الموسوي: لا حكومة خارج صيغة 9-9-6 ولا وفاق وطنيا في غياب التوافق على المقاومة
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أعلن حزب الله ان حكومة الأمر الواقع "غير شرعية وغير دستورية" ولو بعد اغتيال الوزير السابق محمد شطح، مشددا على أن لا معنى للوفاق الوطني "في غياب التوافق على المقاومة".
وقال عضو كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب نواف الموسوي خلال حفل تأبين حسين موسى بركات في بلدة الغازية "المقاومة لا تنتظر صكا من احد، اما الذين يريدون الحديث عن الشرعية الميثاقية، فإن لا ميثاقية بدون المقاومة لانها جزء من صميم الوطن، ولا وفاق وطنيا ممكنا في غياب التوافق على المقاومة".
اضاف: "بالأمس وقعت جريمة في لبنان وكان ينبغي أن تكون هذه الجريمة حافزا لحث القوى السياسية اللبنانية جميعا على التكاتف في مواجهة الخطر الذي يتهدد اللبنانيين، فإذا بنا نرى كالعادة من يحاول الاستثمار في الدماء التي جرت من اجل تحويل موازين القوى لصالحه".
ولفت إلى أن "ثمة من اراد انتهاز فرصة الجريمة لكي يهول ولكي يحصل بالتهويل على ما لم يستطع الحصول عليه من قبل، ألا وهو حكومة من لون واحد وتموه بعنوان حكومة غير سياسية أو حكومة غير حزبيين أو حكومة حيادية".
عليه اعتبر ان "من يريد التهويل برفع حدة الخطاب السياسي من اجل الضغط على الرئيس المكلف وعلى رئيس الجمهورية لفرض حكومة امر واقع، عليه ان يعلم ان شيئا لم يتغير، فلا زالت حكومة الامر الواقع او الحكومة غير المتوافق عليها هي حكومة غير دستورية وغير شرعية".
كذلك دعا إلى حكومة "تقوم على التمثيل العادل للمكونات السياسية جميعا، بحيث يجري التوافق على الوزراء فيها وفق الصيغة التي هي الحد الادنى، اي صيغة 9-9-6، وتكون هذه الحكومة مدخلا لإحياء المجلس النيابي الذي يذهب للوصول الى القيام بواجبه في انتخاب رئيس جديد للبنان".
وكان قد اغتيل شطح بعبوة ناسفة وضعت في سيارة على جانب الطريق في وسط بيروت ظهر الجمعة الفائت ما أدى إلى مقتله مع سبعة آخرين. ودعا رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة الأحد في تشييع شطح إلى تحرير لبنان من "احتلال السلاح غير الشرعي".
كذلك دعت بعض الأصوات في قوى 14 آذار إلى حكومة من أقطابها ومستقلين وإلى تسلم الوزارات الأمنية فيها. إلا أن السنيورة شدد في كلام مغاير على الحكومة الحيادية.

national concensus a la hizbushaitan:
we bomb you and you have to shut up :)
A de facto cabinet is illegitimate and unconstitutional:
Go read the constitution , you illiterate liar, and tell us on which page it says what you say :)
what resistance are you talking about? it has been over since ......

hezbollah did not bomb chatah nor any of the previous one. it's obvious whoever did this wants that reaction from people like you geha.
and i'm sure you'd see it, if only you weren't so blinded by sectarian hatred. deep down you're just glad to have that pretext. actually i didnt see much sadness in your posts of the last days, it's all big smileys and joyful tone. you sound like "finally got an excuse to shout out hatred! yay!
as for m14 perception of democracy, it's empty accusations, finger pointing, and exclusion of the others, while taking direct orders fromt he most backwards dictatorial kingdom in the world.

how cheap can you go mowaten?
will you surpass ft, mystic and southern?
there is not an insult they have not issued these 2 days.
nevertheless, we will keep shouting: out Iranians.

