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STL President Denies Targeting Lebanese Media in Contempt Cases

Special Tribunal for Lebanon President Judge Ivana Hrdličková told Naharnet in an interview carried out in Beirut that the contempt cases against Al Jadeed TV and Al Akhbar newspaper do not aim to target the media or journalists in Lebanon, saying anyone involved in contempt should be held responsible. She also stressed the impartiality and independence of the Court’s work, saying the STL is not influenced by political interference.

Here is the full text of the interview:

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Salam from Istanbul: Failure to Tackle Refugee File Will Create Instability

Prime Minister Tammam Salam urged on Thursday members of the Organization of Islamic Organization to help Lebanon in shouldering the burden of Syrian refugees.

He said during a speech at the OIC summit in Istanbul: “We have warned that failure to provide the necessary aid to the refugees and the Lebanese community will not only weaken the already exhausted Lebanese economy, but it will create security instability.”

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Military Court Approves Release of Suspect in Rabih Kahil's Murder

The Military Tribunal approved on Thursday a request to release one of the suspects linked to the murder of Major Rabih Kahil.

The permanent military court, headed by Khalil Ibrahim, approved the release of Elie Daou, who is being tried for the murder of Kahil in 2015, said the National News Agency.

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Moqbel Meets UK Defense Secretary, Stresses Need to Bolster Army Capabilities

UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon reaffirmed the his country's commitment to help Lebanon protect itself against terrorism, including the threat from the Islamic State group, announced the British embassy in a statement.

Minister of Defense Samir Moqbel ended a one-day visit to the United Kingdom on Thursday, accompanied by British Ambassador to Lebanon Hugo Shorter.

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Arab Gulf Ambassadors Meet al-Rahi: No Lebanese Have Been Illegally Deported

The ambassadors of the Arab Gulf countries held talks on Thursday with Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi, during which they acknowledged the emergence of differences with Beirut on some issues.

They said from Bkirki: “The Gulf countries have not deported any Lebanese without a legal or constitutional basis.”

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U.S. Embassy Launches Symposium on Countering Violent Extremism Online

U.S. Charge d’Affaires ad interim Ambassador Richard Jones launched on Thursday a three-day symposium on countering violent extremism online, the first of its kind in Lebanon, the U.S. Embassy announced.

The Embassy said in a statement that #HackingExtremism “brings together leaders from the Lebanese government, civil society, the private sector, and academia to assess the threats posed by violent extremism online in Lebanon and develop coordinated, community-driven approaches to promoting an alternate and inclusive vision of hope for a better future.”

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Police Free Domestic Violence Victim in Bekaa

Police said on Thursday that they have freed a Syrian woman who was abused by her father and brother and chained in their house in the eastern Bekaa Valley.

A communique issued by the Internal Security Forces said the 20-year-old woman was freed on Wednesday from her parents' house in Tamnin al-Tahta.

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General Security Arrests Lebanese Extremist

The General Security agency said on Thursday that it has arrested a Lebanese man who has fought alongside a terrorist organization in Syria.

A communique issued by General Security said Aa.H. admitted to investigators that he traveled to Turkey in 2013 and then entered Syria where he joined the ranks of the terrorist group.

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Kaag, Ayrault Discuss Lebanon's Challenges on Eve of Hollande Visit

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag and French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault have discussed the challenges that Lebanon is facing on the eve of a visit by French President Francois Hollande to Beirut, An Nahar daily reported on Thursday.

Kaag and Ayrault called on Lebanese officials following their meeting in Paris on Wednesday to overcome their differences and elect a new president.

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U.N. Concerned over Reported Hizbullah Arms Build-up

U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag has expressed concern over reports that Hizbullah is receiving more weapons.

“What is said about increased build-up of weapons by Hizbullah is a source of concern,” Kaag told pan-Arab daily Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in an interview published on Thursday.

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