullah's military wing as a terror group.
"These states need to know... that they are giving legal cover to Israel for any attack on Lebanon, because Israel can now claim to be fighting terrorism and to be bombing terrorist targets," he said.
The decision to blacklist Hizbullah's armed wing "gives Israel a service for free," Nasrallah added.
"This decision does not affect our willingness. Its objective is to make us bow, to force us to step back and to be afraid.
"But I tell you (Europeans): all you will get is failure and disappointment," said Nasrallah.
“The resistance gained people's confidence and credibility in the Arab and Islamic worlds through its sacrifices and steadfastness and through its achievements and victories, after managing to change the equations of the conflict, regaining the land, captives, dignity and sovereignty, and creating an advanced position for Lebanon in the region,” Nasrallah boasted.
He vowed that “this resistance will remain a stiff thorn in the eye of the Zionists and in the eye of anyone seeking to harm Lebanon.”
Nasrallah clarified that “the resistance was and is still a subject of Lebanese, Arab, regional and international interest, whether positive or negative interest. A positive interest from those who believe in the resistance, pin their hopes on it and consider it to be a source of pride, and negative interest from those who antagonize it and consider it a source of threat for their occupation and hegemony.”
“Because the resistance has all this presence and influence, it has always been targeted with the aim of eliminating and crushing it, and it is being targeted through all the security, political, military and cultural means,” he said.
Commenting on Israeli remarks, Nasrallah said “the Israelis clearly said that the decision was issued because of their 'diplomatic efforts' and the truth is that (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu had insulted the Europeans.”
“All the proceedings prove that Israel and the U.S. exerted enormous pressure on the EU member states to take this decision and the thing does not need an analysis,” said Nasrallah.
“This decision is Israeli in form and content and it serves the interest of Israel,” he stressed.
Nasrallah noted that the discussions and proceedings of the European Union “indicate that Europe has surrendered to the American and Israeli will and that the 28 nations were not convinced of what they did, and the proof is that they had failed to reach a result whenever the issue was raised, as there is no evidence or proof or else the issue would not have taken years of indecisiveness.”
“Some EU member states considered the step to be illegal but they yielded to intimidation,” Nasrallah pointed out. “I did not feel for one moment that the European decision was sovereign as it was rather imposed on the Europeans,” he said.
“This stance is not consistent with their values or interests and it is clear that some party wanted to implicate the EU member states in a conflict that serves its interest, not those of the union,” Hizbullah's leader went on to say.
He wondered about the interest of the EU in “antagonizing a resistance movement that enjoys broad support in Lebanon and the Arab world.”
“Why haven't you designated Israel as a terrorist state although you acknowledge the Israel is occupying Arab land?” Nasrallah asked Europe.
“When a country contains resistance fighters who confronted and fought the occupation and suffered a lot of pains and wounds, and after thousands of them were put in prisons before they managed to give the land back to its people ... it is an insult when you tell them that they are terrorists,” he added.
“I tell everyone that this insult will not affect our morale,” Nasrallah said.
Addressing supporters he added: “To be insulted for defending your land and people, this is something of the consequences of this path.”
He stressed that “those who believe that the resistance which confronted the strongest army in the region for 33 days will be subjugated by this decision are either delusional or ignorant.”
Nasrallah called on EU member states to “correct their mistake because it will not lead to any result.”
Turning to the domestic Lebanese issues, Nasrallah said: “I tell the other camp in Lebanon that they won't be able to exploit the decision in their Lebanese political calculations or to isolate the party and form a cabinet without it.”
“A new cabinet must be formed in order to protect Lebanon from the storms,” Nasrallah added.
On Monday, the EU placed Hizbullah's military wing on its list of “terrorist organizations.”
In a statement, Hizbullah described the decision as a “hostile and unjust” step, saying it was “written by American hands and with Zionist ink.”
To get the required agreement of all 28 EU member states, European foreign ministers had to overcome reservations of some members that the move would further destabilize Lebanon, where Hizbullah plays a key role in politics.
Accordingly, EU political and economic ties with Lebanon will be fully maintained in a delicate balancing act.
Hizbullah's military wing was blamed for a deadly attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria last year.
In March, a self-confessed Hizbullah operative was also convicted in Cyprus of plotting a similar attack.
Lebanon had asked the EU not to blacklist Hizbullah on the grounds it was an "essential component of Lebanese society."
Support for the EU sanctions against Hizbullah grew in recent weeks after the party openly declared it was sending fighters to back the Syrian regime.
24 July 2013, 21:25
Nasrallah: A new cabinet must be formed in order to protect Lebanon from the storms.
24 July 2013, 21:24
