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Jumblat Rushes to the Defense of Judicial Police

Progressive Socialist Party chief MP Walid Jumblat has accused an adviser to Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq of leading a campaign against Judicial Police.

Jumblat told As Safir daily published on Monday that the advisor, a retired Internal Security Forces Brig. Gen., has been launching an “organized campaign against Judicial Police led by Brig. Gen. Naji al-Masri.”

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Berri Leads ‘Battle against Corruption’

Speaker Nabih Berri has vowed to take action against alleged parties trying to cover up several scandals of corruption that have recently rocked the country.

“All those coming under pressure, whether judges or others, should inform me and leave the rest to me,” Berri said in remarks published in several local dailies on Monday.

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Aoun, Franjieh in 'Friendly Hug' at French Ambassador's Residence

A brief meeting was held between Free Patriotic Movement founder MP Michel Aoun and Marada Movement chief MP Suleiman Franjieh on the sidelines of a dinner banquet that was held in honor of the visiting French president, a media report said on Sunday.

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Egyptian Held at Beirut Airport for Trying to Travel Carrying Pistol

An Egyptian man was arrested Sunday at Beirut's Rafik Hariri International Airport for attempting to board a plane while carrying a pistol and its ammunition, Lebanon's National News Agency reported.

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Bassil, Kanaan Hold Talks with Geagea in Maarab

Free Patriotic Movement chief Jebran Bassil held talks Sunday in Maarab with Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea.

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Arab Parliament Reportedly Labels Hizbullah as 'Terrorist Group'

The Arab League-affiliated Arab Parliament has decided to designate Hizbullah as a “terrorist group,” Arab media reports said on Sunday.

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TV Series 'Car Bomb' Sparks Panic in Aley

A simulated car bombing during the shooting of a TV series in Aley sparked panic on Sunday in the Mount Lebanon region, media reports said.

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Hollande Wraps Up Lebanon Trip with al-Rahi, Qahwaji Talks, Refugee Camp Visit

French President Francois Hollande concluded on Sunday a two-day trip to Lebanon where he met with senior officials and visited a Syrian refugee camp in the eastern Bekaa region.

In the morning, he held separate talks with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi and later Army Commander General Jean Qahwahi.

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Report: Berri Urges Hollande's Help to Demarcate Maritime Border to Avoid War with Israel

Speaker Nabih Berri requested during his meeting with French President Francois Hollande on Saturday France's assistance in demarcating Lebanon's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) in the Mediterranean that borders with Israel, reported the pan-Arab daily al-Hayat on Sunday.

A parliamentary source revealed that “this is a problem that Israel is creating and it may spark a war.”

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Undocumented Syrians in Lebanon Pushed into the Shadows

Many Syrian refugees in Lebanon say their lives have ground to a halt since new measures made it almost impossible for them to obtain or renew their residence permits.

More than half of Syrian refugees in Lebanon do not have valid permits, according to the United Nations, leading to a rising number of newborns going unregistered.

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