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Virus Already in Italy by December, Waste Water Study Finds

The coronavirus was already present in two large cities in northern Italy in December, over two months before the first case was detected, a national health institute study of waste water has found.

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Iran Reports 87 New Virus Deaths

Iran on Thursday announced 87 new deaths from the novel coronavirus as authorities moved to tighten measures to stop its spread in some of the country's worst-hit provinces.

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Chinese County Restricts Travel as Beijing Races to Contain Virus

Travel restrictions were placed on nearly half a million people near Beijing on Thursday as authorities rush to contain a fresh outbreak of the coronavirus with a mass test-and-trace effort and lockdowns in parts of the Chinese capital.

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Putin Has 'Disinfection Tunnel' to Protect Him from Coronavirus

Visitors meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin at his country residence must first pass through a walk-through device that sprays them with disinfectant, to protect him from the coronavirus, officials said.

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Beijing Cancels Flights, Shuts Schools over New Virus Outbreak

Beijing's airports cancelled more than 1,200 flights and schools in the Chinese capital were closed again on Wednesday as authorities rushed to contain a new coronavirus outbreak linked to a wholesale food market.

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India Coronavirus Toll Sees Record Jump of 2,000 Dead

India's official coronavirus death toll leapt by more than 2,000 to reach 11,903 on Wednesday as Germany advised its nationals to consider leaving the country because of growing health risks.

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New Zealand Military to Control Borders after Virus Bungle

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered the military to oversee the country's border controls Wednesday after a bungle that allowed two people with the coronavirus to leave quarantine.

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New Zealand Reports First New Virus Cases in 25 Days

New Zealand reported its first new cases of coronavirus in almost a month on Tuesday when two recent arrivals from Britain tested positive after being released early from quarantine to visit a dying relative.

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Beijing Expands Lockdowns as Cases Top 100 in New Outbreak

Chinese authorities locked down a third neighborhood in Beijing on Tuesday as they rushed to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus outbreak that has infected more than 100 people in a country that appeared to have largely contained the virus.

The resurgence in China highlighted public health expert calls for vigilance as many nations move forward with easing virus restrictions to revive their economies.

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Relief for Paris Restaurants as Virus Lockdown Ends

Paris cafe and restaurant owners cheered Monday as the government finally allowed them to reopen their dining rooms after losing three months of revenue during the coronavirus lockdown.

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