Nasrallah: The decision will not change anything.
24 July 2013, 21:23
Nasrallah: I tell the other camp in Lebanon that they won't be able to exploit the decision in their Lebanese political calculations or to isolate the party and form a cabinet without it.
24 July 2013, 21:22
Nasrallah: We call on them to correct their mistake because it will not lead to any result.
24 July 2013, 21:21
Nasrallah: Those who believe that the resistance which confronted the strongest army in the region for 33 days will be subjugated by this decision are either delusional or ignorant.
24 July 2013, 21:15
Nasrallah: This decision does not affect our willingness. Its objective is to make us bow, to force us to step back and to be afraid. But I tell you (Europeans): all you will get is failure and disappointment.
24 July 2013, 21:14
Nasrallah: These (European) states have made themselves fully responsible for any Israeli attack on Lebanon or Lebanon's resistance or any target of the resistance.
24 July 2013, 21:13
Nasrallah: These states need to know... that they are giving legal cover to Israel for any attack on Lebanon, because Israel can now claim to be fighting terrorism and to be bombing terrorist targets.
24 July 2013, 21:12
Nasrallah: These countries have insulted themselves and their principles, interests and sovereignty when they submitted to the Israelis and Americans.
24 July 2013, 21:12
Nasrallah: To be insulted for defending your land and people, this is something of the consequences of this path.
24 July 2013, 21:11
Nasrallah: I tell everyone that this insult will not affect our morale.
24 July 2013, 21:10
Nasrallah: When a country contains resistance fighters who confronted and fought the occupation and suffered a lot of pains and wounds, and after thousands of them were put in prisons before they managed to give the land back to its people ... it is an insult when you tell them that they are terrorists.
24 July 2013, 21:06
Nasrallah: Why haven't you designated Israel as a terrorist state although you acknowledge the Israel is occupying Arab land.
24 July 2013, 21:06
Nasrallah: In light of the official statement, if it contains any evidence or logic, we will see if it is consistent with their principles.
24 July 2013, 21:05
Nasrallah: What is the interest of the EU in antagonizing a resistance movement that enjoys broad support in Lebanon and the Arab world?
24 July 2013, 21:04
Nasrallah: This stance is not consistent with their values or interests and it is clear that some party wanted to implicate the EU member states in a conflict that serves its interest, not those of the union.
24 July 2013, 21:04
Nasrallah: I did not feel for one moment that the European decision was sovereign as it was rather imposed on the Europeans.
24 July 2013, 21:03
Nasrallah: Some EU member states considered the step to be illegal but they yielded to intimidation.
24 July 2013, 21:03
Nasrallah: The discussions and proceedings of the European Union indicate that Europe has surrendered to the American and Israeli will and that the 28 nations were not convinced of what they did, and the proof is that they had failed to reach a result whenever the issue was raised, as there is no evidence or proof or else the issue would not have taken years of indecisiveness.
24 July 2013, 21:01
Nasrallah: This decision is Israeli in form and content and it serves the interest of Israel.
24 July 2013, 21:01
Nasrallah: All the proceedings prove that Israel and the U.S. exerted enormous pressure on the EU member states to take this decision and the thing does not need an analysis.
24 July 2013, 21:00
Nasrallah: The Israelis clearly said that the decision was issued because of their "diplomatic efforts" and the truth is that Netanyahu had insulted the Europeans.
24 July 2013, 20:59
Nasrallah: With all due honesty, we in Hizbullah were not surprised by this decision and we were expecting it.
24 July 2013, 20:58
Nasrallah: As the resistance has always behaved and out of our morals, we thank all the presidents and political and religious leaders who rejected and condemned this decision.
24 July 2013, 20:57
Nasrallah: EU member states have put Hizbullah's military wing on the terror list, although no official statement has been issued until the moment and we're hearing speculations and assumptions.
24 July 2013, 20:56
Nasrallah: Some decisions might only have a psychological impact.
24 July 2013, 20:56
Nasrallah: Because the resistance has all this presence and influence, it has always been targeted with the aim of eliminating and crushing it, and it is being targeted through all the security, political, military and cultural means.
24 July 2013, 20:55
Nasrallah: The resistance was and is still a subject of Lebanese, Arab, regional and international interest, whether positive or negative interest. A positive interest from those who believe in the resistance, pin their hopes on it and consider it to be a source of pride, and negative interest from those who antagonize it and consider it a source of threat for their occupation and hegemony.
24 July 2013, 20:54
Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah addressing an iftar held by the Women's Committee of the Islamic Resistance Support Association: The resistance gained people's confidence and credibility in the Arab and Islamic worlds through its sacrifices and steadfastness and through its achievements and victories, after managing to change the equations of the conflict, regaining the land, captives, dignity and sovereignty, and creating an advanced position for Lebanon in the region. This resistance will remain a stiff thorn in the eye of the Zionists and in the eye of anyone seeking to harm Lebanon.

