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Lebanon Awaits International Deals to Export Wastes

The ministerial committee tasked with finding a solution for the over two-week waste management crisis in Beirut and Mount Lebanon has failed so far to find an alternative for the Naameh landfill that reached its maximum capacity and was closed on July 17, pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat reported on Saturday.

The crisis is aggravating and the Lebanese regions refuse to receive wastes from outside their areas. In the absence of solutions, citizens and some municipalities are either burning or throwing the trash in forests threatening an explosion of a major environmental crisis, the daily added.

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Hariri Urges Lebanese to Overcome Disputes, Elect President

Al-Mustaqbal movement leader ex-PM Saad Hariri on Friday hoped the army's sacrifices will push all Lebanese to “overcome their differences and disputes” and seek an end to the political crisis.

“It saddens us that we are marking Army Day this year without a president,” said Hariri in a statement marking the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Lebanese army.

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Arms Seized at House of Kahil's Suspected Killer as Report Says He Fled to Latakia

The army has raided the house of the fugitive Hisham Daou, who is accused of killing Major Rabih Kahil, seizing a large quantity of arms and ammunition, the military said Friday in a statement.

“Eighteen assault rifles, 17 pistols, a quantity of light ammunition and various military equipment were seized in Hisham Daou's house in the Bdadoun area in Aley,” the army said.

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U.S. Says Lebanese Should Stop Collapse of Institutions, Stresses Commitment to Army

U.S. Ambassador David Hale stressed on Friday that it was up to the Lebanese people to stop “tearing down” the state institutions and said his country is committed to keeping its support to the Lebanese army.

“Regional developments have not altered America’s policy toward Lebanon, or any of our commitments to Lebanon; nor do they alter our commitment to regional security,” said Hale following talks with Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the Grand Serail.

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Activists of the 'You Stink' Campaign Released on Bail

Four anti-trash demonstrators, who were held earlier this week over the interception of the car of Social Affairs Minister Rashid Derbas, were released on Friday on a LL200,000 bail each, the state-run National News Agency reported.

Earlier during the day, the driver of Minister Derbas withdrew the lawsuit that he had filed against al-Mallah.

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Qahwaji Says Army Should be Fully Ready to Confront Terror

Army chief Gen. Jean Qahwaji said in his Order of the Day on Friday that troops should be fully ready to confront terrorism and unite amid regional and local crises.

“You continued to confront terrorism relentlessly” and with “courage,” he told soldiers on the occasion of Army Day.

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FPM Source: Extending Terms of Military Officials a 'Political Trash'

A prominent source of the Free Patriotic Movement warned on Thursday against the consequences of extending the terms of the army commander and the chief of staff, describing the move as a “political trash.”

“Extending the terms of the army chief and the chief of staff will escalate tension and those who insist to violate the constitution will be blamed,” the source told As Safir daily.

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Iran Ambassador Says Presidential Election a Local Issue

Iran's Ambassador to Beirut Mohammed Fathali has stressed that it was up to Lebanon's rival leaders to resolve the country's presidential deadlock.

“This is an internal Lebanese issue,” the diplomat told al-Akhbar newspaper in an interview published on Friday.

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Israel Deploys Iron Dome on Lebanon Border after Nuclear Deal

Israel has deployed the Iron Dome defense system to the north on the border with Lebanon, likely amid fears that Hizbullah could get an infusion of cash and weapons from Iran after the nuclear deal.

In an exclusive interview with FoxNews.com, the commander of Israel’s Active Defense Air Wing, Col. Yoni Saada Marom, said that the military drills were not a direct reaction to recent events, but made clear that Hizbullah and other groups close to Israel's borders presented a potentially heightened threat.

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Berri Says Cabinet Red Line, Lebanese Should not Wait for Solution from Abroad

Speaker Nabih Berri has reiterated that the government of Prime Minister Tammam Salam is a red line, urging Lebanon's rival officials not to wait for the Iran nuclear deal to resolve the country's crises.

“Bringing down the cabinet means abolishing the country. This cannot take place,” Berri told his visitors, according to al-Joumhouria daily published on Friday.

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