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Qassem Stresses Lebanon's Need for 'Resistance' in Talks with U.N. Official

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem on Tuesday held talks with outgoing U.N. Special Coordinator for Lebanon Jan Kubis.

Kubis paid the farewell visit to Hizbullah on the occasion of the end of his mission in Lebanon. According to a Hizbullah statement, the meeting was held in the presence of the party’s Arab and international relations officer Ammar al-Moussawi.

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Lebanon Rocked by 2nd Day of Anti-Lockdown Protests

Demonstrators blocked several roads across Lebanon on Tuesday in protest at the dire economic situations amid a lengthy anti-coronavirus lockdown.

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Aoun, Shea Discuss US-Lebanon Ties under Biden

President Michel Aoun discussed with the US Ambassador the future relations between Lebanon and the United States after President Joe Biden assumed office succeeding Donald Trump, the National News Agency reported on Tuesday.

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Abiad Announces UNHCR Donation for RHUH, Urges Hospitals to Increase Bed Capacity

Firas Abiad, director general of the state-run Rafik Hariri University Hospital, said on Tuesday that the hospital received a donation from the UNHCR Lebanon enabling it to receive more coronavirus patients

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Hariri Voices ‘Solidarity’ with Saudi Arabia

Prime Minister-designate Saad Hariri condemned on Tuesday the constant attacks by Yemeni Huthi rebels at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

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Lebanon to Launch Registration Platform to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

Lebanon will launch a registration platform on Tuesday to help people get COVID-19 vaccines starting with priority registration for healthcare workers, amid a continued surge in virus cases.

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Tear Gas in Tripoli as Roads Blocked in Sidon, Beirut

Riot police fired tear gas at stone-throwing demonstrators protesting the lockdown measures in Tripoli, as other protests were organized in Beirut and Sidon.

In Tripoli, security forces used tear gas after protesters “heavily pelted Tripoli’s serail with stones and damaged several cars parked in its yard,” the National News Agency said.

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Foreign Ministry Condemns Attempted Missile Attack on Riyadh

Lebanon’s Foreign Ministry on Monday deplored that attempted missile attack that targeted the Saudi capital Riyadh on Saturday.

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Aoun Stresses Commitment to U.N. Resolutions, Especially 1701

President Michel Aoun on Monday emphasized Lebanon’s keenness on “cooperating with the U.N. in all fields” and on “adhering to U.N. conventions and resolutions, especially Resolution 1701.”

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Salameh: News of Money Transfers are Exaggerated

Governor of the Central Bank of Lebanon Riad Salameh said in a statement on Monday that the news and figures circulating on social media about transfers from the bank are "exaggerated" and only seek to tamper with the image of BDL and its governor.

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