المرصد السوري: 50 قتيلا في ثلاثة أيام من المعارك بين جهاديين ومسلحين معارضين في حلب

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قتل حوالى 50 مقاتلا خلال ثلاثة ايام من المعارك هذا الاسبوع بين جهاديين وعناصر من الجيش السوري الحر المعارض في حلب (شمال) ما يلقي الضوء مرة اخرى على الخلافات بين هاتين المجموعتين اللتين تقاتلان نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان، أن المعارك جرت بين الخميس والسبت بين مسلحي الدولة الاسلامية في العراق والشام التابعة للقاعدة وتضم بغالبيتها جهاديين اجانب، وكتيبة تابعة للجيش السوري الحر المدعوم من دول عربية وغربية.

التعليقات 11
Thumb haile.selassie. 22:58 ,2013 تشرين الأول 12

it was written to happen and it will happen on a higher scale in the coming months and at the end of the day the government forces will prevail

Thumb benzona 23:31 ,2013 تشرين الأول 12

The jihadists are contracted by Bachar, the same jihadists he use to send to destabilize iraq not too long ago.

The Free World must help the Free Syrians and their legitimate rebellion.

God bless the FSA and their international sponsors.

Thumb benzona 00:28 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

The disturbing truth....

What did you buy for tomorrow? The gathering is at the french embassy at noon. You know, we're commemorating the 23rd anniversary of cowardness and Treason of Michel Aoun. The day he decided to save his miserable skin instead of honouring and standing by his men. Many died because they believed in his BS. I'm not even going to mention the Lebanese who lost their lives as a result of his bombing of beirut.

I'm thinking of writing to president Suleiman to ask him to decorate him with the order of the cedar.....


Missing VINCENT 00:37 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

I don't think the rest of the world really cares. If they did, they would have intervened two years ago.

Thumb haile.selassie. 00:13 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

do you have any proof that Bashar was sending those Jihadists to Iraq? or you just repeat the fraudulent leaks? Just if you have a little bit of Logic you would know that after the invasion of Iraq, Iraq was witnessing and still witnesses two spheres of Influence who want to take over Iraq by the force of Militias. Iran and the GCC. Iran backing the SADR Militia and affiliates and Saudi Backing those Jihadists. and that is why the Jihadists are in Syria now as an extension of their intentions in Iraq and Hizbullah as an extension of Iran's plan because each side has a Plan which attaches the zones from the Gulf sea to the Mediterranean. walla bess shater te7ki Benzona

Thumb benzona 00:32 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

You're so sick. Syria's baathist regime dropped Iraq's bath with Assad senior. He betrayed him because Iraq helped aoun against Syria in 89~90 ya zakzak. Bachar sent hundreds If not thousands of kamikaze and jihadists to finish off his revenge. You really aren't that clever after all, unless its purely hypocrisy.

Thumb haile.selassie. 04:15 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

so you think that because of Aoun and our little country Assad backed the fall of Saddam?? hahaha go read Patrick Seale The struggle for the middle east you little boy how old are u 16? Assad has been in conflict with the Iraqi Baath because of the difference in Ideology in what concerns Allies between the two Baath from the war on Iran to the war on the Kurds to the war on Kuwait, and many other reasons which had to do with the personality of Saddam Houssein which conflicts with the Assad personality. Just to give you an example, why didnt Assad become an enemy of Ghaddafi ? did you know that Libya Ghaddafi was also supporting the Lebanese Army while Aoun was General? i suggest you start cultivating your brain little boy.

Default-user-icon ommak (ضيف) 04:18 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

Excellent news. Let them exterminate each others. Allah, Souriya, Bachar ou bass.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 04:19 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

I thought they were all jihadists? Why are they killing each other?

Default-user-icon Neal (ضيف) 06:33 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

Long live the Syrian civil war , it may go on for another 20 years . from a lebanese mouth i say what goes around comes around , the more distruction and death in Syria the better

Missing -karim_m1-- 10:49 ,2013 تشرين الأول 13

FSA-Al Qaeda fighting FSA-Al Qaeda? Quick, someone grab the popcorn!