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Virus Yet to Peak in Americas as 10 Million Case Mark Looms

The World Health Organization said Wednesday it expected coronavirus cases to hit 10 million worldwide in the next week, as it warned the virus was yet to peak in the Americas.

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UK Medical Leaders Urge Virus Response Review, Warn of 2nd Wave

Some of Britain's leading medical experts called Wednesday for a swift review into the government's handling of the coronavirus outbreak to learn lessons before what they said was a "real risk" of a second wave this winter.

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Global Coronavirus Death Toll Surges Past 475,000

The number of deaths caused by the novel coronavirus virus worldwide has surged past 475,000, according to an AFP tally from official sources at 0625 GMT on Wednesday.

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U.S. Facing 'Critical' Coronavirus Surge

Coronavirus infections are surging across large parts of the United States, the top US infectious disease expert has warned, as the death toll in Latin America passed 100,000.

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Fauci: Trump Never Told Officials to Slow COVID-19 Testing

U.S. disease expert Anthony Fauci told Congress Tuesday that Donald Trump never told him or other officials to curb coronavirus testing, essentially contradicting the president who told supporters he had urged such slowdown.

"None of us have ever been told to slow down on testing," Fauci told a House panel on U.S. efforts to mitigate the pandemic, adding that "in fact we will be doing more testing" instead of less.

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Support for Sweden's Coronavirus Response Falls, Poll Says

Confidence in the Swedish authorities' ability to manage the coronavirus pandemic has fallen, a poll published on Tuesday showed, as the death toll has soared amid a highly-publicised light approach.

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Germany Orders First Local Lockdown since Easing, State Premier Says

The entire district of Guetersloh in western Germany will be placed in lockdown after a coronavirus outbreak at a slaughterhouse, North Rhine-Westphalia state premier Armin Laschet said Tuesday. 

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West Bank Coronavirus Cases Double in a Week

Coronavirus cases in the West Bank have more than doubled in a week, the Palestinian Authority said Monday after warning a second wave of infections could be worse than the first.

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WHO Urges Rapid Dexamethasone Production for Coronavirus Patients

The World Health Organization called Monday for a rapid increase in production of the steroid dexamethasone, after British clinical trials found it has life-saving potential for critically-ill coronavirus patients.

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Coronavirus Cases Worldwide Pass 9 Million

More than nine million people have now been infected with the coronavirus worldwide, according to an AFP tally drawing on official sources, as of Monday 1520 GMT.

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