There is no national consensus and m14 do not deserve any support if they succumb to the blackmail of HA. The only legitimate armed formations are those belonging to the state and empowered by the Lebanese contitution to perform their duties. All others and on top of them HA are illegitimate militias. People must choose between building a real and advanced state or live in a zoo.

keep shouting geha, who cares?
you call others cheap but i think you dont see the log in your eye :)

there was never any evidence that al capone killed so many people, but it was a FACT... like hezbollah ya mooowaten...

Mowaten you re a mornon. Geha is a Christian if you ve ever read anything in his previous posts. Didn't realize the Christians had issues with the Shia?
You ve simply equivocated his distaste for your militia as sectarianism. Your militia isn't a sect, just a piece of dog turd run by the biggest turbaned turd of them all.

m11er: they have hundreds of thousands of pages of reports, yes, hundreds of hours of testimonies etc yes. but the STL itself admits they have no solid evidence. it's all based on circumstantial evidence, mainly the telecoms which we all know were under full israeli control for several years after the assassination (google charbel qazzi)

canadianam: i dont know what your mother thought you, but she obviously failed in making a decent person out of you.

Can someone please tell this outlaw we don't want him and his sectarian Shia resistance!

Well i'm sure that young billal hamza just died in his cell after comitting suicide like the british doctor 2 weeks ago...
Nice post sagh, bravo, plus one for u...

before I answer your question, allow me to introduce myself.
I am a Lebanese American living in Southern California but I visit regularly Lebanon and I happen to be in Beirut right now. I have sadly witnessed the first bombing . I have watched on TV all previous ones. Let me tell you it was horrible much worse than a bad nightmare.

part 2
I was particularly touched by Mmr. Shatah's death, a brilliant and intellectual man devoteing his life to Lebanon. I was particularly moved and touched by Mr. Chaar's death, a bright and colorful young man whose life was abruptly taken away. I cried just thinking that this young man represents the new blood the future of the country and yet he fell victim of a non sense violence gripping our nation. we are decimating our future by killing our young men and women who will be running our country.

part 3
Now answering your question I do not support animals who eat their victim's organs. As a matter of fact I do not support war and destruction. I don't know your age but I am old enough and lucky enough to have lived in Beirut when my city and my country was the jewel and the envy of the world. I recall the days when people were rushing to Lebanon as Beirut was even better than Paris, London and New York. Where is Beirut now? a desolate and sad place symbolizing death, destruction and viciousness. It is so sad.
I support and have no affiliation with any political group in Lebanon.
I support a peaceful, harmonious and prosperous Lebanon. I hope I can see that before I die
I hope I have answered your question.
Let me know

I have also replied to the email you mentioned above. the email was returned as unable to deliver
are you for real?

Thanks and I hope you had a good Christmas and Happy New Year
I am not sure why you only blame M14 for suicide bombings and other nasty acts. Although I am not an M14er, but blaming them alone is wrong. All Lebanese groups and all Lebanese politicians share the blame

There is no resistance any longer. There is just an Iranian armed militia. The days that you were respected and revered are long gone. Today you are nothing more than an extension of what is wrong in the region.

Resistance doesnot mean a sectarian party lead by a sayed or cheikh, getting its ideology from the revolutionary gards of the islamic republic of iran... Resistance are like the communists assassinated by hezbollah, fighter from multiple religions and coming from across lebanon to defend their country.. Definetly not ur... And please use the term hezbollah or islamic resistance so it cannot be mixed with the national partiotic resistance front launched by georges hawi (entre autre) and wich is a pride to our country...
Minus one moussawi, minus one...

What resistance? If indeed they are resistance they ought to be on the Israeli border and trying to take back shebaa farms and ghajar.
They have no business intervening in the Syrian quagmire which resulted in exposing Lebanese to suicide bombers namely the dahye bombing and that of shatah

First southern the mufti was not nearly assassinated, don't exaggerate and dramatize especially when the people you support are accused of the ACTUAL assassination of Hariri and the many martyrs after. Second 9,9,6 is not the only way, the constitution is THE ONLY WAY, and that means the president and pm designate select the ministers and sends this list to the parliament to approve or reject, that my friend is the ONLY WAY as articulated in the constitution that you, me and Mr Mousawi falls under.