Hassan you are officially an ennemy of Lebanon. Congratulations. You are at number 3. Below you can see the list of ennemies of Lebanon, by order of harm they mean to our lebanon as we see it: free, prosperous and sovereign.
By Order:
1-Iran's mollahs
2-Syria's assad
5-Armed palestinians
7-Nosra, Qaeda and the gang
8-Armed Lebanese sunnite thugs
9-Armed Syrians
11-Jaafar, mekdad, and zoaiter families
12-The lebanese baath party
13-The lebanese nasserite party
14-Non armed palestinians
15-Bandar bin sultan
16-Qatar's emir (son and father)

The successor of Ben Laden had spoken!
الله يلعن بشار و نصر الله

The Bulgaria bombing and the Cyprus guilty verdict led to this blacklisting.
However what the EU leaders didn't mention, is that they know HA was behind the murder of Rafik Hariri, and dozens of others. They cannot mention this yet, because the trial has not yet taken place. Make no mistake, they have read the public STL reports, including the indictments, and the preliminary UN public reports as well.

The all knowing who appointed himself god...! Nassrallah you are nothing but a terrorist who has taken this nation hostage to your evil sectarian agenda.

If the intent is to insult the EU by accusing them to surrender to the Israeli/American will, Nasrallah fails. Ask yourself why this moment when for decades America and Israel has lobbied to get the EU to blacklist you. It is not a coincidence that their decision comes after you decided to avenge the death of Imad Moughnieh by attacking Israeli tourists in Europe and attempting the same in Cypress. Your involvement in Syria is to blame as well. You may hind behind your rhetoric but the facts are, it is your actions that led to this. If you did not care about this decision, you would not have addressed it to this length.

hey dude if u chose to believe everything he says, that's ur choice,,but that doesn't mean that he speaks the truth, if u like debating facts, let's go for it

Sayedna, You represent the the one and only truth in this world, inshAllah, you will always be victorious as you were in the past. The right always prevails. No amount of money, of sanctions, of bastards, can stop God's will. You idiots are bound to understand that, and you will with time! You think Hezballah men won the war they fought? with the little technology they have compared to you israeli brothers? Think twice, there's a superior force out there protecting them, a will protect them forever.
My fellow lebanese brothers, be ready to be deceived throughout your life concerning hezballah, they will forever be here, and will grow stronger and stronger with time.
You, the US and Israel, will always fail, in this world and in the next

zadig your list is a list of symptoms, most of which can be solved.
Even my list is a list of symptoms. Except the first 3 items. If the first 3 items are fixed (assad falls, mollahs fall, HA gives weapons), the rest can be fixed.

that is sectarian talk hage. Dont forget that even some of our lebanon loving chiite brothers have been killed by iran's hezb.

If you support them, change your avatar to look like them and your name to reflect their Welayat Elfaqhih loyalty.

viper. Dont beleive everything they say at al jazeera. It is the mouthpiece of a protagonist in the conflict.

