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Presidential Elections Postponed to May 13

The presidential elections were postponed once again after parliament failed for the 22nd time to meet the required quorum to hold the polls.

Speaker Nabih Berri postponed the elections to May 13.

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Bassil Warns of Plan to Keep Syrian Refugees Permanently in Lebanon

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil remarked on Wednesday that the case of Syrian refugees is the greatest crisis modern Lebanon is facing.

He said during a conference on education held at Phoenicia Hotel: “There is a real plan to keep displaced Syrians in Lebanon, which we should confront, as they should not be turned into permanent refugees.”

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Al-Rahi from Armenia: Lebanese United despite Political Rift

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi stressed on Wednesday that the Lebanese rivals are united concerning the necessity to safeguard the country's coexistence and diversity, considering that the Christian martyrs increased the power of the Church and helped in spreading the religion.

“Lebanon is passing through a delicate situation... and despite the rift, the Lebanese are united regarding the importance of protecting coexistence, diversity and the country's openness,” al-Rahi said from Armenia, where he traveled to attend the centenary commemoration of the Armenian genocide.

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New Traffic Law Takes Effect as Basbous Says it Aims to 'End Road Tragedies'

A new traffic law has taken effect on Wednesday despite concerns among the people over the high fines against violations.

Internal Security Forces chief Ibrahim Basbous sought to appease fears by stressing that the law is aimed “ending the tragedies on the road and ensuring the safety of the people,” reported the daily An Nahar on Wednesday.

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Berri Threatens to Dissolve Parliament over Upcoming Session Dilemma

Speaker Nabih Berri warned on Wednesday of dissolving the parliament if lawmakers abstained from attending any session that he calls for without having a valid excuse.

Berri lashed out at Kataeb and Free Patriotic Movement MPs, stressing that if “a key component didn't attend the sessions, then he will postpone them.”

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Report: Change and Reform Ministers Will Not Resign over Security Appointments Dispute

The ministers of the Change and Reform bloc will not resign from cabinet over the dispute on the security appointments, reported As Safir newspaper on Wednesday.

Sources from Rabieh explained that bloc chief MP Michel Aoun is not willing to “relinquish the positions in cabinet in favor for others.”

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Change and Reform: We Reject Govt. Mentality of 'Vacuum or Accepting Extension of Terms'

The Change and Reform bloc condemned on Tuesday the appointment of “unqualified” individuals at positions at various state institutions, stressing the need to adhere to the constitution.

MP Ibrahim Kanaan stated after the bloc's weekly meeting: “We reject the government's approach of either facing vacuum or accepting the extension of terms of officials or authorities, such as parliament.”

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Cabinet Transfers Funds to HRC to Help Stranded Drivers Return to Lebanon

The government approved on Tuesday to transfer one million dollars to the Higher Relief Council to bring back home Lebanese truck drivers stranded in Saudi Arabia since March.

Acting Information Minister Sejaan Qazzi made the announcement following a cabinet session chaired by Prime Minister Tammam Salam at the Grand Serail.

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Salam Says No to Unilateral Governance, Urges Speedy Election of President

Prime Minister Tammam Salam warned Lebanon's bickering political parties on Tuesday that they would fail in governing the country without consensus, urging them to elect a new president without further delay.

“Lebanon is the only thing we've got. Putting it in danger is an unforgivable crime” such as the crime of the presidential vacuum, Salam said at the Lebanese Education Conference that was held at the Phoenicia hotel in Beirut.

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Al-Rahi Travels to Armenia for Genocide Centennial

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi traveled to Armenia on Tuesday to attend the centenary commemoration of the Armenian genocide.

Free Patriotic Movement chief MP Michel Aoun telephoned al-Rahi to wish him luck in his trip, the state-run National News Agency reported.

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