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Jisr Slams Nasrallah's 'Ungratefulness' towards Saudi, Says Dialogue to Go On

Al-Mustaqbal bloc MP Samir al-Jisr has lashed out at Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah over the latter's latest tirades against Saudi Arabia, while stressing that the Mustaqbal-Hizbullah dialogue will continue.

“Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah should not have attacked the Wahhabist religious creed or insulted the Saudi leadership,” Jisr said in an interview with al-Liwaa newspaper to be published Monday.

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Al-Rahi from Paris: No Justification for Failure to Elect President

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi condemned on Sunday lawmakers' ongoing failure to elect a new president, warning of the collapse of the Lebanese state.

He said during his Sunday sermon from Our Lady of Lebanon church in the French capital Paris: “There are no justifications for the failure to elect a president.”

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Lebanese in Quake-Struck Nepal Call on Foreign Ministry to Evacuate them

A number of Lebanese nationals in Nepal have pleaded with Lebanese authorities to help them evacuate the country following Saturday's destructive earthquake, reported al-Jadeed television on Sunday.

They urged the Foreign Ministry to carry out the necessary efforts to ensure their safe return to Lebanon.

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Derbas Rejects Attempts to 'Violate his Jurisdiction' Regarding Syrian Refugee File

Minister of Social Affairs Rashid Derbas stressed that his ministry is the main authority concerned with tackling the case of Syrian refugees in Lebanon as sources criticized the manner in which Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil approached his handling of the case, reported the Kuwaiti daily al-Seyassah on Sunday.

Derbas told the daily: “This issue can not be postponed further. The cabinet should seize control of this file and I refuse to have my jurisdictions violated.”

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Report: Efforts Underway to Hold Hariri-Obama Meeting in Washington

Head of the Mustaqbal Movement MP Saad Hariri's ongoing visit to the United States is focusing on safeguarding Lebanon from regional unrest and raising support for its army and security forces, reported the Kuwaiti daily al-Anba on Sunday.

It added that efforts are underway to schedule a meeting between the former premier and U.S. President Barack Obama.

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Al-Rahi in France to Discuss Presidential Stalemate

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi arrived in France on Saturday after a four-day visit to Armenia where he attended the centenary commemoration of the Armenian genocide.

Al-Rahi arrived at the Le Bourget Airport on board a private jet put at his disposal by Deputy Prime Minister Issam Fares.

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Army Clamps Down on Bomb-Making Factory in the Bekaa, Arrests 4 Syrians

The Army intelligence detained several Syrian nationals in the Bekaa region and seized a factory used for manufacturing bombs.

According to a statement issued by the army on Saturday, an army intelligence unit raided a bomb-making factory in the town of al-Marj in the west Bekaa, detaining four Syrian nationals.

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Report: Israel Targets Hizbullah Arms Depot in Qalamoun

Controversial reports surfaced on Saturday over an alleged Israeli airstrike on Hizbullah and Syrian military posts in the strategic Qalamoun region.

Al-Arabiya's Al-Hadath TV channel reported on Saturday that Israel targeted overnight a missile depot in the region.

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Saniora Says Aoun Has No Chances of Reaching Baabda

Al-Mustaqal Movement parliamentary bloc leader MP Fouad Saniora stressed on Saturday that Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun has no chances of reaching the presidential palace in Baabda.

“The hijacked presidency is ruining the country's reputation,” Saniora's visitors quoted him as saying in comments published in As Safir newspaper.

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Report: Hizbullah Establishes Runway in the Bekaa to Operate Drones

Hizbullah has allegedly constructed a runway that consists of a single unpaved strip with a length of 670 meter and width of 20 meter in the Bekaa town of Hermel to operate its drones.

IHS Jane's Defense Weekly said in a report that the area is remote and unpopulated.

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