It is here to stay but in a different way than now !! They have to become a regular lebanese party without a militia khalass !! Keep denying the fact but nobody has the right to be stronger than the state !! One strong army w bass !!

Hezb is worth ZERO without their weapons... this is why they hold on to them!

Guys what do you think about this article ?

it was kidney, not heart. And you are not patriotic lebanese. You are patriotic iranian.

inside man. You say that he speaks the truth?
he says most arabs love his "resistance". We all know most arab used to admire him, but hate him today.
he says resistance behaves out of morals. We all know his milicia killed hariri and a couple of dozens people.
He says he fights israel. Where? on the plains of aleppo? in the desert of qusair?
Give me a break man. He is a Huuuge hypocrit.

Hahah all i read in ur comments is hatred towards HA. Its a sign of weakness.. Im glad its killing u.. Burn Burn Burn sloowwwly...

@inside_man why is it that you every time you're cornered you resort to an armed challenge? Just because you have arms does not make you right. Might never made anyone right. Your childish challenges only proves that you're a bully.

so you are not shia, but you are cheering for the unstoppable shia crescent. i got you now, yes!

There's still almost no evidence that Hizb had anything to do with that. Their case was so weak, and Netanyahu even tried to blame it more on Iran muahahahaha...with zero evidence.
...and the sheep, like you, will obviously eat it up.

FT i already answered your ridiculous reasoning. Jews have had the EU by the gonads through their banking sector for a long time and yet the EU refused many times to place HA on the terror list.
And to think the USA did not have anything on the EU prior to the snowden scandal is just plain immature.
answer instead of just posting the same stuff and looking like a bigger fool.

i did on the other post you chose to ignore... the recession started in 2008.. if anything the majority of european countries are on the rebound and their economies are improving.. if anything they would have listed them in 2008-2009... not 2013.. big words you find in a thesaurus doesnt make you more intelligent or more right.

and one more thing.. i didnt call anyone an anti-Semitic.. just plain wrong in your reasoning because you blame everything on Israel instead of looking at your own faults and blaming them.

this is just stupid the only reason they did this was because they are against the Al Qaeda based opposition If they were not against them they would have been honored and treated as heroes this is so ridiculous this biased behavior the EU claims Hizbullah is a terrorist group fine then explain to me why they have no problem arming and aiding the opposition in Syria when they have clearly shown that they have Al-Qaieda groups among them this is just sad I mean if you are against terrorism then call it both ways dont sit there and attack the Hizb simply because they are against a bunch of islamist extremists.

they maybe fighting people against bashar but those same people have kidnapped lebanses people and are opting to create an extreme islamist state in Syria. the fact is that anyone who is with bashar is seen as a terrorist but people fighting against him regardless of what they are are seen as freedom fighters all I am saying is to treat all the same way don't blast hizbullah because they support bashar and praise the al-Qaeida based groups even though they are terrorist group looking to create sectarian tensions

there is a drinking game people in college play in the US called Hi Bob--basically as you watch the Bob Newhart show, any time someone says "Hi Bob", you have a drink (one episode supposedly had it said over 250 times, so you see the results).
I am thinking you can play the same game with nasrallah or any other hizb iran official with the phrase 'resistance' or zionist. It would be a quick way to forget about the problems of today (although it would not be solving anything). Any takers?

It is an honour for you to compare me to inside_man, leber, or even the "Wolf" , but unfortunately for you I am neither ! But I'm one of the same . Is that good enough for you ?
Signed the Rebel !!!!!
How does that fit in your scope of mind ?

That's a bit extreme hage. We cannot pin the blame on the Shia sect as a whole. They are doing what comes naturally, taking shelter under the wings of a powerful force. But nasrallah is forgetting that violence begets violence. Hate begets hate. The drums are pounding people. It seems that HA has no desire to spare us of a conflict that will engulf and destroy everyone. Including them. Those are the drums of war. It will come. Already arms are being imported. Allah yistor when the time does come. It will be devastating. But if and when it happens I hope that it will end the way our civil war SHOULD have ended. By confiscating all weapons. Then Lebanon will rise again.

