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UK Donates 100 Armored Vehicles to Lebanese Army

A ship will on Monday set sail from the south coast of the UK bound for Lebanon with 100 armored patrol vehicles (Land Rover RWMIK) donated by the British Government to the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF), the British embassy said.

These vehicles, worth £1.5 million, will "further reinforce the stability on the Lebanese border with Syria and help the LAF to counter efforts by terrorists and smugglers to cross into the country," the embassy said in a statement.

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Lebanon Records Its Highest Virus Death Toll

Lebanon on Monday reported 53 new coronavirus deaths, a new record high daily death toll for the small country.

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Akar Urges End to Israeli Violations in Talks with UNIFIL Chief

Caretaker Deputy PM and Defense Minister Zeina Akar on Monday held talks in Yarze with UNIFIL chief Maj. Gen. Stefano Del Col.

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Geagea Renews Call for Early Polls to Overcome 'Catastrophe'

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Monday reiterated his call for early parliamentary elections in the face of the country’s multiple and compounded crises.

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Berri: Lebanon Enduring an Undeclared Blockade

Speaker Nabih Berri on Monday said Lebanon is enduring an “undeclared blockade” as a result of its commitment to its principles, stressing that the country will never relinquish its oil and gas rights.

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Report: France Urges Saudi Arabia to Prevent Lebanon’s Collapse

A phone call between French President Emmanuel Macron and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman broke the political stalemate in the problematic Lebanese file, Nidaa al-Watan newspaper reported on Monday.

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Report: Tripartite Baabda Meeting Fails to Convene on Demarcation 'Decree'

Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab asked for a “tripartite” meeting between the heads of the State at Baabda Palace, to decide on a Republican Decree defining the exclusive maritime area of 2,290 square kilometers for Lebanon, which Israel contests, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Monday.

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Lebanon Records 3,654 New Virus Cases and 40 Deaths

Lebanon recorded 3,654 new coronavirus cases over the past 24 hours, the Health Ministry said on Sunday, a drop from 5,872 cases registered on Saturday.

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U.S. Bomber Overflies Mideast for 2nd Time This Year

U.S. Air Force B-52H "Stratofortress" aircrews “successfully completed a presence patrol” in the Middle East on Sunday, marking the second such mission of 2021, the U.S. Central Command said.

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Army Patrol Attacked in Eastern Border Region

An army patrol on Sunday seized a pickup truck used in fuel smuggling in the eastern border area of al-Mansoura after coming under an attack.

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