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France Delivers Arms to Bolster Lebanon's Defensive Capabilities

Lebanon received on Monday the first shipment of $3 billion worth of French arms under a Saudi-financed deal to boost the country's defensive capabilities to combat terror threats, along its northeastern border in particular.

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who arrived in Lebanon on Sunday night and was welcomed by his Lebanese counterpart Samir Moqbel at Beirut Rafik Hariri International Airport, reaffirmed in a brief speech the importance of preserving stability of Lebanon, pointing out that the army is paying the price of pressure enforced by terror groups

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Mazloum Warns of Wider Gap between Rivals, Collapse of Cabinet

Maronite bishop Samir Mazloum expressed regret on Monday over the verbal spat between political arch-foes over the situation in Yemen, hoping that dialogue would defuse tension and preserve the cabinet.

“As long as there is a will to continue talks, then there is hope that we could reach progress,” Mazloum said in comments published in the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Seyassah.

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Roumieh Inmates Stage Riot Overnight as Mashnouq Vows Situation under Control

A limited riot was staged by inmates in Roumieh's block D overnight on Monday as Interior Minister Nouhad al-Mashnouq vowed that the situation will not return to the way it used to be.

Sunday's riot comes two days after a similar incident in the same facility on Friday that was led by the Islamist inmates.

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Report: Prominent Nusra Front Member in Lebanon to Lead New Wave of Attacks

Lebanon is expected to witness a new wave of security attacks by jihadist groups, warned sources to al-Akhbar newspaper on Monday.

They said that a prominent member of the al-Qaida-affiliated al-Nusra Front had recently arrived in the country to lead these attacks.

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Aoun to Meet Nasrallah as Extension Put on Front Burner

A meeting is expected to be held soon between Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun and Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Monday.

The two allies are expected to focus in their talks on the controversial extension of top security officers' terms, which is completely rejected by the FPM.

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Berri Voices Support to Extension of Top Security Officers

Speaker Nabih Berri stressed on Monday that he favors the appointment of new figures in high-ranking military posts if consensus was reached among the political arch-foes, local newspapers reported.

“If we failed to reach an agreement then I favor the extension of the terms of Internal Security Forces chief (Maj. Gen. Ibrahim Basbous) and Army Commander (General Jean Qahwaji),” Berri told his visitors.

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Qaouq: Saudi Money Can Buy Nations and Presidents but Not Hizbullah Silence

Hizbullah lashed out anew at Saudi Arabia on Sunday over its Arab-backed airstrikes against Yemen's Huthi rebels.

“Those who are waging an aggression against Yemen today have also mistaken their calculations and approach towards Hizbullah,” said Sheikh Nabil Qaouq, the deputy head of Hizbullah's Executive Council.

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Bassil Says Loyalty to Foreign Countries to Drag Lebanon into Conflict

Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil warned on Sunday Lebanese parties from allegiance on foreign powers, considering that it would only destroy the country.

“Any stakes on the outside will not find its way locally... and any party seeking to engage in such an adventure will only attract chaos into Lebanon,” Bassil said as he toured villages in the northern district of Akkar.

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Geagea Slams Parties Paralyzing State, Destabilizing Arab Countries

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea lashed out at parties that consider Lebanon part of a broader empire thus prolonging the presidential vacuum because it serves its strategic goals.

“The sides are not only paralyzing the Lebanese Republic, but also destabilizing the Arab and regional security by creating armed groups,” Geagea said.

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Al-Rahi Reiterates Calls on MPs to End Prolonged Presidential Vacuum

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi reiterated calls on Sunday on lawmakers to attend parliament sessions and elect a new head of state.

“The people are suffering on all levels” due to the ongoing vacuum at the Baabda Palace, al-Rahi said during his Sunday sermon at Bkirki.

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