Men of honor?? LOL...the only reason they haven't taken over is because they know Lebanon will be isolated and under sanction from the UN. The way it is right now, they got best of both worlds.

Inside_man, you are 100% correct: we can't attack Hezbollah. We are Hezbollah's hostages, and Hezbollah's gun is pointed on our heads. That's our reality today.

You guys keep referring to H.A. They are doing whatever Iran, and to a certain extent Syria, tells them to do. Of course H.A. and Nasrallah need to go since neither act for Lebanese interests, and they can not stop at this point. H.A. is part of Iran. H.A. is deeply rooted in Persian agenda, and everything that Persian agenda has to do now and in future in the Middle East. You either allow Iran to be the dominant power supported my Russia in the Gulf and rest of Middle East, and Syria as the Victors, or the U.S. and the West with their strongest allies the Saudis/Gulf countries and Israelis. As to Lebanon, I don't know if either side will get rid of the Palestinians and their weapons from Lebanon. Also, we (the Lebanese collectively) don't need Islamic resistance or anything that has the do with Islam. Islam, Christianity, etc. belong in the privacy of your homes and Houses of God. It is personal to the individual, and keep it where it belongs.

is it only me or if u listen careful, u notice that man has developed a slight persian accent?

Nasrallah: No Cabinet without Hizbullah, EU Made Itself Responsible for Any Israeli Attack on Lebanon............
Regarding "No Cabinet without HA", he fears success of a pure M-14 Cabinet, hence political suicide for him and M8.
Regarding the second part of his statement: Mr. Nasrallah, you are able to blackmail the Lebanese and trying to do the same to the EU. Do not worry Israel may attack Lebanon but not to eradicate you or your Hezb. Israel needs you as much as you need them.

What a joke! How could this terrorist leader ever justify the killing of elderly people travelling on a bus in Bulgaria.

"No Cabinet without Hizbullah"... the Boss of the Glorious Iranian militia has spoken!
Same old arrogance and propaganda... you committed terrorist acts and they finally branded you and your thugs a terrorist organization, thats the bottom line.

Min mfakkar 7alo sayer paltokji .
Ya Mr Hasan ya mo7taram ya rajol enta sho3an betjareb ma allak yeha l7akim min jarab mjareb 3a2lo mkhareb Salem sile7ak wen7alet lmasali amrika faransa oroppa min mawada3 yoda3 3ala le27et lerhab aw e3lan bi enno jina7 l3askari bi eyedet wizaret difa3 lwatani lebnene.bas msh sowariyan fe3lan ye3ni ye3ni eza asdaret wizaret difa3 arar bi tashkilat jdidi mafrod leltizam fiha .wellezem fe3lo tawjjoh alkiyadiyin li wizarat difa3 wa wad3i anfosahom bi tasarofiha wa tabligiha bi 3adidi 3anasiriha wa 3 itadiha wa 3endaha wajibo etmam lmosala7a ya7ya lobnan

Agree with Lebanon-First but wonder where viper-bite gets his news from. SANA perhaps?

We know he speaks the truth? The only thing I know is that you are not very bright.

funny FT. so when HA attacked someone bigger than them and this someone punched them in the face you had no reservation calling them terrorists.. double standards.. funny funny m8ers

HA changed war in syria upside down, israel n co. tried all means to prevent war outcomes but with the vito around seems impossible so this is one of their last bullet...
let say HA is terrorist org the takfiris n nusra heart eaters are not? why they do not list them as well?

Nice inside_man... now, please, it would be nice to have some clever m8 people on this site to try and elevate the debate. Why do we only get the ones with a limited iq such as the idiot above or the very boring FT...

nowadays animals are caged or in the wild ... this one is one the loose and needs to be put away

Leb_first get your head out of your derriere. I think the only one's who believe otherwise about HA and their filth are those like you who are unfortunately conditioned by their clever religious clerics and figures. HA should NEVER be in Syria let alone massacre fellow Arabs in what they claim is in the name of God. They are satanic and all evil - period!

sure sure.. whatever helps you sleep better at night... is that why HA apologized? haha