Feltman May Visit Lebanon to Determine Exact U.S. Position on Government

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

An American administration official may visit Beirut next week in order to hold talks with Lebanese officials to determine the United States’ position on the new cabinet, reported the Central News Agency on Thursday.

The official, likely to be U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffery Feltman, will hold talks with President Michel Suleiman and Prime Minister Najib Miqati and a number of other figures.

The visit comes in light of the new Lebanese government receiving the vote of confidence at parliament on Thursday.

The U.S. official is expected to inquire about Lebanon’s position on international agreements and resolutions, especially the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, given the dispute between the rival March 8 and 14 camps on the cabinet’s stand on these matters.

He will also probably seek Lebanese reassurances and clarifications over certain issues as a condition to resuming U.S. military aid and assistance to the Lebanese army, added the agency.

Meanwhile, it reported that a Lebanese military delegation headed by Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji will visit Washington in September to discuss the military aid and confirm Lebanon’s commitments.

Comments 7
Default-user-icon Giorgi (Guest) 07 July 2011, 19:39

The Lebanese officials should shun this G. Dumbo Bush's leftover failure if they cannot deny him entry into Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 07 July 2011, 21:06

We dont need you nor your position about OUR government Mr Feltman . The " boys " that use to rule the country and use to obey you , are today out and jobless .
Try to pass by Paris and visit Ali Baba at the Plaza Athénée ..

Default-user-icon Nabil (Guest) 07 July 2011, 23:39

The new courageous Lebanese government should not allow any Jewish Zionist enemy spies like Feltman to enter our country. Obama is nothing but a black puppet working for the American Zionists who will destroy America for Israel. Sooner or later, the American people will wake up and destroy this cancer within their country.

Default-user-icon Najib (Guest) 07 July 2011, 23:57

guys guys guys stop being ingrats such your mullah leader nassroullah does the name Dearborn Detorit in USA means something to you and to thousands of Shiaa families living in the states and NOT IRAN just put a sock in it.

Missing startrip 08 July 2011, 05:19

The Iranian/Hezbollah/Assad government is in for a big shock if it deviates from the script laid out by the international community for justice. Lebanon will become like Iran and Syria, an international outlaw with huge implications on the Lebanese economy. You Thought things were bad the last few years with M18 being the only adult and M8 the hostage taking spoiler? Wel, you ain't seen nothin yet.

Default-user-icon Muhsin (Guest) 08 July 2011, 07:41

Startrip, The "international community for Justice" has many more important things to deal with than Lebanon. First, is Israel and its many massacres.

Missing peace 08 July 2011, 17:36

"Lebanon must be saved, because it is right to save Lebanon; a nation which cherishes American principles and human values that we all believe in. To save Lebanon is to lend credence to what President Bush declared in
his speech on September 11, 2002 and I quote:
"We will use our position of unparalleled strength and
influence to build an atmosphere of international order and
openness in which progress and liberty can flourish in many
nations. A peaceful world of growing freedom serves American
long-term interests, reflects enduring American ideals and unites
America's allies."
Madame Chairwoman, the true nature of the Lebanese people
is love of freedom and affection for America; and the true nature of
America is support for those aspiring to freedom."

aoun, 18 /09 / 2003