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Change MPs say Geagea part of system, 'another face of Hezbollah'

Change MPs Halima Kaakour and Ibrahim Mneimneh accused Tuesday Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea of being part of the sectarian and traditional system, after he attacked them in a press interview.

Geagea had said that Kaakour and Mneimneh are "on another planet" as he accused them of living in the past by refusing to coordinate with the opposition.

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US sanctions Syrian and Hezbollah suspects over Captagon trade

The U.S. Treasury in coordination with the UK on Tuesday slapped Captagon-related sanctions on Syrian and Lebanese nationals suspected of ties to Damascus and Hezbollah.

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'Sanctities disrespected' in joint committees session

Kataeb party leader Sami Gemayel asked Parliament Speaker to act after "sanctities were disrespected" in a joint committees session on Tuesday.

"What happened could have pushed the country to a dangerous place," Gemayel said, as he vaguely accused Amal MP Ali Hassan Khalil, without naming him, of losing his temper during the session.

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Committees session marred by Zoaiter-Khalaf and Khalil-Gemayel clashes

A Joint Parliamentary Committees session witnessed verbal clashes between lawmakers on Tuesday.

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Bou Saab says Bassil, others incited sectarianism over clock change

Deputy Speaker Elias Bou Saab criticized his bloc's chief Jebran Bassil for his reaction to the caretaker Prime Minister's decision to delay shifting to summer time.

"Bassil made a mistake when he used certain words," Bou Saab told Asharq al-Awsat newspaper in remarks published Tuesday.

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Judge Aoun summoned for questioning after Mikati lawsuit

Attorney General Judge Imad Qabalan has summoned Mount Lebanon Prosecutor Judge Ghada Aoun to an interrogation session on Thursday, media reports said on Monday.

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Ogero employees protest, block roads over pay

Employees of state-run telecom company Ogero organized Monday a sit-in in front of Ogero's headquarters in Bir Hassan, to demand better pay.

Ogero's employees had started an open-strike on Friday, after their demands were ignored. They blocked roads near their company's headquarters and said they want their salaries to be dollarized.

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Grillo urges dialogue as Bukhari says Lebanese can overcome crisis

French Ambassador to Lebanon Anne Grillo on Monday held talks with caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati at the Grand Serail.

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PSP hails Berri and Mikati, says Jumblat mediation resolved clock row

The Progressive Socialist Party on Monday lauded Speaker Nabih Berri and caretaker PM Najib Mikati for “positively responding” to a mediation by PSP chief Walid Jumblat regarding the row over daylight saving time in the country.

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Macron and Bin Salman vow to 'work together' for Lebanon

French President Emmanuel Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman have discussed strengthening their countries’ cooperation in the defense and energy fields, reiterating their determination to “work together” for helping Lebanon.

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