His internal resistance is causing his brain to overheat. That resistance.

poor hezbis.... in other words if you want to make a state you will have to comply to our arms...
there is NO STATE without ONE army! not militias going around above the laws of the state... TFEH!

Mr. Moussawi, you need to design a new brand identity for your party. Resistance shmesistance doesn't play it anymore. Label yourself with nice peaceful colors like the others do.
Try Leo Burnett, they can do a nice ad for you.

Fock u moss-awi, come sock on my hairy cojones. ur era of terrorismo is over!

Izrael can fly over any part of lebanon with confidence because of hizbollah

Very Good Moussawi, you have finally broken the code! Yes, there is no national consensus about your Resistance. No one knows what it is resisting anymore. Mainly Hezbollah seems to be resisting the Lebanese, their Government, constitution, laws, and people as it pursues a unilateral foreign, defense and security policy in Lebanon in violation of the Baabda Declaration, the constitution, laws and the security of the people of Lebanon.
Yes, Mr. Moussawi, we do not have a consensus on your "Resistance" and so it will not be a part of the Policy Statement of the New Government!
May be it is time Naharnet disable commenting on their stories . . . Comments are not serving a debate, but rather additional hatred! Just saying

Southern, I dont mind 9 9 6. But you are wrong. Lebanon's first danger is Assad and his gang. second the takfiris. third the zionists.

zionists want to take our land and water, and expell us = no more Lebanon
takfiris want to slaughter everyone who is not like them, including sunnis, shias, christians and the rest = no more Lebanese
i fail to see how assad can be worse that any of those, especially post-2005, when he left the country without a single bullet fired.

So assad is not a threat? Kamal jumblat, rennee moawad... Not so long ago chateh.. Smaha/mamlouk.. Chaker el abssi...
U know: protect me from my friends, my enemies i know them...
But good one southern, plus one for u...

@Moussawi : we all agree that there is no place for an islamic resistance in Lebanon. And you will have to kill us all before we let you take over the country.
Just try :)

@Moussawi: There Can Be No National Consensus without Agreeing on Resistance
Translation : There will be no government, no parliament, no LEBANON without Hezbollah's weapons ! This is the preparation for a COUP which is in the final stages.

As I said on a different article. If there is ever a time to force HA's hand, it is now. The army is approaching its strongest, public opinion is way down for HA now that they are exposed for what they truly are and they are fighting a war in another country they cannot win. now is the time to form a neutral government and tell them to take their threats and shove them!

its not up to us to decide whether the constitution is good or bad and what's worse is to ignore it and behave as if it doesn't exist. If M8 don't like the constitution then let them through the parliament ask for amendments, your argument is very dangerous because your basically advocating anarchy by saying that the constitution is bad hence anyone can do whatever they want. Its like a criminal refusing to follow the laws of the country because he doesn't agree with them, it doesn't work that way. Until the constitution is changed, the only person allowed to decide the ministers is the president and pm designate, full stop.

Is he in his right mind. His party hijacked Lebanon and he is talking about consensus and the constitution. They are threatening everyone with their arms which is not anymore directed at the enemy (Israel) anymore. They simply are destroying Lebanon literally. And yet he still talks about the sharing of power. These people should be hospitalized mentally to come back to their senses. I support no party. I am a neutral Lebanon who only wants what's best for my country. And this could only be achieved when all arms are in the hands of the army ONLY.

We should refrain from siding with parties or religious sects. Our loyalty should be to Lebanon and what good for it. Anyone, even an agnostic, who is doing what's right for Lebanon is the one that we should advocate and vote for.

so u don't agree to strengthen the army with 3 billion 1 dollar coins?
shame.......once a M8 always a M8 - never thinking of Lebanon, only thinking of resistance..lol

It would depend on the definition of real "resistance". The Watan, she defines what resistance is. Not Iran, Saudi Arabia. Give up your allegiances to these foreign countries, and lets talk.

This mousawi is not lebanese by any means. Just a takfiri iranian creature. He should be ( &alikes) in prison instead. An ordinary criminal.